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The $4 Billion Bomb.


Nov 9, 2009
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Iran offered Benazir $4b for nuclear tech: Beg
Sunday Rabi-us-Thani 15, 1427

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s former army chief says Iranian officials came to him for advice on heading off an attack on their nuclear facilities, and he in effect advised them to take a hostage – Israel.

Retired Gen Mirza Aslam Beg said he suggested their government “make it clear that if anything happens to Iran, if anyone attacks it – it doesn’t matter who it is or how it is attacked – that Iran’s answer will be to hit Israel; the only target will be Israel.”

Since Beg spoke in an interview with The Associated Press, echoes of his thinking have been heard in Iran, though whether they result directly from his advice isn’t known. Mohammad Ebrahim Dehghani, an Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander, was quoted last week as saying that if “America does make any mischief, the first place we target will be Israel.” The threat was disavowed the next day by Brig Gen Alireza Afshar, deputy to the chief of Iran’s military staff, who said it was Dehghani’s “personal view and has no validity as far as the Iranian military officials are concerned”.

And on Tuesday, Israel’s vice premier, Shimon Peres, warned that “Those who threaten to destroy are in danger of being destroyed.” In the AP interview that took place several weeks before these threats were exchanged, Beg said a delegation from the Iranian Embassy in Pakistan had come to his office in January, seeking advice as Western pressure mounted on Iran to abandon its nuclear effort. Beg said he offered lessons learned from his experience dealing with India’s nuclear threat.

He said he told the Iranians, whom he did not identify, that Pakistan had suspected India of collaborating with Israel in planning an attack on its nuclear facilities. By then, Pakistan had the bomb too. But both countries had adopted a strategy of ambiguity, he said, and Pakistan sent an emissary to India to warn that no matter who attacked it, Pakistan would retaliate against India. “We told India frankly that this is the threat we perceive and this is the action we are taking and the action we will take. It was a real deterrent,” he recalled telling the Iranians. He said he also advised them to “attempt to degrade the defence systems of Israel,” harass it through the Hamas government of the Palestinian Authority and the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon, and put second-strike nuclear weapons on submarines.

Although analysts are divided on how soon Iran might have nuclear weapons, Beg said he is sure Iran has had enough time to develop them. But he insists the Pakistani government didn’t help, even though he says former prime minister Benazir Bhutto once told him the Iranians offered more than $4 billion for the technology.

Ephraim Asculai, a former senior official with the Israel Atomic Agency Commission, said he didn’t think Beg’s remarks reflected official Pakistani policy.

Asculai said he believed Iran learned more from Iraq than from Pakistan, recalling that as soon as the 1991 Gulf War broke out, Saddam Hussein fired missiles at Israel, even though it wasn’t in the US-led coalition fighting Iraq.

Beg became army chief of staff in 1988, a year after Pakistan confirmed CIA estimates that it had nuclear weapons capability. He served until 1991 and now runs his own think tank. He speaks freely and in detail about the nuclear issue, but many critical blank spots remain and the subject remains one of great sensitivity, clouded by revelations in 2004 that AQ Khan, who pioneered Pakistan’s nuclear bomb, sold nuclear technology to Iran, Libya and North Korea.

The bigger picture has also changed radically. Pakistan is now a US ally in the war on terrorism, and Asculai said “Pakistani government officials have often suggested that they would be willing to have ties with Israel under certain conditions.”

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
he in effect advised them to take a hostage – Israel.

Retired Gen Mirza Aslam Beg said he suggested their government “make it clear that if anything happens to Iran, if anyone attacks it – it doesn’t matter who it is or how it is attacked – that Iran’s answer will be to hit Israel; the only target will be Israel.

Pakistan sent an emissary to India to warn that no matter who attacked it, Pakistan would retaliate against India.

Isn't this just Nuclear terrorism.

Exactly...For some reasons people think that Pakistan say's we will use Nuke and India say's ohh god they will use nukes lets just run away... Are you forgetting that other party also have nukes??? So in other words these weapons are just for deterrents and are not used without any existential threat... Let me give a weird example if US attacks Pakistan nuclear installations what India can do about it??? Also what purpose will be solved by nuking india?? The only thing would happen is nuclear response from India thereby ensuring complete destruction of Pakistan and significant losses to India... So would you like to loose Pakistan for significant loss to India for an attack on your nuclear facilities that has nothing to do with India ???
Is there any other country who has been so careless in spreading technologies for nuclear bomb to another country.

One should be ashamed.

Exactly...For some reasons people think that Pakistan say's we will use Nuke and India say's ohh god they will use nukes lets just run away... Are you forgetting that other party also have nukes??? So in other words these weapons are just for deterrents and are not used without any existential threat... Let me give a weird example if US attacks Pakistan nuclear installations what India can do about it??? Also what purpose will be solved by nuking india?? The only thing would happen is nuclear response from India thereby ensuring complete destruction of Pakistan and significant losses to India... So would you like to loose Pakistan for significant loss to India for an attack on your nuclear facilities that has nothing to do with India ???

Your goodwill speech will make no sense to extremists if they somehow get to hold the nuclear trigger in Pakistan.
Forget aaj tak. Any neutral link on a reputable media site will do. What, can't find any? what a surprise :rolleyes:

Exactly...For some reasons people think that Pakistan say's we will use Nuke and India say's ohh god they will use nukes lets just run away... Are you forgetting that other party also have nukes??? So in other words these weapons are just for deterrents and are not used without any existential threat... Let me give a weird example if US attacks Pakistan nuclear installations what India can do about it??? Also what purpose will be solved by nuking india?? The only thing would happen is nuclear response from India thereby ensuring complete destruction of Pakistan and significant losses to India... So would you like to loose Pakistan for significant loss to India for an attack on your nuclear facilities that has nothing to do with India ???

Sometimes reading carefully and understanding what is being said won't hurt your eyes or brains much.

The discussion about attacking India if our nuclear assets had gotten attacked was in context to Israel. As if you remember in late 80s, a rumor, plan or whatever you call it had emerged of Israel using Indian airspace, air bases and soil to attack Kahuta or other nuclear assets just like the Iraq Nuke Plant by Israel.

So this threat or msg whatever you call it to India was in this context, that if even Israeli planes attacked the nuclear assets in Pakistan, India would be paying the price as India would have let used its airspace, air bases and would have given logistical help in the Israeli plan. So it was very logical as Indian consent would have been involved in such a plan. But it never carried out or wasn't executed even with Israelis present in India.

Hope this clears it up, so next time understand then do the rant.

Plus Pakistan has never said we will nuke India, nor we wish to nuke India and hopefully God willing such a day will not come too.
Your goodwill speech will make no sense to extremists if they somehow get to hold the nuclear trigger in Pakistan.

Worry about your side, not ours. As extremists and hawks are present in your setup, not ours.

I and others remember well how the hawks in the Indian govt where threatening Pakistan after the Pokhran Nuke tests, all kind of threats were being hurled at Pakistan to wipe out it from the face of the earth, which all stopped once our nukes got tested.

So plzzz worry for your side first, not ours.
one should think before whos 50 men drink urinum and go hospital or who sale urinum in bombay?.
Sometimes reading carefully and understanding what is being said won't hurt your eyes or brains much.

Very well said but don't you think this applies on all of us???

The discussion about attacking India if our nuclear assets had gotten attacked was in context to Israel. As if you remember in late 80s, a rumor, plan or whatever you call it had emerged of Israel using Indian airspace, air bases and soil to attack Kahuta or other nuclear assets just like the Iraq Nuke Plant by Israel.

Thanks for the info but i am very well aware of it...

So this threat or msg whatever you call it to India was in this context, that if even Israeli planes attacked the nuclear assets in Pakistan, India would be paying the price as India would have let used its airspace, air bases and would have given logistical help in the Israeli plan. So it was very logical as Indian consent would have been involved in such a plan. But it never carried out or wasn't executed even with Israelis present in India.

Again thanks for the info but i am aware of it....

Hope this clears it up, so next time understand then do the rant.

What you call it a rant was a simple message that nukes will not be used against India unless and untill india is involved in any attack on Pakistan(read attack on her existential threat) and vice-versa...NOw this article suggest that if there is any attack on Iran - Israel will be targetted. Here is the expert

"make it clear that if anything happens to Iran, if anyone attacks it – it doesn’t matter who it is or how it is attacked – that Iran’s answer will be to hit Israel; the only target will be Israel."

That's why i gave the example what if US attack Pak nuclear sites...in such a scenario what India has to do with it and thus Iran's stand don't make sense to me....Secondly in south asia we use nukes every now and then in our discussions as if they are toys....Thirdly even if someone attack your nuclear sites still it is going to be a tough decision to use nukes unless and untill there is a real danger of loosing the strategic assets(Capability to bomb your adversary) and if possible you will still tend to reply back conventionally ...because nukes means END OF ALL.. Still you find what i write as rant then can't help it...
Very well said but don't you think this applies on all of us???

Thanks for the info but i am very well aware of it...

Again thanks for the info but i am aware of it....

What you call it a rant was a simple message that nukes will not be used against India unless and untill india is involved in any attack on Pakistan(read attack on her existential threat) and vice-versa...NOw this article suggest that if there is any attack on Iran - Israel will be targetted. Here is the expert

"make it clear that if anything happens to Iran, if anyone attacks it – it doesn’t matter who it is or how it is attacked – that Iran’s answer will be to hit Israel; the only target will be Israel."

That's why i gave the example what if US attack Pak nuclear sites...in such a scenario what India has to do with it and thus Iran's stand don't make sense to me....Secondly in south asia we use nukes every now and then in our discussions as if they are toys....Thirdly even if someone attack your nuclear sites still it is going to be a tough decision to use nukes unless and untill there is a real danger of loosing the strategic assets(Capability to bomb your adversary) and if possible you will still tend to reply back conventionally ...because nukes means END OF ALL.. Still you find what i write as rant then can't help it...

If you had known what i said, the you wouldn't reply again with a master piece post once again.

In simple words i tried to explain that in what context the Indian part had been mentioned, if you had understood it then either you would have self deleted your post or did an edit to make it relevant with the context in which the discussion was being done, but you came back with another master piece.

And if US tomorrow attacks Pakistan nuke sites, India would have nothing to do with it, but on the contrary if it provides logistic support, airspace, air bases, fuel & other stuff, then yeah India would be liable for punitive action as this would mean an act of war, plain and simple.

Don't plzzz come with a BS post once again, there is no war mongering or insulting thing in my post that Indian members start jumping up. Its plain simple equation, tomorrow India would do the same thing if Pakistan gives its air space, air bases, fuel & logistics to any third party for attacking Indian nuke assets or whatever.
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