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The news of a "new" Qiblah of prayer by Maliki is a LIE.

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Nov 28, 2012
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After seeing the mass retardation of many members, I decided to make a dedicated thread explaining what "Qiblah" means in Arabic. Because many members and non-members have taken advantage of the people's ignorance to mislead other people into believing that there was a change in direction of prayer.

Here was my reply.

in the name of allah the beneficent the merciful.

Imam Jafar Ibn Mousa said "we praise Allah who has made our enemies fools".

Just as I believe that stupidity cannot go any further, I'm am yet to be amazed by new levels of stupity by the anti-Shia nawasib. Now, I must give myself time for a face palm.

All this outrage, just because some retards cannot figure out the meaning of the word "qibla".

So allow me to educate you all and explain what Qibla means. Qiblah basically means a place or thing of approach.

For example, it is possible to say that Hawaii is the Qibla of tourists.

Imam Ali also said "Their religion is their dinars (currency) and their women are their Qiblah".

So when one states that Karbala, or Medina are a Qiblah, it has nothing to do with the direction of prayer. We could also say that the Masjid al Nabawi is a Qiblah, or a place of approach, but that does not mean we pray towards it.

Karbala in in fact already a qibla and has always been. When Shias visit the tomb of the prophets grandson and remember the atrocities that befell on him and his family, we are not visiting a tomb, we are reviving an eternal revolution against tyranny and injustice.

Karbala is the Qibla of the free.

كربلاء قبلة الاحرار.
Some people like fitna.....So he regards karbla in regards to 10th of Moharram. I think Saudi in love of Yazeed didn t like and made a havoc out of it......tsk tsk.....wonder why saudi regime systematically destroying all the land marks of Holy Prophe PBUM and his progeny ....
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After seeing the mass retardation of many members, I decided to make a decimated thread explaining what "Qiblah" means in Arabic. Because many members and non-members have taken advantage of the people's ignorance to mislead other people.

Here was my reply.
They don't want to understand they don't have brains why wasting time on them they think the earth is flat:lol:
That is your own definition, AL-Maliki words were crystal clear so don't try to cover the sun with a finger because you can't.

Its not something new for us that the Shitts always twist anything just to suite what they want. Heck even the Quran got spare no from your twisting.

Isn't the idea of qibla a form of idolatory? ?.
God, please make it happen so mecca will solely belong to us

Indeed, Muslim countries should put some pressure to expel Shia from getting into Makkah and Medina. It is clearly stated in the Quran that polytheistic must not be allowed to enter the holy sites. I don't know what is in the head of KSA authority.
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Indeed, Muslim countries should put some pressure to expel Shia from getting into Makkah and Medina. It is clearly stated in the Quran that polytheistic must not be allowed to enter the holy sites. I don't know what is in the head of KSA authority.

Saudi Arabia itself should take the lead.
As of now, Saudi Arabia allows qadyani from india, and shia from every where to enter Mecca.

I have heard news of many non muslims working in Saudi also going into the Haram sanctuary.
Saudi Arabia itself should take the lead.
As of now, Saudi Arabia allows qadyani from india, and shia from every where to enter Mecca.

I have heard news of many non muslims working in Saudi also going into the Haram sanctuary.

That only encourages Shia to join the extremism like the guy in the vid, not a good decision if you’d ask me
Isn't the idea of qibla a form of idolatory? ?.

Kinda controversial issue. Kabba was the main shrine for all Arab Pagans. There were too many idols inside it. Prophet demolished all idols and rebuilt the kabba (Which was first built by Abraham) as a direction to pray to God.
Nonsense. Don't twist the words he said. You Shias are famous for your nonsense. This is just one of them.

You can only fool the gullible here. The Arabic speakers know what is going on and what context it was said in. Could not be more clear.

Major news channels would not have picked up the news either.
Don't ban the Shias from Mecca.

If you do, they'll all start coming over to Jerusalem as their second choice.

We don't want all that swinging of chains with knives here.
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