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The 25 Countries With The Most Brainpower


Jun 28, 2010
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http:// sg finance yahoo com /news/25-countries-most-brainpower-211349685.html

Which country has the largest stock of brilliant people ? The answer to this question depends in part on raw brainpower, but also on the size of a country.

Exclusively for Business Insider, Dr. Jonathan Wai , a Duke University Talent Identification Program research scientist and psychologist, compiled a new ranking of countries based on scores on the 2009 PISA assessment , which tests reading, math, and science competency in 15-year-olds.

Multiple researchers have found that these tests, administered by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), are a good measure of "g," or general intelligence.

In our list, the rank order is based on two things. First, we identified the average percentage of teenagers in each country who achieved the top score of six on math or verbal tests (globally, around the 98th percentile). Second, we cross-referenced this percentage with population to estimate the number of brilliant people per country.

This provides a new way of looking at the raw brainpower of each country, not counting the significant effects of immigration and emigration.

If you looked only at average scores, you’d find the U.S. is only ranked 24th, near the middle of the pack. But if you then take into account the high-scoring right tail and population, the U.S. is not doing so bad.

Note that we're not including China on this list. Not every student in China was assessed, but only a few cities. And the result was that Shanghai in particular was a large outlier. Shanghai represents a tiny fraction of China's population, is a migration hub that attracts elites, and is much wealthier than the country as a whole. 84% of Shanghai's high school students go to college, while 24% do nationwide. Parents in Shanghai also spend a great deal of money on external tutoring, which an average worker couldn't afford.

It's not representative of China as a whole.

If Shanghai were included on its own, it would rank third on this list. If the scores in China as a whole were even near the international average, the country as a whole would rank first, given the sheer size of the population.

Below are the countries with the most brain power, noting the average percentage getting the top score on PISA tests, and the the estimated number of brilliant people.

#1 The United States
On average, 1.7% scored at elite levels
5,336,300 brilliant people estimated

#2 Japan On average, 4.05% scored at elite levels
5,167,800 brilliant people estimated

#3 South Korea

On average, 4.40% scored at elite levels
2,200,000 brilliant people estimated

#4 Germany On average, 2.60% scored at elite levels
2,129,140 brilliant people estimated

#5 France On average, 2.20 % scored at elite levels
1,445,400 brilliant people estimated

#6 Taiwan On average, 5.85 % scored at elite levels
1,365,390 brilliant people estimated

#7 Canada On average, 3.10 % scored at elite levels
1,081,280 brilliant people estimated

#8 Russia On average, 0.65% scored at elite levels
932,750 brilliant people estimated

#9 The United Kingdom On average, 1.4% scored at elite levels
885,220 brilliant people estimated

#10 Australia On average, 3.3 % scored at elite levels
748,440 brilliant people estimated

#11 Italy On average, 1% scored at elite levels
609,200 brilliant people estimated

#12 Poland On average, 1.45% scored at elite levels
558,830 brilliant people estimated

#13 Singapore On average, 9.10% scored at elite levels
483,392 brilliant people estimated

#14 Turkey On average, 0.65 % scored at elite levels
481,000 brilliant people estimated

#15 Hong Kong On average, 6.00% scored at elite levels
429,300 brilliant people estimated

#16 The Netherlands
On average, 2.55% scored at elite levels
427,635 brilliant people estimated

#17 Belgium On average, 3.45% scored at elite levels
384,330 brilliant people estimated

#18 Spain On average, 0.75% scored at elite levels
354,525 brilliant people estimated
Average score ranking: 35

#19 Switzerland On average, 4.25% scored at elite levels
339,873 brilliant people estimated

#20 Brazil On average, 0.10% scored at elite levels
198,700 brilliant people estimated

#21 The Czech Republic On average, 1.80% scored at elite levels
189,180 brilliant people estimated

#22 New Zealand On average, 4.1% scored at elite levels
181,753 brilliant people estimated

#23 Sweden On average, 1.90% scored at elite levels
180,823 brilliant people estimated

#24 Finland On average, 3.25% scored at elite levels
175,955 brilliant people estimated

#25 Austria
On average, 1.7% scored at elite levels
143,854 brilliant people estimated
If real stats are considered unlike the Dubious claims of Richard Lynn ( The old IQ question) and that ridiculous PISA test , Indians would beat the entire world hands down. Accomplishments of the Indian Diaspora in practically every single one of the countries in the list is enough proof :D
I dont believe in this list....because i dont see India in the list
................Its completely made up and false.

But then i guess its high time the Indian educational council brought in a better syllabus.They only know how to make students slog( i have never used things like triple integration after 1st sem of engineering.).i hope this is their wake up call.
If real stats are considered unlike the Dubious claims of Richard Lynn ( The old IQ question) and that ridiculous PISA test , Indians would beat the entire world hands down. Accomplishments of the Indian Diaspora in practically every single one of the countries in the list is enough proof :D

Diaspora being the keyword. See, I think the diaspora flourishes because the host country provides them with an excellent education system.

Back home, our education system is very poor. The academic atmosphere is based on rote learning. Western universities emphasize research, and individual thinking.
If real stats are considered unlike the Dubious claims of Richard Lynn ( The old IQ question) and that ridiculous PISA test , Indians would beat the entire world hands down. Accomplishments of the Indian Diaspora in practically every single one of the countries in the list is enough proof :D

Diaspora being the keyword. See, I think the diaspora flourishes because the host country provides them with an excellent education system.

Back home, our education system is very poor. The academic atmosphere is based on rote learning. Western universities emphasize research, and individual thinking.

Why every stats that show Indians performed poorly are considered dubious and ridiculous? Richard Lynn is a world renowned academics. PISA is the world's benchmark for general education.

LOL, Indian diaspora is your creme de la creme of India, it's an outlier. Every country has a top tier elite. But it is the general public that makes up the country strength or weakness. There is a reason why statisticians always take the "mean"score
Why every stats that show Indians performed poorly are considered dubious and ridiculous? Richard Lynn is a world renowned academics. PISA is the world's benchmark for general education.

LOL, Indian diaspora is your creme de la creme of India, it's an outlier. Every country has a top tier elite. But it is the general public that makes up the country strength or weakness. There is a reason why statisticians always take the "mean"score

This is true. Indians who can afford to leave India, leave India. That usually means the smartest of the bunch. It ain't called brain drain for nothing
Why every stats that show Indians performed poorly are considered dubious and ridiculous? Richard Lynn is a world renowned academics. PISA is the world's benchmark for general education.

LOL, Indian diaspora is your creme de la creme of India, it's an outlier. Every country has a top tier elite. But it is the general public that makes up the country strength or weakness. There is a reason why statisticians always take the "mean"score

Richard Lynn's claims have been debunked by several other equally well known academics . I can give you their names with details of their work .

And it does not take a rocket scientist to point out major flaws in both "IQ and wealth of Nations 1 " and "IQ and wealth of Nations 2" . I refer to the two books he has penned down.

Richard Lynn is not favorably viewed in any part of the world. He owes his publicity due to the IQ controversy he sparked.

In his first book he takes the mean GDP of Iran and Bangladesh .Calculates their average and assigns a figure of 81 to India.

In his second book , he selects 5 of the most backward Indian Tribes , computes their IQ based on a flawed general knowledge test
and again gets the same score.

Hence we ( Indians at least) discard his data as trash and BS. Of course , he has his fanboys amongst loads of
East asians ( Chinese , Koreans , The entire South East Asian bloc ) because of the high scores they get ---courtesy the even more "dubious" Flynn Effect.

As Far as PISA is considered , It is an epic fail to even implement such a Test to check IQ in India. The explanation would be quite lengthy so if you are ready to wait a couple of more days then I ll be posting a long article here.

It goes without saying that my statements are directed to the "real analyzers" and not fanboys.
Why every stats that show Indians performed poorly are considered dubious and ridiculous? Richard Lynn is a world renowned academics. PISA is the world's benchmark for general education.

LOL, Indian diaspora is your creme de la creme of India, it's an outlier. Every country has a top tier elite. But it is the general public that makes up the country strength or weakness. There is a reason why statisticians always take the "mean"score

Provided that student appearing for PISA test and selective result aren't approved by CCP. LOL
East asians ( Chinese , Koreans , The entire South East Asian bloc ) because of the high scores they get ---courtesy the even more "dubious" Flynn Effect.

As Far as PISA is considered , It is an epic fail to even implement such a Test to check IQ in India. The explanation would be quite lengthy so if you are ready to wait a couple of more days then I ll be posting a long article here.

It goes without saying that my statements are directed to the "real analyzers" and not fanboys.

Chinese Government allowed only those kids to appear in PISA test who comes from the families affording high cost on tuitions and committed to education. When the result came out Chinese government forced PISA to declare scores only of Shanghai, rest of the results of rural China wasn't allowed to be published.
Diaspora being the keyword. See, I think the diaspora flourishes because the host country provides them with an excellent education system.

Back home, our education system is very poor. The academic atmosphere is based on rote learning. Western universities emphasize research, and individual thinking.

I agree with both your points. Diaspora flourishes because they have access to the best abroad.

And our Indian Education system is not merely "poor".....from personal experience I can say "rotten"" would be an apt word here.

But that doesn't really affect the brain-power in the long run and the reason being our tremendous abilities to adapt from an isolated college learning atmosphere to real time professional scenarios when we enter the corporate world.

All these things are sadly never taken into account by IQ researches and any publication of negative data in any Western journal is lapped up by a sensationalist media that we have at home here.

That is to be expected but let me assure you if there is one country with no lack of human resource in the world today , its India and by the look of it we are making good use of it.

I can elaborate on this more as soon as I 'm free, hope you ll be around.
Chinese Government allowed only those kids to appear in PISA test who comes from the families affording high cost on tuitions and committed to education. When the result came out Chinese government forced PISA to declare scores only of Shanghai, rest of the results of rural China wasn't allowed to be published.

And its not just that. The PISA structure itself is ineffective and cannot be used to determine real educational standards in India. All someone has to do is to go through a couple of PISA question papers and ask a general Indian Student.

Hell when kids in those advanced nations prepare for PISA , our kids prepare for Maths Olympiads , Kids even in Class 8 or 9 these days start preparing for the IIT's .

These comparisons are flawed and to be perfectly frank , if the top ten rankers of PISA are inserted in the Indian System , they will dry out in a matter of weeks due to fatigue .
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