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The Anna Hazare interview: PM made promises, his govt cheated me


Jun 28, 2010
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The Anna Hazare interview: PM made promises, his govt cheated me - Rediff.com News


Anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare’s trip to the United States and participation in the India Independence Day Parade, was “to meet NRIs and connect with like-minded people in the United States and get their support -- wake them up -- for the next anti-corruption agitation in India.”

In an exclusive interview with rediff.com's Aziz Haniffa on August 21, in Glenn Dale, Maryland, at the home of Indian American community activist Om Sharma, who hosted a dinner reception in honour of Hazare, the 76-year-old social activist declared that an integral part of his visit to the US was “to have an international platform” for his anti-corruption message.

This correspondent posed the questions to Hazare in English and he replied in Hindi. His replies were then translated into English by Sachin Narode, a medical researcher at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, who is his chief handler in the US.

Hazare denied that the initial energy and enthusiasm his anti-corruption drive had elicited and the critical mass the campaign was able to muster had dissipated.

He predicted that if the government doesn't enact the Jan Lokpal Bill in the monsoon session -- which, he admitted, was an unlikely option -- he would start his agitation again.

“There is enough enthusiasm among the people for another campaign like the last one,” he said.

“People this time will come in larger crowds -- much more than before,” he said, and added, “I am working hard for over six months and I totally know that the government cheated and deceived me. The movement is gaining more strength; we will start our agitation in the next winter session if the government doesn’t agree to enact our bill.”

Asked if there was any hope that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and the government led by him would eradicate corruption -- as he had pledged to do -- or if it is so embedded and entrenched that this government had to go, Hazare said it doesn’t matter which government is in power.

“Changes don’t come simply by changing a government and having a different government,” he said.

“We have to wake up the people and the masses and bring the right kind of leaders with a moral character who will change the system -- not the government,” he said.

Hazare reiterated, “The government doesn’t matter and I don’t like to play the game of party politics -- I don’t support that. One (government) will go and another will come but not much change of system can be brought about by this.”

When asked if he expected any change for the better if a government led by the Bharatiya Janata Party were to come to power under the leadership of Narendra Modi as prime minister, Hazare was diplomatic and even circumspect.

“There will be no change as far as corruption is concerned unless there is leadership with moral character,” he said.

He continued to argue, “It doesn’t matter which party is in power or who is the prime minister,” whether it is Modi or anyone else.

“That will not affect change -- change will have to come from within,” he said.

“I believe people should change and political parties will not bring that change. I have total faith in the Constitution,” Hazare said, and noted that under the Constitution “a party or parties don’t even exist.”

Hazare said, “I am trying to change people and the masses to do better governance and to bring in the right moral character and right leader, not with the party but with individual support.”

“So, it doesn’t matter which party is in power and who is the prime minister. I believe candidates have to be on their own and not attached to any party,” he said.

Asked why Indian Americans or the Indian Diaspora should care or support the anti-corruption campaign he is waging because Indian Americans owe their fidelity to the US, Hazare shot back, “Aren’t all of their relatives in India -- their birth country? Everybody is suffering there -- would you like that people in India should suffer?”

He argued that “corruption is not a country issue,” it was not exclusive to a particular country.

“It is universal -- it is a global problem. If you are thinking you are not touched by it, it is unfortunate. You are touched by it,” he said.

Hazare declared, “It’s a world issue and so you can’t term it as an Indian American or American or Indian (issue)….They all have to care. Everybody has to step up, roll up their sleeves and fight this.”

Earlier, Hazare, who arrived from Philadelphia in a limousine replete with a security detail and bodyguard, was mobbed by several hundred guests.

They had traveled from all across Maryland, Virginia and the DC area, and were jostling to touch and kiss his feet and take photographs with him.

There was no indication of the ‘Hazare phenomenon’ fizzling out among Indian Americans, several of whom had gate-crashed the dinner reception, since Sharma had only invited a few “elite guests, to meet, greet, listen, speak and have an interaction with Anna Hazareji.”

At several points, the jostling for pictures got so bad that when Hazare’s security detail and his aide Bishambar Chaudhary tried to push back some of the guests, it almost ended in fisticuffs. The host had to implore the angry guests not to engage in anything untoward.

Hazare, in his remarks to the guests, was gracious and profusely thanked them for coming (because apparently it was a fund-raiser too to underwrite parts of his US visit).

He spoke of how, at the age of 26, he had decided not to get married and had devoted his life to nation-building.

“I started this struggle for nation-building, to end corruption,” he said.

“I am married to all the people of India. I have adopted all of India and all of India is my family and I feel very happy about it,” he said.

“If I would have married, I would not have been a social worker and activist. But now I am fighting everyday because I cannot tolerate the poverty and the corruption and life being so difficult for the common man. I have dedicated my life for all these people,” he said.

Hazare said, “I am not going to die and I am going to keep fighting every day of my life till the Lokpal Bill is passed.’

He said, “I live in a temple -- in a very small place,” adding, “I have no blood pressure problems, no diabetes”.

To much laughter from the audience, Hazare observed that the rich and mighty in India, with all of their ailments and diseases, must be very envious of him.

Hazare said he had been the recipient of the Padma Bhushan and several awards from across the world. He had invested the lakhs of rupees he had received with these awards.

With the accruing interest on these investments, he was helping the poor and the underprivileged to get an education, provide for their health and get married.

"I get Rs 6,000 as pension but I don’t know what to do with it," he said to peals of laughter.

Hazare kept reiterating that he had been ‘deceived’ by the government led by Dr Singh.

He pointed out that during his first hunger strike, Dr Singh had written to him, promising to table the anti-corruption bill and push for its enactment, which had not been done.

He said he had received another letter from the PM, assuring him that the bill would see action in this session, but that seemed to be unlikely.

“I am going to do another fast at the Ramlila Ground because I want to see the bill passed in the winter session,” he said.

Hazare said he had been preparing for his campaign for months. He had logged over 28,000 kilometers across the country. The campaign, when it begins again, would be spread across the length and breadth of India.

He asserted, “Those who are not corrupt, have the right to reject, the right to recall,” those in government who are not taking action against corrupt and entrenched elements.
For the First time in the history of the world I am hearing that a Government cheats!!....so naive!!
He was pushing too hard.. should have taken the bill as it is..
anyway.. he used undemocratic means to push govt.... what if somebody does a dharna to go to war ... will govt entertain it?
For the First time in the history of the world I am hearing that a Government cheats!!....so naive!!

"first time" ??? You must have been living under a rock in the past. Of course do Government cheat !

Is the Indian government trying to cheat hard working Australian contractors?
Is the Indian government trying to cheat hard working Australian contractors?

Indian Government Cheats Punjab Farmers

Govt lets 30 lakh tonnes of paddy rot

Chandigarh, Punjab: Even as the Centre is redrafting the Food Security Bill to ensure availability of food for all, nearly 30 lakh tonnes of paddy, which could feed about 4 lakh people for a month, has been left to rot in Punjab with the Food Corporation of India (FCI) refusing to lift the stock.

In the past six months, Union Agriculture and Food Minister Sharad Pawar and the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) have intervened several times, but have failed to find a solution to the problem.

While the Union Ministries of Agriculture and Food have entered into a blame game, the Punjab Cabinet has been forced to ask the Departments of Food and Agriculture to issue advertisements asking farmers not to grow PAU-201 anymore. This paddy variety was developed by Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) and farmers were strongly encouraged to grow it. But now that they have grown this variety in large quantities, the FCI has found that the extent of damaged stalks is much higher than permissible.

“The Union Food Secretary has made it clear to us that the FCI will not lift PAU-201,“ said N.S. Kang, Financial Commissioner (Development), Punjab.“Farmers will be the worst sufferers if the stock is not lifted. There is hardly any space to store the next paddy crop,“ state Agriculture Minister Sucha Singh Langah said.

But the FCI is not ready to lift the stock.“We don’t want to face criminal cases,“ said an FCI official.“The grain damage is 8-9 per cent, much more than the permissible limit of 4.75 per cent. Procuring it would be a violation of the Food Adulteration Act,“ he said.

PAU-201 was cleared by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research three years ago. PAU scientists claimed that it was a high-yielding variety, required less water, matured faster and even had a higher nutritional value.

For the first two years, Punjab farmers did not sow it on a large scale. But in 2009-10, they planted it across 6 lakh hectares and produced about 45 lakh tonnes (mostly in Malwa belt). This amounts to 30 per cent of the state’s total produce, said a state government official.

In the past six months, millers have somehow disposed of 15 lakh tonnes. But the rest is rotting and they say they have nothing to do with it.

“Government agencies should take away my entire stock and compensate me. I don’t want to mill this variety as the FCI will not lift it,“ said Gurpreet Singh Mann, owner of Yadvendra Rice and General Mills, Bathinda.

Some millers have moved the Punjab and Haryana High Court seeking directions to government agencies to lift the stock from their premises.

“The state agencies which procured paddy from farmers will suffer losses to the tune of several hundred crores if it is not lifted,“ said D.S. Grewal, Director, Food, Punjab.“We may even export the stock if any other country is willing to take it,“ he said.

Political leaders, too, seem to be under pressure. Bathinda MP Harsimrat Kaur Badal, who has written several letters to the Prime Minister and Union Food Minister in the past few months, said,“About 2 lakh Punjab farmers would fall into the vicious trap of moneylenders if the produce is not lifted by the FCI. The Centre must do something fast to resolve the crisis.”
Arre Bhai, didn't you understand my Sarcasm...:D Every Govt. cheats...It is the duty of every Govt.
Anna Hazarey should meet Tahir-ul-Qadri and both can wipe each other's tears
anna hazarey = andha hazarey (in punjabi)
I have a hard time deciding whether this man is genuine or a crook .
In Maharashtra his home state, he has lost a lot of credibility , they all think he(kejeriwal and co with anna) wanted to attain power that too by short cut means.
PM can't even take a leak without that witch sonia's permission, so of course he is not going to keep any promises he may of made!

While on the subject of the PM, anyone who says MadMohan Singh is not corrupt is living in fool's paradise.
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