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Terrorists 'wouldn't dare hurt cricketers', says Imran Khan


Jan 5, 2008
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Source: Terrorists 'wouldn't dare hurt cricketers', says Imran Khan | The Australian, Sarah Elks | October 11, 2008

PAKISTANI cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan said yesterday the Australian cricket team would have been safe from terrorist attacks if it had gone to Pakistan, as terrorists knew that such an attack would have lost them public sympathy.

More than 1300 people have been killed this year in a string of bombings by insurgents, including last month's destruction of the Marriott hotel in Islamabad, which killed 60, and Thursday's attack on the heavily fortified headquarters of the anti-terrorist squad in the same city.

The Lion of Lahore, who was on the Gold Coast yesterday as the plenary speaker for the National Radio Conference, said Cricket Australia's reluctance on security grounds to send the team to Pakistan for the Champions Trophy, which was partly responsible for the tournament being indefinitely postponed, while allowing a tour of India to go ahead, caused great resentment in the country.

In an interview with The Weekend Australian after his wide-ranging address to the conference, Mr Khan, who captained the Pakistan cricket team from 1982 to 1992, said that although he could understand Cricket Australia's position, the players would not have been in any danger in Pakistan.

"Personally I would not worry about these things," Mr Khan said. "But I can imagine other people worrying about them. It hasn't helped when you're sitting outside and you have news coming in of the Marriott being bombed, although the tour was cancelled before the Marriott."

South Africa was the main agitator behind the postponement of the Champions Trophy.

"I never thought that cricketers were going to ever be threatened at all, simply because cricket is such a passion in the country that terrorists would never dare to do it because they would not want the people to turn against them," Mr Khan said.

"They rely on public sympathy, which they have right now because the American war on terror, amongst the masses, is seen to be a war against Islam. So they have their sympathy."

It was the US rather than Cricket Australia in Mr Khan's sights yesterday. He referred to the "war on terror" as a "war of terror". He said the war in Afghanistan, which shares a border with Pakistan, was particularly pointless and useless.

"The more troops you send there, the more (troop) casualties you have," Mr Khan said.

"All they have to do is learn from history. Those that don't learn from history are condemned to repeat the same mistakes. The Soviets killed 1.3million Afghans, they lost 50,000 soldiers themselves, and what was the result in the end? They had to leave. They were bled dry by eight years of conflict. They didn't win the war.

"There's no way the Americans are going to win there."
The person who is speaking is not a mouth piece of the terrorists themselves. So whatever he is saying is simply, his personal opinion.

I was completely against Australia's decision not to come to Pak but the mariott bombing shook me. Am sure it would shake them pretty much,

it would require a lot of confidence building by our leaders instead of just plain talk like this.

Any news on the invesitgations of the bombings?? Atleast india is showing someone as culprits (read : ISI agents) for their bomb blasts..
Is he actually daring the terrorists to do it? They have no qualms in bombing schools and abducting students, to cricketers kis khet ki mooli hain.

Is he trying to give them new ideas to target people?

As for the terrorists, theirs is not a campaign to win hearts and minds. Public opinion doesn't figure into their thinking, they have gone way beyond that. It is, pure and simple, a terror campaign, to silence any opposition, to scare people into submitting.

Imran Khan has lost the pulse of the people, whose opinions have shifted from that a year ago. He should see that the tide is changing, and form a new opinion on this crisis.

Many cried for the Lal masjid, but that time is now over. If you were a supporter or an opponent of the Lal masjid attack, it doesn't matter any more. Now is the time to unite and fight this menace.

Wether you are religious, or not. Political or not. Fundamentalist or secularist. We are in this together now. The salvation of our country, country-men and the freedom of our religion (islam is more free to be preached and practiced in Pakistan than any other nation on earth) depends on it.

Much as I admire Imran Khan as a cricketer and politician, I hope this statement doesn't come back to haunt him...
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The Lion of Lahore, who was on the Gold Coast yesterday as the plenary speaker for the National Radio Conference, said Cricket Australia's reluctance on security grounds to send the team to Pakistan for the Champions Trophy, which was partly responsible for the tournament being indefinitely postponed, while allowing a tour of India to go ahead, caused great resentment in the country.

Why get India in this!

India has been completely de-hyphenated from Pakistan in the eyes of the world. It is good for both of us.

We were one country before 1947. We have both taken a completely different direction after that. Other than the natural curiosity about the other, there is no reason to compare the two in every matter.

If he wants to criticize the decision on its own merit, it is up to him. Getting India involved in this is pointless.
Is he actually daring the terrorists to do it? They have no qualms in bombing schools and abducting students, to cricketers kis khet ki mooli hain.

Is he trying to give them new ideas to target people?

As for the terrorists, theirs is not a campaign to win hearts and minds. Public opinion doesn't figure into their thinking, they have gone way beyond that. It is, pure and simple, a terror campaign, to silence any opposition, to scare people into submitting.

Imran Khan has lost the pulse of the people, whose opinions have shifted from that a year ago. He should see that the tide is changing, and form a new opinion on this crisis.

Many cried for the Lal masjid, but that time is now over. If you were a supporter or an opponent of the Lal masjid attack, it doesn't matter any more. Now is the time to unite and fight this menace.

Wether you are religious, or not. Political or not. Fundamentalist or secularist. We are in this together now. The salvation of our country, country-men and the freedom of our religion (islam is more free to be preached and practiced in Pakistan than any other nation on earth) depends on it.

Much as I admire Imran Khan as a cricketer and politician, I hope this statement doesn't come back to haunt him...

You have a pont there..such things are best not said , given the circumstances obtaining today.
Acha ha they didnt come. No wonder what might happen. I agree with darkstar that they are targeting places such as schools, military posts and important infrastructure, Crickters kis kheat ki mulli hain. Its better not to host rather then if someone gets hurt or God for bid gets killed. We wont be able to sustain that.

Vinod India is brought in because just before the tour, blast hit India too, yet they chose to continue with the tour where as it was much much before the marriot hotel blast they refused to come to Pakistan. So definately the emotional nation felt degraded which i think was wrong, every country should be seen in its context. Maybe to Australians India was more safe then Pakistan, after all its their decision and we cant force and should not force someone if he feels uncomfortable inside Pakistan to tour Pakistan.

We need to set a few things in order so that others dont get the excuse not to tour Pakistan.
^^ This is correct. Its not about a specific incident.

Its the general image of the security situation in a country that weighs much more for such decisions. Correct or not, the decision needs to be taken by the players and the respective boards.

From the players point of view, its not worth it to risk their lives (even if its a small risk) for a tour. Why should one grudge that?

The subcontinental players live an environment where these incidents take place more frequently, so their risk appetite may be more.

But I guess one needs to respect the choice made by Australian players and their board. They are the best judge of what they ought to do.
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