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The Crucial Difference Between Mumbai 26/11 & Paris Attacks

As nilgiri said, the links you gave don't match your words. The U.S. Gave Intel about possible attack, not the same as saying the attack will happen on so and so date. You even go so far as to say their conversation was overheard while still on the boat. In your first post you wrote that the French had a indication of an attack coming but no concrete proof, and the links you gave regarding Mumbai also are on the same lines, the U.S. gave intel about possible attack.
Now how is this any different between Mumbai and Paris?
APS attack was done under supervision of ISI.the whole world agencies were notifying Pakistan about harbouring good terrorist n its implications....voila ISI came up wud a sinister plan to counter all the bad press aftr abbotabad/osama n ofcourse some gud old aid juice.so ISI n elements in Pak fauj orchestrated APS,,n rather conveniently all attackers were killed,not even one was apprehended alive,,,aftr getting the kids slaughtered they were sure to get public opinion against Taliban,,,ground for zazb e arab laid down,,,they issued eviction orders to gud Taliban n went on wid there gibaidplz op in tribal areas,for which US had been insisting on for some time.
this whole drama was gobbled up enthusiastically by Pak awam. The gullible lot never asked why not even one of the perpetrators wasn't alive for interogation or why wud ttp attack aps,a school, at a time when the was a consensus building going on for mil. Ops in tribal areas,,,if they wanted to make a statement,,it cud have been done better by mehran base like attacks.
well i can go on,,,hows tht for a conspiracy theory
Cheap Shot, care to delete it?
But the disheartening thing is that most of Indians are in denial mode.

Who cares about Indians when people in Rawalpindi are also in denial mode as the world's turns against militant groups. Pakistan needs a course correction and some of the idiots must be retired.

Write to your congressman and state dept amd raw and ask them---why-----!!!!

I also want to ask idiots in uniforms why do they damage Islam and Pakistan with their short-sighted decisions especially in Afghanistan.
As nilgiri said, the links you gave don't match your words. The U.S. Gave Intel about possible attack, not the same as saying the attack will happen on so and so date. You even go so far as to say their conversation was overheard while still on the boat. In your first post you wrote that the French had a indication of an attack coming but no concrete proof, and the links you gave regarding Mumbai also are on the same lines, the U.S. gave intel about possible attack.
Now how is this any different between Mumbai and Paris?


You guys are not that stupid----I have given you the guidelines---now go and dig some dirt on your own---.

Write to your congressman and state dept amd raw and ask them---why-----!!!!

When you start digging---you will find the fountainhead---.

It is amazing----at the level of stupidity and idiocy of the most literate internet country in the world----.
Why the f--- you don't care on this thread about indian suddenly---.

I don't care about the Indians I only care about Pakistan ! The whole 26/11 was RAW drama. But we have such bad a reputation that the world believes their lies than truth from us.
Random thoughts can become conspiracy and can become an authentic thread.... It is getting boring masthan bhai...

You guys are not that stupid----I have given you the guidelines---now go and dig some dirt on your own---.

Write to your congressman and state dept amd raw and ask them---why-----!!!!

When you start digging---you will find the fountainhead---.

It is amazing----at the level of stupidity and idiocy of the most literate internet country in the world----.

I give up, I was for a brief moment trying to convince you on the absurdity of your post, but now I realize I cannot help you. I can only drag the horse to the pond, I cannot make it drink.
I and others have already poked holes in your theory. You can stay in denial and keep repeating the same tune, those with sane minds have already seen through.
Bhai hey tho kya cheese hai ? intelligence yeh Astrology.

The attack on Indian Parliament and Mumbai attacks were all false flag operations. I fail to see what would we Pakistanis would have achieved with these stupid operations. Only India seemed to gain sympathy on attack on civilian targets by their false flag RAW operations. Last time I checked Indians are the belivers in Astrology compared to Pakistanis.
The attack on Indian Parliament and Mumbai attacks were all false flag operations. I
If you think these are false flag operations then what do you make of APS massacre and current so called Zarb-e--crap.
All of them are eyewash exercises. Hafiz saeed may disagree with you on parliament attack.
If you think these are false flag operations then what do you make of APS massacre and current so called Zarb-e--crap. All of them are eyewash exercises. Hafiz saeed may disagree with you on parliament attack.

Many Talibans and their ilk have gone freelance and they will kill and attack anybody if they are paid. The whole question is who paid them for this attack ? I don't think we Pakistanis hoped to gain from attacking civilian targets. After a crime the fingers are pointed towards the party that seems to gain more from the incident/crime/attack. Only India gains from these attacks in Mumbai and Delhi and not Pakistan.
I don't care about the Indians I only care about Pakistan ! The whole 26/11 was RAW drama. But we have such bad a reputation that the world believes their lies than truth from us.
Well then whole lot of dramas happened in pakistan were staged by ISI.
This argument of yours will be used to cover the underlying problem with your country which you acknowledge bUT are afraid to accept.
Many Talibans anfd like have gone freelance and they will kill and attack anybody if they are paid. The whole question is who paid them for this attack ? I don't Pakistanis hoped to gain from attacking civilian targets only India gained from these attacks. After a crime the fingers are pointed towards the party that seems to gain more from this incident. Only India gains from these attacks in Mumbai and Delhi and not Pakistan.
I say then pakistan probably tried to gain same gains after APS but failed.

This thread is going to typical BS that will be spewed by Indians and Pakistanis at each others death.
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