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The CCP is most pro ethnic minority and stupidest party in human history


Jan 15, 2013
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After 1949, when the CCP took over China, they wanted to "liberate" all minorities from their lords and Han majority. They created 55 minorities + Han. Before 1949, only 4 (Manchu, Tibetan, Mongolian and Hui) + Han were officially recognized. They wanted to apparently divide China into smaller pieces, which was understandable since the CCP even established their Soviet little country based in Yan'an before 1949.

After they created 55 minorities,

1, The CCP also helped create written languages for certain minorities, such as Zhuang, Jinpo, etc.
2, The CCP created so called "autonomous regions," from provincial levels to county, village levels.
2, The CCP changed all Chinese names where ethnic minorities inhabit to minority names, for example, Dihua to Urumuqi. Taiwan still calls Urumuqi Dihua
3, The CCP imposes one child policy on Han but not on minorities.
4, The CCP abolished Han's folklore practices, forcing Han majority to cremate but allow minorities to have tombs, in the spirit of protecting minority cultures, as if Han has no culture. Recently, in Henan, the CCP even destroyed Han majority's ancestral tombs.
5. etc, etc...

Meanwhile, what we got since the CCP implemented those policies? More ethnic violence and division and the world media is even criticizing the CCP for "oppressing" minorities? I am laughing at the incompetent and ideology-driven stupid CCP.

As they antagonize the Han majority more and more while the minorities feel more and more empowered, I expect more violence. The CCP might be digging its own grave and I fear when democracy comes to China, the damage is too devastating for the nation to heal. China might break up if China goes democratic.
Not everything's hunk dory in the middle kingdom I presume :lol:
Not everything's hunk dory in the middle kingdom I presume :lol:

Well, all politics are manifestation of human stupidity in a way, but the CCP takes the crown.

Before, the CCP valued ideology over national interest. Now, I would guess perpetuation of power over everything else.

Not the entire CPC, but traitor like Hu Yaobang is one to blame.

Well Hu was only responsible for Han-discriminatory policies including leniency of penal punishment for minorities, but creation of the 55 minorities, written languages, autonomous regions etc were way before Hu took power. China is like a huge ship, once it goes in one direction, it's very hard to turn around! That's why it's so hard to change one-child policy, retirement age policy, etc.
Well, all politics are manifestation of human stupidity in a way, but the CCP takes the crown.

Before, the CCP valued ideology over national interest. Now, I would guess perpetuation of power over everything else.

You blame CPC for creating the pro-minorities/anti-Han policy, yet CPC was the one who keeps Xinjiang and Xizang as part of China.

While KMT loves to paint themselves as the Han ultranationalists, yet they have conceded China's territory more than anyone else in the history. :coffee:
I am a Han Chinese, yet I don't feel "antagonized" by the CPC?

Sure, there is some resentment over some preferential treatment given to minorities. But it's the same case everywhere in the world, disadvantaged minorities always get help from the government.
I am a Han Chinese, yet I don't feel "antagonized" by the CPC?

Sure, there is some resentment over some preferential treatment given to minorities. But it's the same case everywhere in the world, disadvantaged minorities always get help from the government.

You live in Hongkong. I didn't feel antagonized in China since I live in Zhejiang province where no minorities live. But if you ask Han Chinese that cohabit with other minorities, you get different stories.

You blame CPC for creating the pro-minorities/anti-Han policy, yet CPC was the one who keeps Xinjiang and Xizang as part of China.

While KMT loves to paint themselves as the Han ultranationalists, yet they have conceded China's territory more than anyone else in the history. :coffee:

National borders shift and change in human history, including China's history, but what has held China together is its people's unity.
You live in Hongkong. I didn't feel antagonized in China since I live in Zhejiang province where no minorities live. But if you ask Han Chinese that cohabit with other minorities, you get different stories.

So it doesn't bother you either?

What is this thread about then...
I think one child policy was imposed on Xinjiang too,or so i was told and that started all the trouble.
So it doesn't bother you either?

What is this thread about then...

It's not about me personally, but about my motherland's future. Get it? I have been pondering this issue when the western media is criticizing the CCP for "oppressive" minority policies. I don't know whether I should laugh or cry.
To be honest UK still gets asylum seekers from china,even after China financially outperforms UK by miles.so there must be reasons.
National borders shift and change in human history, including China's history, but what has held China together is its people's unity.

Without Mao decided to let PLA marching into Xinjiang and Xizang, these territories will be lost forever.

To talk on a piece of paper is easy, just like how KMT always draws that old China map, but to implement the actual decision is something else.
To be honest UK still gets asylum seekers from china,even after China financially outperforms UK by miles.so there must be reasons.

Asylum seekers? more like economic immigrants. I have seen too many so called political refugees in the States. Do you really think I came to the U.S. for democracy? Ordinary people value material life over everything else.

Oh, UK is still way more developed than China.
Not on minorities, but on Han majorities living in Xinjiang. China used to be about 97% Han, now down to 91-2%.

That's because a lot of people suddenly "discovered" :lol: their Manchu roots, or just wanted to register as minorities in order to get the benefits that come with minority status.

Do you really think I came to the U.S. for democracy?

Then why did you go to the US for?
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