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The economical and psychological crisis:solution

Re: The economical and psychological crisis:solution
@Slav Defence.. I read that.. but original link not working... looks like a letter to the newspaper rather than article by newspaper (wanted to confirm but link not working)...
so, again.. do you just believe in a random lady MEHNAZ or got specific year in mind.
I told you 70s not on the basis of hearing someone.
exactly,very well said,even jungibaaz my friend.
I believe that increasing the taxation to resolve and support economical infra-structure as least option.
We should start our ground work from issues such as corruption and our relationships with foreign countries ie,we need to work on priorities.
even if we succeed to recover stolen money and money laundering cases are resolved,then this will help us a lot to regain stability as our reserves will get an ease,but for this we need to work on larger scales.

Best Regards,
Slav defence

Jungibaaz,it is made our war,I ask you about how TTP gets fund?who funds TTP?the same operation woodland startegy is applied on us.
Now we must change our style,we must seal our borders destroy TTp nexus,where as NATO supply and Afghan issue is concerned,we must leave US alone with Afghanistan.
I remember that Mr.Musharraf had once argument with NATO officials,because they were not allowing Pakistan forces to install protective barriers and mines,Mr.Musharraf very much wanted to install to avoid entry of terrorist and illegal smuggling of weapons via Pak-afghan border.

Best Regards,
Slav Defence

@Slav Defence, It might be that taxing people can resolve major problems but for that you need a fair Government in place not a notorious known to rob billions...remember karz utaro mulk sawaro took all the money out to London. Then I need to ask you a question The current Turkish Regime is third time in power and it did all the economic miracles VS nawaz sharif government that ruled punjab 5+1 and 3rd time in Federal if they couldn't fairly fix Punjab how would they prove to be successful this time around. No one trust this government so no one would be readily hand over their money in taxes.

Right this War is ours or calling it ours so now what? How can terrorism/war at the same time economic boom co-exist. How many years are we willing to fight and spend all the money on WOT. This is the problem with Pakistan the media the people the political lot this is the problem every one wants to go to War but khazana khali hai!
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It might be that taxing people can resolve major problems but for that you need a fair Government in place not a notorious known to rob billions...remember karz utaro mulk sawaro took all the money out to London.

Very rightly pointed out. Money taken under the slogan was later used for investments in KSA and India. Taxation is one of the major factor contributing to goernment revenue generation. Unfortunately, in this regard also NS has been suppressing the people who are already suppressed. Though his Finance Minister said in the budget speech that no tax has been imposed on the people who are paying taxes. But factually only those who have been paying taxes have been levied with additional direct tax. Taxation can be successful and beneficial if it is done across the board. how can 1.6 million tax payers support the expense of a country having population of 180 million. Not even 10% are paying the tax and supporting government machinery. As per CIA fact book 60% of Pakistan population lives under US$2 per day. Excluding these 60% from tax rest of the 40$ which means 70 million circa, should be brought under tax net. Collecting an average tax of PKR100 per person per year can generate almost PKR 7 trillion. It is a shocking figure indeed, people can relieved of all the taxes they are paying presently, people will be more than happy to contribute in tax collection as the amount is so less and amount collected will be 100% of current budget of PKR3.5 Trillion. A 100% surplus budget. Say goodbye to IMF, world bank, ADB, USAID, etc etc.

But all this needs a fair ruling party, honest and dutiful government machinery and sincere leadership. Who can lead by example.

World Needs A Change
@Slav Defence, It might be that taxing people can resolve major problems but for that you need a fair Government in place not a notorious known to rob billions...remember karz utaro mulk sawaro took all the money out to London. Then I need to ask you a question The current Turkish Regime is third time in power and it did all the economic miracles VS nawaz sharif government that ruled punjab 5+1 and 3rd time in Federal if they couldn't fairly fix Punjab how would they prove to be successful this time around. No one trust this government so no one would be readily hand over their money in taxes.

Right this War is ours or calling it ours so now what? How can terrorism/war at the same time economic boom co-exist. How many years are we willing to fight and spend all the money on WOT. This is the problem with Pakistan the media the people the political lot this is the problem every one wants to go to War but khazana khali hai!

Very well said,Luftwaffe..That is why,if you see my detailed report,you will find out that I have already pointed out this problem and I have also mentioned the attitude of civil regime.
This is the base of every problem,the root cause of it,due to such reason,not only our infra-structure suffers of damage,but our civil and law enforcement sectors also collapse.
When your law maker,your policy makers are themselves not eligible then how do you expect them to resolve this monster of inflation and poverty?
I ask you my dear friend,when our election methodology is not clear,and you can clearly experience rigging and interference and favor of specific class of politicians,then I ask you,how can you expect progress?

Ineligible Candidate>unjust EC>elected>corrupted minster now>spreads corruption and damages infrastructure>refrains law and enforcement sectors

I have also prepared a detail report and already posted as democracy and Pakistan:


So our base is corrupted,now if you talk about War on terror then I will again say that it was never our war,and even you say that 'Now it is our war,Slav!" then I will say that it will not be good if we keep on falling in the prepared trap of so called war on terror formally known as Operation Woodland,I ask you to get out of it.
Seal your border and destroy TTP,we all know that TTP is getting funds across the border,I have also mentioned about Mr.Musharraf's argument and I have given already solution to jungibaaz

Best Regards,
Slav Defence
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@Slav Defence.. I read that.. but original link not working... looks like a letter to the newspaper rather than article by newspaper (wanted to confirm but link not working)...
so, again.. do you just believe in a random lady MEHNAZ or got specific year in mind.

The reference is of dawn news,Mehnaz
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@Aeronaut @nuclearpak @WebMaster @Awesome @balixd @Last Hope @Luftwaffe @Irfan Baloch @Xeric @Secur @RescueRanger @Leader @Jazzbot @niaz @developero and @Jungibaaz others....
This post is response to @Icarus post:

I have re-checked the post carefully before posting,and while preparing this report,I have keep your interests in my mind.
Last hope,are you satisfied with current performance of our regime?
@niaz @Oscar and others...do you all agree that current regime has brought some improvement or not?why? @Secur, my best brother....would you like to elaborate the psychological aspect of poor class and upper class?

Best regards,
Slav Defence

I am speechless that you took so much efforts over my words, I am not sure whether I should be humbled or honoured. Either way, I think that you have produced a very valid assessment that should shake this nation's economists into realizing the true extent of economic damage that has befallen our country.
In all cases, the economic plight of this nation withstanding, there are other steps that can be taken to minimize the effects of the economic crisis on the people and try to control it. I am a keen advocate of rationing, ration fuel, ration electricity, ration sugar and other commodities. It's something that Bhutto tried to implement seeing the culture of extravagance that plagues our society, it would go a long way in ensuring that the price of these important commodities can be controlled through regulating demand and supply.
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I am speechless that you took so much efforts over my words, I am not sure whether I should be humbled or honoured. Either way, I think that you have produced a very valid assessment that should shake this nation's economists into realizing the true extent of economic damage that has befallen our country.
In all cases, the economic plight of this nation withstanding, there are other steps that can be taken to minimize the effects of the economic crisis on the people and try to control it. I am a keen advocate of rationing, ration fuel, ration electricity, ration sugar and other commodities. It's something that Bhutto tried to implement seeing the culture of extravagance that plagues our society, it would go a long way in ensuring that the price of these important commodities can be controlled through regulating demand and supply.

Sir Icarus,why I feel that you are not comfortable with my report?I always make responsive reports,where I feel necessary,few days before I have responded sir @Last Hope,sir @Aeronaut and sir @balixd in same manner....infact I thank you all,that you all give an objective and assignment indirectly..:)

My actual motive is to represent full picture of highlighted post.
coming to topic,I have mentioned a lot of factors which are damaging our infrastructure and it's impact on common man and then result of aggression over economical inflation.
my dear icarus,if you will address to public and tell them to behave themselves then how this will work,when none of us are assuring them that we will do something to ease them,yes they should behave I agree with you,but how long they will control themselves and their inner frustration,especially in Pakistan when people find no hope and less civilized too?

Best Regards,
Slav Defence
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I haven't read this yet - i will reply as soon as i get some time away from dealing with the trolls and doing Jhaar poonchi on the forum.
I haven't read this yet - i will reply as soon as i get some time away from dealing with the trolls and doing Jhaar poonchi on the forum.

very sweet,I like that :woot: well your presence and sincerity makes us feel very secure,brother.
Best regards,
Slav Defence
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