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The CIA Network Inside Pakistan


Dec 21, 2010
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i dont like taliban bro...i am just talking about CIA acts that are hidden. thats simple. for example the combat flight calculation...simple military tactics... i have no emotional attachment with taliban or even with the pak army as far as the war on terror is concerned.

i am on this forum as a defense enthusiast :)
I hope everybody realizes that, the United States has no humanitarian obligation towards the Taliban or any member that didn't sign onto the Geneva convention.

Those convention protecting against torture are only applicable under law to member states, the Taliban is not a signatory to the Geneva convention thus they are not entitled any humanitarian entitlements illustrated under the convention.
i am just talking about CIA acts that are hidden.

Tell me which intelligence agency doestn act in hiden? ISI?RAW? Mosad? former KGB? etc, this is their job to act in hiden. i am surprised that this is new to you.
I hope everybody realizes that, the United States has no humanitarian obligation towards the Taliban or any member that didn't sign onto the Geneva convention.

Those convention protecting against torture are only applicable under law to member states, the Taliban is not a signatory to the Geneva convention thus they are not entitled any humanitarian entitlements illustrated under the convention.

well, afghanistan is not a humanitarian situation as yet...like, more people in USA die of flu anually then the the deaths due to war in afghanistan...

also, i think , the americans are pretty good with precision strikes since gulf war 2... :) the war on terror is all about precise attacks , so i guess there is not much of human rights violation by americans....atleast lesser then what we saw during civil war by afghanis themselves :)
Tell me which intelligence agency doestn act in hiden? ISI?RAW? Mosad? former KGB? etc, this is their job to act in hiden. i am surprised that this is new to you.

ya true...and its always soo cool to counter analyze them... specially i am a pakistani...i am from an army back ground...i think its naturally in my blood to dive deep about pakistani secret encypted system that has been inplaced in a whole new way after nine eleven :)

by the way, any one heard about HUAWAE crypotography installations in islo??
We better quit this WoT and focus on conventional war, US already cleared cluster bombs, Javelin, Apachi's and hell fires to India they will be used against Pakistan bharatians don't have the guts to challenge China in reality.

In last 5 years PA inducted nothing except 20 old Cobra's, 3 Mi-17 and few artillery units all the equipment purchased from China n Turkey.
I hope everybody realizes that, the United States has no humanitarian obligation towards the Taliban or any member that didn't sign onto the Geneva convention.

Those convention protecting against torture are only applicable under law to member states, the Taliban is not a signatory to the Geneva convention thus they are not entitled any humanitarian entitlements illustrated under the convention.

The USA has no humanitarian obliagation towards anyone, the cowards. Heard of agent orange?
The USA has no humanitarian obliagation towards anyone, the cowards. Heard of agent orange?

See my post here regarding this http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/2436-depleted-uranium-far-worse-than-9-11-a-2.html

Here is the extract below

"This not a warcrime, they are allowed to use.

At the time of the invasion Iraqi regime was not entitled to the rights of the Geneva convention. The Geneva convention is an agreement between two parties which govern the laws of war. It is a two party agreement, if one doesn't hold up its side, the contract is no longer a valid document.

Legality of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and obviously Afghanistan wasn't covered either by International humanitarian law, As neither the United States or Afghanistan had adopted amendment 'protocol I' of the Geneva convention, which covers groups like the Taliban right to be entitled to International humanitarian law. If you loose control of your country to the Taliban, you are not longer considered to have the capabilities to uphold the convention, thus your rights to it are automatically withdrawn.

In conclusion, combatants in Afghanistan and Iraq, were considered unlawful enemy combatants which means, Iraq and Afghanistan was pretty much open meat for the United States Military under Public Law No: 107-243, (formally the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002"
ANI 16 April 2011 Saturday | 20:11:00

Washington, The Central Investigation Agency (CIA) has established its own spy network in Pakistan, a US newspaper has quoted an official, as saying.

According to the US official, the CIA established its spy network in Pakistan’s tribal areas during the last two years.

A summit of spymasters that was held this week eased tensions, but failed to resolve issues over US drone attacks and espionage, which have imperilled the vital relationship between the CIA and the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), The News quoted a US official, as telling a news agency.

The US said that the CIA had established an information-gathering network in Pakistan’s tribal areas, and that the ISI collaboration was no longer required to specify targets for drone strikes, Dunya News reported.

According to the newspaper, the US authorities told Pakistan that neither drone strikes would be stopped nor an explanation would be given to the Asian nation for each attack.

The US intelligence agency is willing to expand consultations with Pakistan over drone operations, American officials said following a meeting between CIA Director Leon Panetta and ISI chief Lieutenant General Ahmed Shuja Pasha on Monday.

But Pakistan’s demands for a drastic reduction in drone attacks are unacceptable, as are suggestions that the United States should return to a Bush-era policy, limiting the strikes to "high-value" militant targets, the officials said.

"Panetta has an obligation to protect the American people and he isn''t going to call an end to any operations that support that objective," one American official said.

US officials also worry that Islamabad has been slowing routine rotations of American personnel, including spies, diplomats and military trainers, which could become a serious drag on routine and secret US activities in the region.

Despite public protestations by Islamabad over US drone strikes in its militancy-infested tribal region, Pakistan hopes that the United States will move ahead with long-stalled plans to supply a fleet of the remotely piloted aircraft, according to a source familiar with its wish-list.

Let's not put too much weight to the American-Left's propaganda.

The only thing Adm Mullen is crying and weeping about is the death of his precious soldiers at the hands of taliboobies.

Pakistan needs to clean up FATA, so that there could be peace in the region.

Afghans are not Indians, they are our brothers. Doesn't matter if Northies and ex-commie Afghans blabber about us. Still majority of afghans are our brothers and we must not prolong their suffering.

Afghans must be given a chance to establish their government even if it si being done by Kharish-Kharazai.

It is time we the Paks send teachers and doctors (instead of taliboobies) to Afghanistan.

Let's all try to end the sufferings of our brothers.

Its like cia wants to enter an already captured market.
Anyone They would be dealing with they won't be sure if he is on the side of cia or ISI. CIA spy network? Not strong and not enough, there is a risk if one is caught the whole network would be busted.

Recently a group has been arrested in Karachi recruiting common Pakistanis giving them fake ISI cards and telling them they are part of ISI ops and they've to collect information..
Yeah, I don't think the CIA has any network either. The ISI apparently knows every inch of Afghanistan, & they wouldn't know a CIA network in FATA?
Lets say.. What if the "target killers" started killing "CIA paid" people?.. :P.. just a thought.. how long would it take ISI to clean the mess created by 'target killing terrorists'?.. just thinking loudly!
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