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The empire strikes: back UK & India unite to fight Chinese hackers


Sep 20, 2009
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The empire strikes back

UK & India unite to fight Chinese hackers

BRITAIN and India will strike a new security deal today in a bid to thwart Chinese hackers.
Cyber crime, which costs the UK £27billion a year, is spiralling in India, where millions of Brits’ personal data is stored.
GCHQ spooks will work with Indian police to secure details of bank accounts, phone calls and medical records.
The new intelligence-sharing plan is also part of the PM’s attempt to latch on to the former British colony’s booming economy.
Setting up a joint rapid reaction unit with his opposite number Manmohan Singh, Mr Cameron said: “Other countries securing their data is effectively helping us to secure our data.”
The two countries will form an alliance to fight a recent surge in Chinese attempts to steal military and trade secrets.
The pact will be sealed on day two of the PM’s three-day trade trip to India.
Mr Cameron also unveiled a one-day visa to enable Indian businessmen to make rapid trips to London.
And today he will try to hijack a £10billion French deal to sell India fighter jets.


The PM yesterday told a group of billionaires in Mumbai: “There are some strengths that come from the past — shared language, culture, ties... but the point about this trip is there is no resting on the laurels.
“We have to make our case about why we would be the best partner for so many of these endeavours.”
He later laid a wreath at a memorial to 16 police officers killed in the 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai.

PM plea on NHS
DAVID Cameron yesterday insisted NHS bosses should not be free to gag or hound whistleblowers.
The PM also signalled he wanted to see criminal prosecutions over the Mid Staffs hospitals scandal.
Demanding “proper accountability” for up to 1,200 needless deaths, he said: “There hasn’t been in this case. We need to put that right.
“You shouldn’t need to rely on whistleblowing in the NHS. We should be discovering problems more swiftly.”
The PM added: “There is a role for making sure that information gets out in other ways too.”

India and UK form alliance against Chinese hackers | The Sun |News|Politics
Lol only the Sun would have such a ridiculous title as "The Empire Strikes Back"... Which Empire are they talking about?
Cyber crime targeted in PM's trade trip to India: Cameron to sign landmark deal amid fears private data of Britons is at risk

.Security chiefs warned data at Indian calls centres could be easily stolen
.Includes bank account, credit card and health details
.Hoped deal will be cornerstone of new 'special relationship' with India
.Comes during Cameron's three-day visit to India

David Cameron will today sign a landmark cyber security deal with India amid fears that the private data of millions of Britons is at risk of theft from criminal gangs.
Security chiefs have warned Downing Street that bank account, credit card and health details stored by Indian call centres can be stolen easily by fraudsters.
The deal will form the cornerstone of what the Prime Minister hopes will become a new ‘special relationship’ with India.

Prime Minister David Cameron, pictured in Mumbai, will sign a landmark cyber security deal with India, which will form the cornerstone of what is hoped will be a new 'special relationship' with the country

Yesterday Downing Street revealed that Britain will also help build a series of ‘new towns’ along a 600-mile road linking the country’s commercial capital Mumbai and the tech city Bangalore.

The plans, modelled on the growth of garden cities in 1960s Britain, will see the Government plough £1million into architectural planning in the hope that British firms will win multi-million pound deals to take on the projects.
The vision will be controversial since the UK has said it will end all bilateral aid to India by 2015. But at a time when infrastructure projects at home are stalled, taxpayers’ money is still being used to build transport and energy infrastructure in India.
With the UK economy flatlining, Mr Cameron is leading the largest overseas business delegation ever assembled by No 10 in a bid to drum up business. He said he wanted to make the case that Britain is ‘the best partner’ for India as its economy grows.
Under the cyber security deal Britain and India will join forces to combat cyber espionage and industrial hacking by China.
Cyber-crime costs Britain £27billion every year – more than £1,000 for every family.



Bat man: David Cameron plays cricket with Indian boys at the Oval Maidan, a communal cricket pitch in Mumbai


Britain and India will tip each other off about hacking attacks, and Indian computer experts will be trained in the UK. A delegation of cyber experts from Britain will visit India in April to check that they are putting protections in place for data held on British people. Police in both countries will also swap expertise.
Mr Cameron made clear that protections for British citizens are at the heart of the plans.
‘Other countries securing their data is effectively helping us secure our data,’ he said. ‘Secondly, I think this is an area where Britain has some real competitive and technology advantages.
‘The threat in terms of cyber security comes from all sorts of different places and organisations – a lot of it is criminal. What the British have done is brought together a strategy to help protect key industries, key infrastructure and key capabilities in terms of cyber security and that’s work we want to share with others.
‘Hacking bothers me wherever it comes from.’
Mr Cameron told an audience of Unilever staff in Mumbai that he wants Britain’s partnership with India to be ‘a really special relationship’ for the 21st century.
‘Britain wants to be your partner of choice,’ said Mr Cameron. ‘We think there are huge ties of history and language and culture and business, but we think we have only just started on the sort of partnership we could build.’
Today Mr Cameron will travel to Delhi to meet India’s prime minister Manmohan Singh and said he will raise the possibility of India buying partly British-made Eurofighter Typhoon jets.
Although he stressed that negotiations were a matter for the UK-German-Spanish-Italian Eurofighter consortium – which includes BAE Systems – Mr Cameron said he would see whether the Indian authorities were ready to ‘reconsider’ their choice of a French rival.



Hopes that Britain could win a share of the £6.4billion contract to supply 126 jet fighters to the Indian air force were revived when French president Francois Hollande returned from a visit to India without a signature on a final contract.
Mr Cameron said: ‘I think Typhoon is a superior aircraft. It has the advantage of all the partner nations behind it.
‘It is an aircraft that, of course, for those countries that want to buy it, we can make some aeroplanes available within months because there are so many countries already using it.
‘I will obviously make clear that Typhoon is still available.’

David Cameron in India: PM to sign landmark deal amid fears private data of Britons is at risk | Mail Online
What kind of stupid title is this. So the Empire will strike back this time with Indian IT people just like it did with Indian Sepoys 200 years ago. Doesn't it seem all Deja vu. The same thing happened 500 years ago. Just that instead of Jahangir its now MMS ruling India. The British do know the art of pissing their hosts. Some one needs tell them there is no Empire anymore.
I don't know how some Indians are so excited over this title.

They are saying "The EMPIRE strikes back" regarding an initiative between Britain and India, clearly referring to the British Empire. As if the British Empire has come back and is hitting their foes as one unit.
Chinese fanboys rather like the ones on here have too much time on their hands nothing better to do other than hack and play computer games 24/7 sad people!
What kind of stupid title is this. So the Empire will strike back this time with Indian IT people just like it did with Indian Sepoys 200 years ago. Doesn't it seem all Deja vu. The same thing happened 500 years ago. Just that instead of Jahangir its now MMS ruling India. The British do know the art of pissing their hosts. Some one needs tell them there is no Empire anymore.
They already know that. Let them vent out by making these titles. Its proving themselves as laughing stock among intellectuals. The Indian power lies within its people, its businesses, youth, the customers, students and engineers/doctors etc. This is the major difference which they know.

I wish Winston Churchill would be alive today. :D
I don't know how some Indians are so excited over this title.
They are saying "The EMPIRE strikes back" regarding an initiative between Britain and India, clearly referring to the British Empire. As if the British Empire has come back and is hitting their foes as one unit.
Buddy, British media is like this . When we gave French the MMRCA deal, they cried that we give India aid and they give deal to French. Then they questioned our space program.

Actually it is Empire Whines Again. :lol:
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