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The clowns of Shariah4Pakistan have postponed their conference

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Aug 26, 2007
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The Shariah4Pakistan team would like to make the following announcement as a result of communications between respected Maulana Abdul Aziz of Lal Masjid and Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad; this announcement has also taken into consideration the heightened security implications of the conference as well as the refusal of the apostate Pakistani regime to issue visas to key speakers.

It has been decided that in the interests of all those concerned that the conference on Friday, 30th November 2012 will be postponed.
Future cooperation in relation to the call for the shariah will inshaa’allah (God willing) involve consultations with the respected scholars and leaders of all parties.

We would also like to emphasise that the obligation of calling for the shariah and rejecting man-made law must continue and that the apostate Pakistani regime must also be exposed.

After having carefully studied the case of Malala Yousafzai in detail, Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad would also like to state that he did not find evidence proving her apostasy and therefore we do not believe she should have been targeted based on the evidence available.

Her call for education is a call which all Muslims naturally share as long as this education is based strictly upon the guidance of the shariah; any statements made by Malala Yousafzai which are inappropriate are not surprising, particularly considering the overtly secular and anti-Muslim nature of the apostate Pakistani regime.

In the run up to the Pakistani general elections in March/April 2013 the Shariah4Pakistan team will inshaa’allah (God willing) launch carefully planned projects with the aim of presenting the shariah as the only alternative to the corruption of man-made law. If you would like more information on the prospective plans please do not hesitate to contact the Shariah4Pakistan team; speakers Abu Walaa, Abu Baraa and Abu Rumaysah, are also available for comment in relation to their intended talks, if you would like to speak to them please refer to their contact numbers which are available on the conference flyer.

Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad: +96170 957 759
Anjem Choudary: +447956 600 569

Uk phone numbers provided.. Waiting for their arrival and local phone numbers.
lol gud for them:D
other wise after this much publicity of their idiotic anti-pakistan/islam thinking Pakistanis would definetely welcome them with shoes........keep ur ***** to UK

Thank you
BTW why not start campaign against the man made laws from home e.g UK?

The aim of this group is to implement Sharia - the Islamic Law.

Why is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan afraid of Islamic Law?

:lol:please fart/troll somewhere else especially when u hav zero knowledge on subject...:pop:
BTW why not start campaign against the man made laws from home e.g UK?

:lol:please fart/troll somewhere else especially when u hav zero knowledge on subject...:pop:

That's What I learnt from Muslims on Islamic forums.

They say A Muslim has to submit to Allah and adopt everything Islamic in his life to be a True Muslim. A Muslim has to perfectly emulate Mohammad as he was the most perfect man ever top stepped on earth (according to Muslims).

Then why are you shying away from some part of Islam? Isn't that called a Munafiq who doesn't accept Islam in true sense and completely?
The aim of this group is to implement Sharia - the Islamic Law.

Why is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan afraid of Islamic Law?

There is no muslim majority of the kind of stuff they call shariah. Everyone has their own interpretation of countless religions. I want to see them burn their british passports and stay here if they actually believe in what they vomit. Hypocrites of the first degree.
Well ! If Mqm is allowed and free for their different form of activities , then they should be allowed too. I think it would put nice sort of stress on some really hypocrite exteremists sitting in Karachi.:pop:
Es Bakri ke bali charahoo ho sakta hai pakistan ke problems kum ho jaain :angel:
The Shariah4Pakistan team would like to make the following announcement as a result of communications between respected Maulana Abdul Aziz of Lal Masjid and Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad; this announcement has also taken into consideration the heightened security implications of the conference as well as the refusal of the apostate Pakistani regime to issue visas to key speakers.

It has been decided that in the interests of all those concerned that the conference on Friday, 30th November 2012 will be postponed.
Future cooperation in relation to the call for the shariah will inshaa’allah (God willing) involve consultations with the respected scholars and leaders of all parties.

We would also like to emphasise that the obligation of calling for the shariah and rejecting man-made law must continue and that the apostate Pakistani regime must also be exposed.

After having carefully studied the case of Malala Yousafzai in detail, Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad would also like to state that he did not find evidence proving her apostasy and therefore we do not believe she should have been targeted based on the evidence available.

Her call for education is a call which all Muslims naturally share as long as this education is based strictly upon the guidance of the shariah; any statements made by Malala Yousafzai which are inappropriate are not surprising, particularly considering the overtly secular and anti-Muslim nature of the apostate Pakistani regime.

In the run up to the Pakistani general elections in March/April 2013 the Shariah4Pakistan team will inshaa’allah (God willing) launch carefully planned projects with the aim of presenting the shariah as the only alternative to the corruption of man-made law. If you would like more information on the prospective plans please do not hesitate to contact the Shariah4Pakistan team; speakers Abu Walaa, Abu Baraa and Abu Rumaysah, are also available for comment in relation to their intended talks, if you would like to speak to them please refer to their contact numbers which are available on the conference flyer.

Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad: +96170 957 759
Anjem Choudary: +447956 600 569

Pakistan should grant visas to these guys other wise it can harm Pakistani government they can issue fatwa from anywhere so allowing them will be better
There is no muslim majority of the kind of stuff they call shariah.

Precisely What Muslims call the Taqqiya!
Everyone has their own interpretation of countless religions.
That is what you think. According to majorly accepted views, Islam is quite rigid. Most Muslims agree on the basic concepts of Shirk, Munafiq, Kaffir, How to treat Non-Muslims etc. and anyone disagreeing with it will be Killed.
I want to see them burn their british passports and stay here if they actually believe in what they vomit. Hypocrites of the first degree.

Islam is Static. If you Muslims views have different views on Islam, doesn't that contradict the basic tenants of Islam?
The aim of this group is to implement Sharia - the Islamic Law.

Why is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan afraid of Islamic Law?

These type of goons manipulate Islam for their own interests of getting authority/power/control. This is the reason such fools are never welcome because they create anarchy to get attention.
No one is afraid of them.
Pakistan should grant visas to these guys other wise it can harm Pakistani government they can issue fatwa from anywhere so allowing them will be better

So let them issue "fatwas", who cares? Its not as if they are taken seriously even by Muslims in the UK/Europe.
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