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The Launching of the USS Gerald Ford aircraft carrier.


May 28, 2011
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United States
United States




Pretty exciting to see the Ford being completed.
U have 11 carrier groups already in service and U need one more? What about your recent gov shutdown? The carriers U already have are technologically decades ahead so much so that those are already more than enough to quince the war mongering thirst of washington for decades to come. I hope China succeeds in developing and deploying the ASBM system. A mere $10-13 mn/missile to destroy these $10-15 bn white elephants. These would make the idea of having this ships counter-optimal while turning them into setting ducks of PLAN.
U have 11 carrier groups already in service and U need one more? What about your recent gov shutdown? The carriers U already have are technologically decades ahead so much so that those are already more than enough to quince the war mongering thirst of washington for decades to come. I hope China succeeds in developing and deploying the ASBM system. A mere $10-13 mn/missile to destroy these $10-15 bn white elephants. These would make the idea of having this ships counter-optimal while turning them into setting ducks of PLAN.

Easier said than done about sinking an aircraft carrier. Its a contradiction why China has its own aircraft carrier if its a white elephant don't you think? U.S. Navy tested against former USS America aircraft carrier and it took weeks to sink it. Oh and thats just America sitting there with no countermeasures at all.

And as before govt. shutdown don't mean its the end of the U.S. military.
Easier said than done about sinking an aircraft carrier. Its a contradiction why China has its own aircraft carrier if its a white elephant don't you think? U.S. Navy tested against former USS America aircraft carrier and it took weeks to sink it. Oh and thats just America sitting there with no countermeasures at all.

And as before govt. shutdown don't mean its the end of the U.S. military.

The aim of Chinese ASBM was never to sink US carrier, 2 hits on the deck renders the carrier useless and forces it to flee.
The aim of Chinese ASBM was never to sink US carrier, 2 hits on the deck renders the carrier useless and forces it to flee.

You do realize that it is quite difficult to even get close to the carrier, the US carrier battle group can easily take care of any air or underwater threat.
Of course it was inevitable this thread would attract the America haters. None the less, ship looks like a real beauty. Willing to lay odds that the very same people that are/or will be bashing here will be creaming their pants and lavishing supah dupah praise when China launches its first home grown carrier. I know the way it works here of course. if the carrier mentioned happens to be of American origin, then that must mean the carrier is bad and inferior. if carrier happens to be of Chinese (or any other country origin) that means it is all powerful and unstoppable. Thanks for the pics @Oldman1
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U have 11 carrier groups already in service and U need one more? What about your recent gov shutdown? The carriers U already have are technologically decades ahead so much so that those are already more than enough to quince the war mongering thirst of washington for decades to come. I hope China succeeds in developing and deploying the ASBM system. A mere $10-13 mn/missile to destroy these $10-15 bn white elephants. These would make the idea of having this ships counter-optimal while turning them into setting ducks of PLAN.

LOLLL; you sure are an optimistic guy......
But then, OTOH optimism never cost any money. :D
U have 11 carrier groups already in service and U need one more? What about your recent gov shutdown? The carriers U already have are technologically decades ahead so much so that those are already more than enough to quince the war mongering thirst of washington for decades to come. I hope China succeeds in developing and deploying the ASBM system. A mere $10-13 mn/missile to destroy these $10-15 bn white elephants. These would make the idea of having this ships counter-optimal while turning them into setting ducks of PLAN.

I do believe the some of the older carriers are being decommissioned. There was a new article in February that says USS Enterprise is being decommissioned and there are two others that has overhaul post-phoned.

While the carriers do not really do that much against other major military powers, against smaller nations, especially middle east nations, the carriers are quite useful.

Anyways, cool ship.

Easier said than done about sinking an aircraft carrier. Its a contradiction why China has its own aircraft carrier if its a white elephant don't you think? U.S. Navy tested against former USS America aircraft carrier and it took weeks to sink it. Oh and thats just America sitting there with no countermeasures at all.

And as before govt. shutdown don't mean its the end of the U.S. military.

Chinese aircraft carrier(s) are not going to be particular useful against major military powers like US. Similar to how US carriers do not work well against China. This is because major military powers often have a lot of alternatives to take out these high value targets. However, direct confrontation between major powers are not very common, especially after the development of nuclear missiles. The vast majority of conflicts these days are major power vs minor power (just as US vs Syria, Iraq, China vs Philippine, Japan, Russia vs Georgia, etc. Though navy is not involved in the last one). These minor powers lack the comprehensive attack capabilities of major powers. (For example, Japan doesn't have any missile that shoot farther than 200km. Iraq couldn't strike back at US navy period.) So the carriers are still very useful.
when is this bad boy going to be commissioned? and which fleet with it be inducted in?
The Great Empire will keep on the number of CSG fleets and even add few more to safeguard its various interests in every corner of the earth, in particular the PETRODOLLAR status.

The Petrodollar status, the binding of the US dollar currency and oil (esp. the oil from the Haus of Saud, the swing producer in OPEC) that dictates all the oil to only be sold in US dollar propped the USD to remain to have the World Reserve Currency (WRC) status since 1973 under the mastermind of Henry Kissinger. This brilliant move that made possible to maintain the WRC status of the USD after its total decoupling from Gold Standard by the collapse of the Bretton Woods. The petrodollar system originated in the early 1970s in the wake of the Bretton Woods collapse. Henry Kissinger went to Saudi Arabia in 1973...

HINT: to read further, search "1973 Kissinger petro-dollar"

Thus it's quite understandable that the Great Empire will always attempt to maintain an overwhelming presence and the show of force by having the large number of CSG fleets.

As mentioned by tranquilium, the CSG is effective to deter and strike those weak nations as we had witnessed in Iraq and Libya cases.

Regardless what the day-to-day economy tells about its real conditions, the Military-industrialized Complex (MIC) has its own rationalisation and interests. It's enough to say that it's a totally different creature if one ever has doubt to comprehend the relation between the economic state with the big outlays related to MIC.

And regardless of the state of the real economy, I'm aware that many American people are still very proud of the USN and its CSG magnificent displays, and this addition of the new carrier should bring even more joys to them.
Easier said than done about sinking an aircraft carrier. Its a contradiction why China has its own aircraft carrier if its a white elephant don't you think? U.S. Navy tested against former USS America aircraft carrier and it took weeks to sink it. Oh and thats just America sitting there with no countermeasures at all.

And as before govt. shutdown don't mean its the end of the U.S. military.

No it's not, carriers are used for weak countries, China can deal with carriers even without the DF-21D. We have submarine force and soon massive destroyers with the latest tech.

We have global positioning systems to go with anti satellite tech to render your carrier group blind.

We have good enough SAM, and enough fighters for any US fighters.

So you could say the carrier group is no longer a threat to China.

HOWEVER, against middle eastern and african countries, it is very effective. They have none of the weapons China have, so against them, the carrier is still a very effective weapon.

As to whether we can sink it or not, the only reason you think we can't is because of the reputation we got from our communist past. Which is a legitimate concern. BUT, you be a fool to think China doesn't change year to year, faster than the US.

So going by past reputation of China is always a bad idea. Just like Americans WW1, the Germans underestimated America, and well, the rest is history.
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