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The Most powerful country in Islamic world

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Apr 15, 2007
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Well there are many powerfull islamic states but i want the real comparison af all the services i.e Army, Airforce, Navy and all the subordinates under these services. According to my own opinion.
1 Pakistan
2 Turkey
3 Saudi Arabia
4 Malaysia
5 Iran
Well in conventional fields the turkey and Saudi arabia have advantage over us but it is the Nuclear which place the pakistan no1 in the above list.
Well there are many powerfull islamic states but i want the real comparison af all the services i.e Army, Airforce, Navy and all the subordinates under these services. According to my own opinion.
1 Pakistan
2 Turkey
3 Saudi Arabia
4 Malaysia
5 Iran
Well in conventional fields the turkey and Saudi arabia have advantage over us but it is the Nuclear which place the pakistan no1 in the above list.

Turkey is not a Islamic state.
i think that although turkey is not a muslim country but still it is considered part of the muslim so i still think that turkey will rank it at NO 1

And what is up with your REP KEY
i think that although turkey is not a muslim country but still it is considered part of the muslim so i still think that turkey will rank it at NO 1

And what is up with your REP KEY

My REP is something to do with the new system that has been implemented by the management.

Turkey despite being majority muslim has been fiercely secular. So it is a little hard to classify it as such.
Saudi Arabia is not powerful

Key, what makes an Islamic state cus as of now in a certain degree their is no Islamic state.

I would classify a Islamic state as being one where the Govt includes religion into the political aspect.
In a non-nuclear scenario somebody want to compare the airforce of pakistan lets say with Egypt, Turkey and Saudi.
In a non-nuclear scenario somebody want to compare the airforce of pakistan lets say with Egypt, Turkey and Saudi.

Again, AF isn't the only determinant of who wins the war. But AF wise only I would rank it Turkey, Egypt, KSA and PAF. (Until PAF is done with their accusations we would be better than Egypt and then it might look like KSA, Turkey and PAF then Egypt since they have to replace their aging other fighters but problem is their willn't have BVR Egypt hence we might be better than them).

Ground wise I would rank it Turkey + Pakistan (Together), then Egpyt and KSA.

Navy Turkish Navy and Pakistan Navy then Egypt and KSA. (Experience wise I would say PN will do better once were done upgrading).

For Malay and Iran (I would rank Iran 5 and Malay 6), but thats without the technical knowledge of those forces.
PN is not even in the same league as Turkish, Egyptian Navy's.
I dont know much about the army ,so i will refrain.
4 Gür Class Type 209T2/1400 Submarines
4 Preveze Class Type 209T1/1400 Submarines
6 Atılay Class Type 209/1200 Submarines
0 AIP Air-independent propulsion Submarines (+6 approved on 12/12/2006)
2 SalihReis Class (MEKO® 200 TN II-B) Frigates
2 Barbaros Class (MEKO® 200 TN II-A) Frigates
4 Yavuz Class (MEKO® 200 TN I) Frigates
8 G Class (Oliver Hazard Perry class) Frigates (under Genesis Modernization Project)
3 Tepe Class (Knox class) Frigates (other 5 ships of this class retired)
0 TF-2000 Class Frigates (+6 approved on 12/12/2006)
0 Milgem Class Corvettes (+12 under construction)
6 B Class (D'Estienne d'Orves class A-69 type Aviso) Corvettes
Helicopters & Naval Aircraft
0 ATR 72-500 ASW/ASuW MPA (+10 under construction)
7 TB-20 Training Aircraft
7 SeaHawk (S-70B2 Class) ASW/ASuW Helicopters (+17 ordered)
14 AB-212 Class Naval Warfare ASW/ASuW/EW/SAR Helicopters
Fast Attack Missile & Torpedo Boats
2 Kılıç II Class (+4 under construction)
3 Kılıç I Class
2 Yıldız Class
4 Rüzgar Class
4 Doğan Class
8 Kartal Class
Mine Warfare Ships
3 A Class Mine Hunters (+3 under construction)
5 E Class Mine Hunters
4 F Class Mine Sweepers
7 S Class Mine Sweepers
3 K Class Mine Sweepers
Main Landing Ships
0 LPD Landing Platform Dock (+1 approved on 12/12/2006)
1 OsmanGazi Class
2 SarucaBey Class
2 Ertuğrul Class LST
Landing Craft
25 Ç-117 Class LCT
17 Ç-302 Class LCM

Egypt NavyThe Current Fleet
The Egyptian Navy (EN) currently consists of one hundred fourteen ships and craft:

[edit] Submarine Force
4 Improved Romeo class

[edit] Surface Combattant Force

[edit] Guided Missile Frigates
4 Mubarak (Oliver Hazard Perry) class
2 Domyat (Knox) class

[edit] General Purpose & ASW Frigrates
2 Descubierta class
2 Jianghu class

[edit] Littoral Warfare Force

[edit] Large Fast Attack Crafts (FAC) Missile
4 Ambassador MK III class
4 Osa I (Type 205) class
5 Tiger (Type 148) class
6 Ramadan class
4 Helsinki class - on order ex-Finnish navy

[edit] Coastal Fast Attack Crafts (FAC) Missile
4 October class
5 Hegu class

[edit] ASW Coastal Patrol Boats
8 Hainan class

[edit] Coastal Patrol Boats
6 Shershen class
4 Shanghai II class

[edit] Amphibious Forces
3 Polnocny A class Landing Ships, Medium (LSMs)
9 Vydra class Landing Craft, Utility (LCU)
8 Seafox class Landing Craft, Assault (LCA)

[edit] Mine Countermeasures Vessels (MCMVs)
6 T-43 class Fleet Minesweepers (MSFs)
4 Yurka class Fleet Minesweepers (MSFs)
3 Swiftships Coastal Mine Hunters (MHCs)
2 Swiftships Route Survey Vessels (MSIs)

[edit] Auxilliary Ships
6 Okhtenskiy Ocean Tug
8 Toplivo II Coastal Tankers

[edit] Trainning Ships
1 El Fateh (Z) class Destroyer
1 Tariq (Blackswan) class Frigate(Sloop)
1 Intissar class Ship
1 El Horeya Yacht
1 El Quosseir Yacht

[edit] The Egyptian Coast Guard (ECG)
The Coast Guard is responsible for the onshore protection of public installations near the coast and the patrol of coastal waters to prevent smuggling. Currently consists of one hundred five ships and craft.

[edit] Patrol Boats
21 Timsah class
9 Swiftships class

[edit] Patrol Crafts
9 Type 83 class
6 Crestitalia class
12 Spectre class
12 Petersen class
5 Nisr class
29 DC class

[edit] Weaponry

[edit] Ship to Ship/Surface Missiles
Harpoon with 120km range and 220kg payload.
Exocet (MM-38) with 65km range and 165kg payload.
HY-2 Silkworm with 95km range and 513kg payload.
Otomat Mk1 with 80km range and 210kg payload.
SS-N-2a Styx with 43km range and 513kg payload.

[edit] Surface to Ship/Surface Missile (Costal Defence)
FL-1 with 95km range and 513kg payload.
AS-5 Kelt with 250km-400km range and 1000kg payload. (Modified from air launched version)
Otomat MkII with 180km+ range and 210kg payload.
Exocet (MM-40) with 180km range and 165kg payload.

[edit] Air to Surface/Ship Missiles
Exocet (AM-39) with 70km range and 165kg payload.
Hold up, I would say that Egypt and Turkey are liked tied together, but is their any news if Egyptian ships are upgraded like Turkey's are? If they aren't Egypt will be ranked 2nd after Turkey.

Below is what I found on Wiki (Quick search):

Problem with this is they don't have subs (which PN does), and right now technologically they are ahead of PN, but once our Navy is updated we will be neck to neck if not better than KSAN.

The navy is a modern force with French built frigates and British built Sandown class mine hunters

[edit] Frigates

* Al Riyadh class frigates - Three ships modified versions of the La Fayette class frigate

* Al Medinah class frigates - Four ships based in the Red Sea, built in France in mid 1980's

[edit] Corvettes

* Badr class corvettes - Four ships built in the United States in the 1980's, based in the Persian Gulf

* Al Sadiq class corvettes - Nine ships built in the United States 1972-1980

[edit] Minesweepers

* Sandown class minehunters - 6 ships

[edit] Support Vessels

* 2 modified Durance type replenishing ships

Egypt has upgraded their fleet, except for the sub-fleet; which is the 1950's soviet era subs. Except that all of them are top notch. OHP's and Knox are not child's play. But Turkish Navy is far ahead of Egyptian Navy
Heck even Kuwaiti and Saudi navy's are good, so are the most of middle eastern, but they dont have much in numbers
Heck even Kuwaiti and Saudi navy's are good, so are the most of middle eastern, but they dont have much in numbers

Yeah, thats' the problem they need numbers, I was mistaken before I must have looked at some very old data to make my assumptions on the Navy part. But with KSA I would say PN will be better in the future.
Due to their task in Nato I would say Turkey (ignoring the Islamic status).

They had to be ready for war with the Soviet Union who could launch the black sea fleet if turkey fell.

Though most equipment is obsolete in the army they have a large number of M113s to transport their infantry as well as more potent IFV.

A large number of upgraded MBTs (patton range) as well as Leopard 2A4s.
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