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The Issue Of Blasphemy | PKKH.tv

So why, if at all, have conversions to Islam reduced?

I do not really know.

I also do not know what the exact modus operandi is.

We hear from Pakistanis here often that mainly the dalits convert to Islam to escape the caste system.

I do not really know about that. Cause where I grew up, the missionaries were most active there with their German, Canadian, American, Australian grants.

So I would really like to understand myself.

Who is the typical Muslim convert?

I am interested mainly in India.
You are damn right Sir !
Par jo Laton ke bhoot hain unka hal yehi hai

Depends on the context. I would be inclined to insult Islam if i am talking to someone like Zarvan, because he is more than likely to imply a threat to me.

OTOH i deeply respect Islam because i have seen some real Muslims, not the type of people who riot because someone in some other country said something insulting. But committed Muslims.

You have to choose what you become. If you can take someone's insult and still be humble and love, then you are a true follower of Islam. And you will in 99% of the cases win the other person over. For that incorrigible 1%, ignore them - Your faith is not so weak to be threatened. Laugh and let it go.

If you think threatening the others over an insult will get you respect, you will make those remaining 99% people also against you. Its your(Muslim people's) choice.
You have to choose what you become. If you can take someone's insult and still be humble and love, then you are a true follower of Islam. And you will in 99% of the cases win the other person over.

You may win him over. He may just be pleasantly surprised at what for him is a statistical outlier (though frankly, to date, not ONE Muslim friend has ever tried to convert me - not ONE!).

But does that mean that won over/pleasantly surprised person will convert?

At the end of the day, we are not asking for the moon or the stars man.

We are simply asking for civility, mutual respect, non interference, and tolerance.

Something taken for granted everywhere else with other faiths.
I do not really know.

I also do not know what the exact modus operandi is.

We hear from Pakistanis here often that mainly the dalits convert to Islam to escape the caste system.

I do not really know about that. Cause where I grew up, the missionaries were most active there with their German, Canadian, American, Australian grants.

So I would really like to understand myself.

Who is the typical Muslim convert?

I am interested mainly in India.

Very interesting questions mate. Even I would like to know the answers to these questions. How though? Any ideas on that?
Not killed but punished because Islam forbids making love of any one believe

ok tell me if muslims insult hindu gods in pakistan will he be tried under blasphemy and hung?
For if so half people of your coutnrymen on this forum will be hanging.
We can forgive if you torture us but if you abuse our PROPHET SAW you made a mistake which can't be forgiven and punishment is death in Islam Sir that is clear we love him more than anything and any one including our lives and who ever insults him will face the wrath of Muslims

you love him or not , i dont care, but if someone insults your prophet or orientation dont go beserk.
someone has entered a long worm in your head regarding this and its going to be a tricky one to come out. thats why the drones are working full time i guess.

We can forgive if you torture us but if you abuse our PROPHET SAW you made a mistake which can't be forgiven and punishment is death in Islam Sir that is clear we love him more than anything and any one including our lives and who ever insults him will face the wrath of Muslims

Then you are a fake muslim. you yourself know that there are many people in the West who make fun and insult your prophet. And you are sitting in Pak and doing nothing about it? go and punish them. if not dont sit behind the keyboard and make brave but nonsensical comments.
I thank god, most Indian Muslims are far more humane and right minded than most Pakistani Muslims - they seem to be going the Taliban way.

I have a slight 'contrarian' point of view - Sometimes I think Pakistani Muslims have a greater chance of coming out of Islamist insanity than Indian Muslims. Indian Muslims are yet to experience the effects of the brand of Islam they are fast getting enamored with – they have gotten too used to kuffar.

p.s Stopping being an Islamist does not mean stop being Muslims.

The reason why Islam spread was because Muhammad was a very tolerant and kind person. Even if someone abused him or hurt him, he won them over by his persistent love and humility not by threat of violence.

Let's not get carried away - Prophet did have his share of wars. Infact the only Prophet to have indulged in war. He won over Mecca not by kindness and tolerance, but by sword.
I have a slight 'contrarian' point of view - Sometimes I think Pakistani Muslims have a greater chance of coming out of Islamist insanity than Indian Muslims. Indian Muslims are yet to experience the effects of the brand of Islam they are fast getting enamored with – they have gotten too used to kuffar.

p.s Stopping being an Islamist does not mean stop being Muslims.
Its not contrarian. That what you say will most likely come to pass.
Pakistan as a nation is experiencing nadir at the moment. They have been radicalized, and the disinformation and hatred spread by their rulers is being shown to them for the first time.

IF they are able to come out of it, they will come out like Turkey, or a very liberal Muslim nation - and they will serve as a guide to Indian Muslims. However if they fail and become like Saudi or Afghanistan in terms of social values, then it will be harder for Indian Muslims.

Whether we like it or not, but Pakistan is a lead indicator of how Indian Muslims will be. That is because any effect coming from West Asia hits Pakistan first and then India. So if Pakistan changes course soon before Indian Muslims get radicalized, they will automatically follow. More so today that visa norms and trade is being liberalized.

Let's not get carried away - Prophet did have his share of wars. Infact the only Prophet to have indulged in war.
War is different from the blasphemy laws enacted and demanded by some in this forum. What they espouse is nothing short of terrorism.
Whether we like it or not, but Pakistan is a lead indicator of how Indian Muslims will be. That is because any effect coming from West Asia hits Pakistan first and then India. So if Pakistan changes course soon before Indian Muslims get radicalized,.

What you said might be true some centuries before the advent of the information/digital age where caravans from gulf used to pass through pakistan before reaching India. Now its direct, like in case of Kerala or hyderabad. There is no Pakistan inbetween.

Also pakistani muslims getting radicalized would probably affect the Muslims there more than any other. But in case of Indian muslims the problems are going to be many times more because of demographics. I just pray to God that people see through the madness before they are enamored into it. And I dont know but so far my prayers are not being answered.
What you said might be true some centuries before the advent of the information/digital age where caravans from gulf used to pass through pakistan before reaching India. Now its direct, like in case of Kerala or hyderabad. There is no Pakistan inbetween.

Also pakistani muslims getting radicalized would probably affect the Muslims there more than any other. But in case of Indian muslims the problems are going to be many times more because of demographics. I just pray to God that people see through the madness before they are enamored into it. And I dont know but so far my prayers are not being answered.

When i say lead indicator it is because all the petro dollars, all the madrassas are put in Pakistan first before being put in India. On that account Pakistan either suffers first or gets enlightened first.

I think the problems will always be lesser in India because of multiple reasons - we dont have a deep state that encourages wahhabism. Infact you should know GoI is now trying to promote the Barelvi school instead of the Deobandi school.

Secondly, as more and more Muslim kids goto school - where the syllabus is tightly controlled, they would be less susceptible to hate. This is not to say they will NOT be susceptible(as they will still be impressionable by others), but lesser so than if the school itself was preaching hate and lies in books as in Pakistan.

OTOH, now that Pakistan is truly experiencing what it means to be an Islamic state, if they do become Turkey or maybe even UAE'esque, it would be an eye opener for Indian Muslims.

Malaysia and Indonesia despite being Muslim majority are nothing like the Pakistani Muslims. So that is a lesson, its about what you teach them and whether you teach them properly or not.
We dont have a deep state, but we do have a shallow state that conveniently turns a blind eye to the phenomenon in the name of secularism.

And I think you did not fully get what I tried to say - unlilke Pakistan where there is not going to be reprisals from anyone when a critical point is reached - because of the demographics and the insignificant number of other groups - in India, there is always going to be a reprisal and in that crossfire innocents are going to get affected as we saw in Gujarat. That is why I said the problem is much greater in India, in terms of human cost.
I agree with Contrarian.

Pakistani muslims have a better chance of getting de-Islamized than Indian muslims.

I am rooting for Pakistan on this one, because it makes life easier for me and my loved ones.


Sure. Unapologetically.

In the next couple of decades, I look forward to Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan corking the genie back into Aladdin's lamp.
Obviously- No one in India has love lost for Pakistan. But if their safety and enlightenment is necessary for our safety and security!

On that account it is imperative for us that Pakistan gets out of its religious frenzy.
Unlikely that it will happen to Afghanistan. But as it is Turkey, Iran and Pakistan need to get out of this building frenzy.
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