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The message from Pak military top brass to PDM straight up

Firstly, It's not army but bajwa and maybe maybe his close @$$kisser types.

Secondly bajwa is being criticized for his dirty role in removal of Pakistan's elected govt for corrupt thieves and foreign blackmailers. This is not 90s when things stay hidden, everyone know what happened.
The Biden administration never liked Khan, remember the American embassy retweeting a tweet saying now Biden is in power so IK will be removed right after Biden took office.
Rightfully so the embassy was pissed because his supporters laid bare every attempt by the embassy to change the fabric of this nation and wasted all their investment from NGO like aurat march to National endowment fund funded naya daur fact focus and assorted media to SAATH forum Traitors.
Biden has been against Khan since the beginning ( he is used to dealing with poodles like sharif and zardaris).

Afghanistan and later on American bases ( which DG ISPR tried to white wash so people can't make the connection)

Russia visit.

We all know when this all started late last year when the Americans started meeting Dynastic Traitors.
Furthermore they even met people like Noor Alam Khan and Riaz etc.

DG ISPR and other posting around the same time, every key position was meticulously placed with loyalists to American coup to make it happen.

In the meeting minutes the conversation/message/direct threat was for the establishment. ( IK indirectly said it that if I was the PM at that time who were they giving the message to?)
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Same with some of my extended family in military as well. Honestly, this whole situation is weird.
General Bajwa was an Orphan when he joined the army. The Army is his family and the retired senior officers like older brothers. He is under a lot of pressure, so it is good that they are coming to help him bear the burden and come to a decision that is best for the nation in the end.

On one side people are saying the army shouldn't interfere in politics on the other hand they saying the army should intervene. Poor general can't win either way. It's the corrupt political parties and their poodles who need to be dealt with. Militarily Pakistan army has delivered what it has been asked to do, what have the politicians done? Rampant corruption where they sell their country and soul to the highest bidders? What has IK done other than ride on the planning and success of previous governments? The masses are being dosed with opium of dreams which aren't going to materialise and you are being laughed at by the Zions.
The political parties (or at least the one in power at the time) need to work with the military to come up with a strategy that addresses the long term national interests of the nation, especially operating within the US led global order. The politicians that compromise national security by selling out or robbing the country blind can’t be allowed to serve. Fair but speedy trials need to be held for those accused and besides the need for the convicted to pay restitution should be a requirement that they be barred from holding public office ever again.

Failure of the courts to deliver fair but speedy justice inhibits the clearing away of old players so that potentially better new players can emerge from each of the parties.

IMHO, IK and PTI needs better coaches in how to speak in diplomatic language, and find a way to allow Pakistan to bide its time while it industrializes so it can exercise a more independent foreign policy, similar to China over the last 40 years. Preferably, all government workers should only be Pakistani citizens so there is less risk that their loyalty will be questioned and that they only benefit when the nation as a whole benefits (and I say this as an American citizen, that would want the same for America, with only solely US nationals being in the US government)

People ambitious to make money should be dissuaded from going into politics and redirected into business (Pakistan needs to modernize its industries, they can start there, and in the process possibly do their restitution). So their efforts and funding can be better utilized there, while honest administrators balance the ship of state and provide the right environment for business to flourish.
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IMHO, IK and PTI needs better coaches in how to speak in diplomatic language, and find a way to allow Pakistan to bide its time while it industrializes so it can exercise a more independent foreign policy, similar to China over the last 40 years.
100%, I support him but sometimes he comes off as naive or immature in some aspects.

He needs a stronger team around him with quality advice.
Hahahaha....posts are being deleted at lightning speed....Mods working overtime....you can't stop the awakening.

Anyways, this is the reality which we were discussing in the already deleted thread on Bajwa's talk today at ex-serviceman society,

koi island wapis na laay lay election fori hogaye toh!!! daal rooti ka masla hai!
Firstly, It's not army but bajwa and maybe maybe his close @$$kisser types.

Secondly bajwa is being criticized for his dirty role in removal of Pakistan's elected govt for corrupt thieves and foreign blackmailers. This is not 90s when things stay hidden, everyone know what happened.
Until proven it is just allegations.
100%, I support him but sometimes he comes off as naive or immature in some aspects.

He needs a stronger team around him with quality advice.
Besides coaches to guide on the individual level, Pakistan needs the equivalent of a Pakistani RAND Corporation or a McKinsey to do analysis of all major issues faced by the nation and how best to address them from an honest objective perspective, keeping in mind the need to maintain national sovereignty and integrity at all costs.

The sooner good governance can be established, with the end of civil-military disagreements, the nation can focus on development, especially human capital development.

With Juan capital development, we can find our geniuses and build up our institutions to become globally competitive, including in even better and better governance.
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So out of a force of about 1 Millions you have 10 ex-officers saying we support IK, doesn't mean a thing.

Not true, Admins are trying their best to quell foreign instigators and anti-Pakistan anarchists.
10 lotas brought the government down!
So out of a force of about 1 Millions you have 10 ex-officers saying we support IK, doesn't mean a thing.

Not true, Admins are trying their best to quell foreign instigators and anti-Pakistan anarchists.

Khansaheeb khuda ka khauf karain sir. Even if you live in USA you don't have to propagate their regime change in Pakistan.

Hamid Mir jaisay ghaddaro ki mukhalafat karain who is now the defacto spokesperson of the NRO 2 dollar group in the army.
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