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The burial place of Holy Prothet's Mother hz Aminah

Rough Translation

Pictures of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) mothers grave in its latest condition were given to samanyolu by The Hulusi Efendi Foundation. This is the first time theses pictures of hazret amina's grave are shown.
After the Prophet (PBUH) vidited his uncle his mother passed away in 577 in Ebwa village and she was buried there aswell.
The condition of her burial site is sad today. Hazrat Amine's grave used to be a village but now it is only on the top of a hill near ebwa valley. During the Ottoman period there was a tomb however it was later destroyed by the saudi government and visiting her burial site was also forbidden.A group of people from Malatya, Turkey found Hazrat Amina's grave in sad condition. They puts stones on the grave to make into a tomb. This group gave us all a lesson about true humanity.

Ya Allah, make Turks a great nation for the Respect and Love they have shown to the blessed resting place of Sayyidah Aminah salamAllah alaiha

I love the Turks. They are the Sword of Islam!

Ya RasoolAllah
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Point is we should not destroy instead treat it with respect.
So why didn't any or Rasool-Allah's companions think of building a shrine at the place ???

Plz do some research on the topic. I admire your love for the Prophet but if you wan't to prove your love for him then plz read his Hadith.
Everyone will be raised from where-ever they were buried on the Judgement day, It is we who perceive that the grave is in sad condition. We do not know what is happening inside as muslims [addressing muslims only] we know the window of Jannah is opened for the most pious people so why do we worry?
So why didn't any or Rasool-Allah's companions think of building a shrine at the place ???

Plz do some research on the topic. I admire your love for the Prophet but if you wan't to prove your love for him then plz read his Hadith.

This is your research


Everyone will be raised from where-ever they were buried on the Judgement day, It is we who perceive that the grave is in sad condition. We do not know what is happening inside as muslims [addressing muslims only] we know the window of Jannah is opened for the most pious people so why do we worry?

The bodies of the Awliya Allah are preserved and given Rizq. They are alive. Just as the body of a Shaheed. And a Shaheed is alive.

Every Pakistani soldier who has passed away on the line of duty is a Shaheed, and is alive, and the earth does not eat his blessed body.

The Earth does not eat the bodies of the Prophets alaihimusalam, and they are given Rizq, they are Alive.

Sayyidah Aminah salamAllah alaiiha is Muslim, and is a WaliAllah. Her body is preserved and alive.
The bodies of the Awliya Allah are preserved and given Rizq. They are alive. Just as the body of a Shaheed. And a Shaheed is alive.

Every Pakistani soldier who has passed away on the line of duty is a Shaheed, and is alive, and the earth does not eat his blessed body.

The Earth does not eat the bodies of the Prophets alaihimusalam, and they are given Rizq, they are Alive.

Sayyidah Aminah salamAllah alaiiha is Muslim, and is a WaliAllah. Her body is preserved and alive.

So you agree with me in short, we should not worry about the outer condition of the graves, only that would be a bad move that known people the pious ones upon their graves houses or hotels are built other than that if the graves gets flatten by weather and other conditions that is just fine as long as the place is considered grave yard and not be used used for anything else.
So you agree with me in short, we should not worry about the outer condition of the graves, only that would be a bad move that known people the pious ones upon their graves houses or hotels are built other than that if the graves gets flatten by weather and other conditions that is just fine as long as the place is considered grave yard and not be used used for anything else.

No brother, I do not agree with you at all. And I am giving you the benefit of the doubt, as you do not seem to know.

In the Hanafi Madhab, which is the School followed by the Sunni Muslims of Pakistan, and the Sunni Muslims of Turkey, it is recommended that resting places of your loved ones be protected.

So Muslims of Pakistan, build solid walls around the graves of their parents, and put a tombstone with their names and Zikr of Allah Taaala. They plant flowers, and plants and put incense at the resting place, so that the Angels come, and do zikr.

Here is a picture of a typical Pakistani Sunni Muslim grave in Dera Bugti, Balochistan


As you can see, the Baloch say

Ya RasoolAllah
No brother, I do not agree with you at all. And I am giving you the benefit of the doubt, as you do not seem to know.

In the Hanafi Madhab, which is the School followed by the Sunni Muslims of Pakistan, and the Sunni Muslims of Turkey, it is recommended that resting places of your loved ones be protected.

So Muslims of Pakistan, build solid walls around the graves of their parents, and put a tombstone with their names and Zikr of Allah Taaala. They plant flowers, and plants and put incense at the resting place, so that the Angels come, and do zikr.

Here is a picture of a typical Pakistani Sunni Muslim grave in Dera Bugti, Balochistan

As you can see, the Baloch say

Ya RasoolAllah

That's wrong, you can build such stuff around grave the point is they are build on top and side so water doesn't go inside its not that they are build to show and identify that person.

I know about hanfi madhab and all other madhabs...Let me ask what was Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H madhab? sunni, shia, baralvi, deobandi etc etc?
That's wrong, you can build such stuff around grave the point is they are build on top and side so water doesn't go inside its not that they are build to show and identify that person.

I know about hanfi madhab and all other madhabs...Let me ask what was Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H madhab? sunni, shia, baralvi, deobandi etc etc?

In the Hanafi Madhab, which is the school of thought that the vast majority of the Muslims of Pakistan and Turkey follow, it is recommended to protect and identify the graves of your beloved ones. This is the rites followed by the vast majority of Pakistanis.

Every Thursday, Muslims of Pakistan go to Qabaristan, to put flowers and incense on the graves of their beloved ones.
Here is a typical grave from Lahore, Pakistan


People visit graveyards to remember dear ones
In the Hanafi Madhab, which is the school of thought that the vast majority of the Muslims of Pakistan and Turkey follow, it is recommended to protect and identify the graves of your beloved ones. This is the rites followed by the vast majority of Pakistanis.

Every Thursday, Muslims of Pakistan go to Qabaristan, to put flowers and incense on the graves of their beloved ones.
Here is a typical grave from Lahore, Pakistan

People visit graveyards to remember dear ones

I asked about Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H is sunni, shia or from what madhab under sunni or shia roots.

It is bidah to put flowers on grave or use scented stuff or even flower perfumed water on grave, you would need to give hadiths to prove it is allowed.
The majority of scholars maintain that the parents of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) believed in One Allah during their lifetime as well as at the time of their death. They also hold the opinion that his parents are not only Muslims but leaders of Muslims.

The Holy Quran states:

"There had come unto you a Messenger (one) of yourselves."

In another reading the Fah (ARABIC) of ARABIC is pronounced with a Zabbar (ARABIC) which would mean that this most honourable Prophet has come from a most honourable group or society. Naturally, the idolaters cannot be termed as an honourable group, but on the contrary, as the most wicked. The above argument proves that the parents of Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and his entire genealogical trace were a most honourable group and believed in One Allah.

The Holy Quran states:

"And see your abasement among those who fall prostrate."

According to the commentary of "Madarik", "Jamal," etc. the above verse translated correctly would read: "I see the genealogy of your parents and ancestors all of whom were Believers." Believers, meaning that they believed in One Allah and were true devotees. The genealogy here refers to the chain from Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) to Hazrat Abdullah (radi Allahu anhu).

A Tradition extracted from Bukhari found in Miskhaat, under the Chapter "Fazaa'il Syedul Mursaleen," contains the following words of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam):

"I have been sent from the best group of the children of Adam, from one group to the next, till I am in that group which I am."

The above Tradition substantiates that the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has been carried along the best and most noble group. The revolution of his light (Noor) has always remained within clean and pure wombs. Whose womb can be considered as clean and pure, but that of a true Believer in One Almighty Allah!

In Miskhaat, in the Chapter "Ziarat Quboor," it is stated that the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) sought permission from Almighty Allah to visit the grave of his mother, not to seek her forgiveness. We ask, in all honesty, that if she was a disbeliever, why was he even given permission to visit her grave when it is stated explicitly in the Holy Quran not to even visit the graves of disbelievers? The Holy Quran states:

"Not stand by his grave (O Muhammad). Lo! They disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger, and they died while they were evil-doers."

The above verse is proof enough that she was not a disbeliever or else he would not have been given permission to even stand at her grave.

As to the question of forgiveness, he was not permitted to ask for their forgiveness because they were not sinners. A sinner or disbeliever is he upon whom a set of Divine Laws has reached and who intentionally violates it. A set of pure Divine Laws did not reach the parent's of Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), yet they believed in One Allah. How then could they be termed as idolaters?

As to the question of him weeping, it was merely a burst of filial affection.

Leaving aside an authentic report, even a weak report has not been found in which it is proven that the parents of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) were disbelievers or idolaters. It is proven from their life and actions that they believed in the Existence of One Allah. Allama al-Suyuti (radi Allahu anhu), in his book "Kitaabut Ta'zeem was Sunnat", reports from "Dalaa'il Nabuwat" by Abu Naeem, that at her last moments, the mother of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), Bibi Aaminah (radi Allahu anhu), looked at him wistfully at the plight of his orphanhood and read the following couplet:

"O my son! May the Almighty Allah bestow blessings upon you,

I am sure that you are from your Lord a Prophet to all creation,

And that you will administer and spread Islam from Mecca to all Arab and non-Arab,

Almighty will save you from worshipping idols,

And the Religion of Ibrahim will spread through you."

She then recited another verse:

"I will pass away yet my remembrance will continue,

For I have left behind me a perfect model, a perfect son."

From the above verses, even her faith and belief in the Religion of Hazrat Ibrahim (alaihis salaam) has been proven and is an indication of her perfect belief in One Allah.

Hey, I read some Hadiths in Bukhari that Prophet's mother Aminah and father Abdullah died as Pagans. Prophet says he was forbidden to pray for his parents but he wanted to to go to his mother's grave. Allah had only given permission to go to her grave but didn't give permission to pray because his mother was idolater so was his father. A man asked Prophet about his father. Prophet said my father and your father both are in hellfire now.
Imam al-Bukhari narrates (Book of Ablution; Hadith no. 211) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) once passed by two graves. He remarked, ‘they are both being punished in their graves; one of them never used to take due care when urinating and the other would tell-tale.’ The Prophet then took a twig from a date-tree, snapped it in two and inserted them on each grave. The Companions asked, ‘O Prophet of Allah! Why did you do that?’ He replied, ‘Perhaps their punishment will be lightened so long as the twigs do not dry.’

I asked about Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H is sunni, shia or from what madhab under sunni or shia roots.

It is bidah to put flowers on grave or use scented stuff or even flower perfumed water on grave, you would need to give hadiths to prove it is allowed.
No, I saw youtube videos of a Islamic scholar who said its forbidden to pray for Prophet's parents. After seeing the video I read some hadiths in Bukhari which say his parents were Pagans (Mushriks).

That's completely wrong actually. May I ask what scholar you got this from as the Ijmah of the scholars past and present is pretty unanimous they were believers. Even companions such as Abu Bakr believed in the simple Tawheed that Hazart Ibrahim had established a thousand years before the advent of Islam.

Here are all the proof with Hadith commentary and verses from the Quran.

The Prophet(saws) hears all Salam. It's written extensively of.
Yes. The angles take our durood to him but tell me this, will he hear me if i say Ya Rasool-Allah ( O Allah's Messenger ) ???

No he certainly won't.
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