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The mythical Aryan invasion

Learn to comprehend. Your argument made was illogical in the light of race being proven non-existent.

Wrong, like I said that is a topic for another thread. Besides you are nitpicking on the word race when my op was talking about why there is a difference in meaning of the word Aryan and that it wasn't an invasion but there was definitively a migration. THAT was my point, you just wanted to jump on my use of the word race when idgaf about that anyway as it can easily be replaced with ethnicity and my point would remain the same.
Post reported for the racist slur, and flaming.
If you guys can not back up what you've said with data then it's invalid. I've already posted links to studies which have proven AIT to be a myth.

If you did not realise I'm the OP of this thread.

There's nothing Hindu about the OP, facts and evidences have been provided to prove AIT theory wrong.

Huh? Where did I use a racist slur?

And yes AIT has been indeed debunked! All the evidence point towards CIT(Chenchu invasion theory), where the Chenchu people from India invaded Tajikistan, ancient Russia, Scythia etc...
Aryan and that it wasn't an invasion but there was definitively a migration.
Yes, there was a migration; migration of inhabitants of harappans eastwards after 1900bc and also of nomads who settled in the harappan sites later. But nothing proves that these were aryans or that aryans even existed.

Huh? Where did I use a racist slur?

And yes AIT has been indeed debunked! All the evidence point towards CIT(Chenchu invasion theory), where the Chenchu people from India invaded Tajikistan, ancient Russia, Scythia etc...
No trolling and flaming pls.
Yes, there was a migration; migration of inhabitants of harappans eastwards after 1900bc and also of nomads who settled in the harappan sites later. But nothing proves that these were aryans or that aryans even existed.

No trolling and flaming pls.

Aryans did of course exist as they migrated into the Indus Valley, are you foolish enough to believe all Harrapans migrated? Lol, Aryans migrated and intermarried with people who were remnants of the IVC which precipitated the rise of the Vedic civilization. You call them "nomads" well Aryans were freaking nomads until they settled duh. Same thing in Iran where it is believed they settled in the Persian Plateau. There was of course no invasion in either case.
Aryans did of course exist as they migrated into the Indus Valley, are you foolish enough to believe all Harrapans migrated? Lol, Aryans migrated and intermarried with people who were remnants of the IVC which precipitated the rise of the Vedic civilization. You call them "nomads" well Aryans were freaking nomads until they settled duh. Same thing in Iran where it is believed they settled in the Persian Plateau. There was of course no invasion in either case.
There was a steady decline in the culture of Harappans after the mature harappan period. The newcomers who had started to appear on these sites had poor knowledge of planning cities, and they themselves lived in round huts unlike the rectangular and well planned houses of Harappans.
But there's nothing which proves the identity of these ppl and where they came from, as there's no evidence of large scale migration from west to Indian subcontinent. Aryans or the nomads (in your lexicon) could have lived on the harappan sites only if they were allowed to enter the cities, so unless there was an invasion they could not have simply moved to these cities, but then again no trace of invasion was found. Neither there was a large scale migration nor an invasion.
There's no such thing as PIE R1a. Proto-Indo-Europeans were carriers of the whole haplogroup R family including R1b. All the R1a clades are descended from the same population and all are related. And the R1a of South Asia is the same as that of Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Pashtuns, Iranians. It's not Sub-continent centric.

Then the PIE should look like the Native Americans, since R and Q are very closely related.
this has been discussed to death,,,,:confused:
maybe its time to discuss new topics,,
umm,topic,,,i got suggestion .:woot:















somthng like
Martial ppl of subcontinent:myth vs reality :sarcastic:
this has been discussed to death,,,,:confused:
maybe its time to discuss new topics,,
umm,topic,,,i got suggestion .:woot:
The reason why I had started this thread was because I was tired of giving the same replies in similar threads.
Next time a thread on this issue crops up, I will copy paste from this thread. Lol
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Then the PIE should look like the Native Americans, since R and Q are very closely related.

PIE people were related to Siberians as per some genetic reports. Native Americans originated in Siberia. I'd imagine they'd be somewhat dark skinned rather than proper white, as even early European humans appear to be dark. We all come from Africans after all, who must be dark.
Post reported for the racist slur, and flaming.
If you guys can not back up what you've said with data then it's invalid. I've already posted links to studies which have proven AIT to be a myth.

If you did not realise I'm the OP of this thread.

There's nothing Hindu about the OP, facts and evidences have been provided to prove AIT theory wrong.

Bibi Indians have yet to convince even most pro Indian historians that aryans didn't came from west. You keep posting paper written by hindutva in 2003 to prove your point lmao. That guy completly ignore automosal admixture in Indians. Stop obsessing over aryans, because when it comes to them people will talk about race/genetics which according to you are non-existant. You are religious hindutva, it will be hard to convince likes of you with science and historical facts.
Bibi Indians have yet to convince even most pro Indian historians that aryans didn't came from west. You keep posting paper written by hindutva in 2003 to prove your point lmao. That guy completly ignore automosal admixture in Indians. Stop obsessing over aryans, because when it comes to them people will talk about race/genetics which according to you are non-existant. You are religious hindutva, it will be hard to convince likes of you with science and historical facts.
Well all these years they kept claiming that India did not have a history or that our history began around 3-4BC.....till they stumbled upon Harappa. Lol
There was a steady decline in the culture of Harappans after the mature harappan period. The newcomers who had started to appear on these sites had poor knowledge of planning cities, and they themselves lived in round huts unlike the rectangular and well planned houses of Harappans.
But there's nothing which proves the identity of these ppl and where they came from, as there's no evidence of large scale migration from west to Indian subcontinent. Aryans or the nomads (in your lexicon) could have lived on the harappan sites only if they were allowed to enter the cities, so unless there was an invasion they could not have simply moved to these cities, but then again no trace of invasion was found. Neither there was a large scale migration nor an invasion.

Why could they not enter the cities? Let me guess because you believe it to be such? It is known that the IVC had trade contacts with the Iraqi civilization of the time there is nothing to suggest that they would adverse to mingling with foreigners accept hindutva theories.

Well all these years they kept claiming that India did not have a history or that our history began around 3-4BC.....till they stumbled upon Harappa. Lol

Sorry Harappa does not proof anythin on India's behalf. :rofl:

Bibi Indians have yet to convince even most pro Indian historians that aryans didn't came from west. You keep posting paper written by hindutva in 2003 to prove your point lmao. That guy completly ignore automosal admixture in Indians. Stop obsessing over aryans, because when it comes to them people will talk about race/genetics which according to you are non-existant. You are religious hindutva, it will be hard to convince likes of you with science and historical facts.

Exactly they think it is just Pakistanis but all non Pakistani historians also agree with Aryan migration. Heck even Dravidians agree with it thats why we have the madrasi kallu from India named "scionoftheindus" :rofl: .
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