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The better growth model - India or China


Nov 4, 2011
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Model essay: The better growth model - India or China

02, Jan 2012 0436 IST
India has all the socially well knit requirements for growth of a civilized society
India and China both reeled under the agonising rule of monarchs and feudalist regimes and needed unification. While China never was ruled by foreign powers, India remained under the rule of the Portuguese, British and French and at the same time a few princely states till it got freedom and the unification process to amalgamate the princely states began.

India chose a federal polity while China has been run as a unitary polity. China is a unitary hard state and it can pursue a single goal with determination and mobilize maximal resources in its achievement. India preferred to move on the path of federal democratic republic wherein the concept of the mixed economy was introduced, whereas the People's Republic of China became a unitary people's democratic dictatorship wherein the entire economy had state controlled industries and businesses and the concept of private sector was not given any freedom to operate.

The democratic structure of the Indian polity and the concept of public-private-partnership, competition between the public and private sectors in healthcare, economic activities, food provisions, housing shelters, etc were aimed to give a boost to the economy. With the freedom of mobility all over the country for all, skilled and professionally equipped found better employment opportunities in various upcoming industries. Establishment of industrial houses, infrastructural developments like roads, rails, water management with the help of construction of dams etc became catalysts of growth in agriculture and industry alike.

Natural resources in India are abundant. India has all the socially well-knit requirements for growth of a civilized society. It is an example of unity in diversity where thousands of tribes and castes following different religions co-exist. India is an example of one of the greatest democracies in the world.

China, however, with all the abundance of natural resources initially began its march on the growth path in all the sectors like a closed economy for the world. It didn’t even could get the UN membership with its new name. No freedom of trade and commerce, press, etc was allowed till Mao Zedong held the reins of power.

The growth in the Indian polity was evident as in 1952 India had a per capita income of $60 as against China’s $50. India, despite the long foreign rule and diversity in caste, creed, language and customs, was never been hostile to foreigners as China was. Till 1978, China, despite a growing economy, remained a closed economy from the world.

The situation has, however, now taken a different turn, giving the world surprise blows. China has marched ahead in terms of economic growth, growth in defence mechanism & forces, globalization, exports, etc, leaving India far behind. The reasons are obvious. While China adopted the policy of one child, it could check the tremendous growth of population. Economic activities grew at a faster pace. More discipline, due to unitary power system, fetched the results in industry, agriculture, sports, etc. Per capita income of China has surpassed the per Capita income of India.

Various estimates are of the view that China will overtake the USA by 2018 as the world’s largest economy. China’s GDP growth is 9.2% where as India is estimated to grow at around 6-6.5% for the current fiscal. Despite all the odds, the growth of China is paying off now: the country has more than 200 billionaires compared with 70+ in India. They spend more than $190 billion in public health, where as India spends around $65 billion. Life expectancy is 75 years in China as against 65 in India.

The gap is now widening even in values of most social indicators like living standards, such as life expectancy, infant mortality rate, and years of schooling. China’s recent announcement of sending astronauts to the Moon and sending a well-designed space station has surprised the world. China has become more competitive than any other country during the last 15 years and since it opened up the economy, investors and companies are making a beeline to enter China. The country has become more business and education oriented. According to the world competitive ranking, China is on the 31st position while India’s position is 50th.

The world, however, has greater faith and trust in the vibrant growth model of democratic India, where the growth is achieved by negligible use of force. India, with a given freedom of choice to its citizens, managed to control the population growth, whereas China made the one child policy a compulsion. Indian IT and other professionals are the most sought after in the world. The crucial factor, however, remains that there is a great disparity between the educated and uneducated and unskilled population. While China has been able to make its larger population more skilled, India is yet to make that mark. Converting the population as an asset is an important factor which India is yet to achieve whereas China with the rising employment and its global impact felt is nearer to the mark.

Both China and India are the victims of corruption although it is more rampant in India. But people will tolerate corruption, although with reluctance since they can throw the corrupt out of the office. Democracies co-exist with all sorts of imperfections and can indeed withstand a lot of misery unlike authoritarian regimes. China, despite achieving a faster pace of growth in the authoritarian regime, will be forced to make a political transition as profound as the Eastern European states did with their economies. And the final shape will be a more democratic China if it wants to continue with the good and spontaneous growth rate in future. India unlike China embarked on the path of growth and development on the strong grounds of democratic federalism with the thrust on participation from all walks of society.

India is a country that is an open economy. It pushed the import liberalization policy harder and has consistently been making efforts to strengthen international relations. The period of early 1990s saw the liberalization of economic policies, increase in annual growth rates, and various reforms taking place.

Unlike China, for India, any hope of growing faster depends less on the government initiatives and more on harnessing the private sector entrepreneurial talent which has always been there but was stifled for a long time. This requires a less interventionist government but a better regulatory regime. India will remain a soft state, a consensual polity. Although it has not been able to maintain sustained growth rates like China, India is the country that has been able to provide convertibility to its currency whereas China has so far been afraid of doing so. To stay a stable and peaceful society, India has all the ingredients while China might have more explosions and civil unrests, if people are deprived of their due share of freedom. Nobel laureate Prof Amrtya Sen once said the distinctions are important for emerging economies which are trying to decide where to emerge. India needs no horse race with China in relation to the economic growth figure but with the other aspects of social values developments, quality and standard of living developments, democratic values and political liberties. India can do better on these fronts and the need is to move steadily in the right direction. The elephant does not require wings to surpass the dragon in all-round growth.

essay writing : The better growth model - India or China

This biased so called Indian essay is very funny,it claims
To stay a stable and peaceful society, India has all the ingredients while China might have more explosions and civil unrests, if people are deprived of their due share of freedom.
but the fact is China is a much more stable country than India,China is almost a single nation state.
Off course :china: Alongside

How the hell does India come into question?:undecided:
As far as economy is concerned, China's growth model is a proven one - India's model is yet to be proven. As for civilized society, jury is still out there to see which one is better and they have to wait for atleast couple of decades before passing a judgement.
India is slow turtle and China is lazy rabit. lets see who will win the race
China way ahead in every parameters.
are we really lazy?mabye I m a little bit,but most people around me work very hard,no one likes to be left behind.

Please. I never said Chinese are lazy. I was just quoting a old story of Rabbit-Turtle race story. I have no doubt Chinese are very hard working :cheers:
In my opinion......the article above is completely wrong about India.

First, India is not a democracy. Democracy by the name, but not in the reality on the street level. As experts said India democracy was given, not came from the grassroots movement. Caste system is the evidence, where low caste have a small role in India politics, where it dominated by higher caste and serve for higher caste interest. These higher caste just care about great stuffs like space program, and abandoned all the poor low caste people.

Second, as open economy, China is more open compare with India. There's Carrefour, Wal-Mart, Lotte-Mart, IKEA, etc in China. While India just recently gave a green light for foreign retail company to open their shops in India.

Once India solved their problem, India will became a great country. As some Chinese people said, India is a teacher of China.

I'm from Taiwan, and observed a lot of thing about China.

Talk about democracy. China is authoritarian government with meritocracy. I can say it has the similar culture of government to Chinese Imperial era, with improvement and perfection. Authoritarian at above, but very democratic at grassroots level. So democratic, that according to Pew Research and Harvard University survey, more than 90% of Chinese people satisfy with their government performance. The highest in the world. I can say, the most democratic country in the world right now.

Talk about open economy. China is a combination between SOEs and open market. I think, everyone here ever heard about the story of Made in China goods, the world's factory, millions of companies and factories, world largest consumer market, etc.

Btw, comparing India and China, is not fair and it will hurt both people, as two countries are very different. Fail in India, is a Chinese fault too, and vice versa, as they are ally and partner in BRICS, an economy cooperation. I just recommend that India and China should be closer, work together and sharing experiences to build their economy and dominate the world into better world. BRICS should put their inner economy cooperation priority above the others.
What a biased article :lol:

Both have their pros and cons.

China's economic model is good and a proven one. India has a relatively matured democracy, though it still has some way to go. Given India's difficulties, it has done well as far as far as democracy is concerned.

Democracy is the best (personal opinion), but it does not always guarantee economic development, sustainability and prosperity. People who say otherwise are nothing more than brainless idealists.
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