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Terrorists, US destabilising Pakistan, says Nawaz

Ahmad Abdullah Ravian

Apr 30, 2011
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MANSEHRA (INP) - PML-N Quaid Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has said that Pakistan’s sovereignty was being attacked from two fronts i.e. terrorists and the United States, to destabilise it but vowed that his party would defend the dignity and sovereignty of the country and if needed, they would sacrifice their lives.
Addressing the party workers convention here on Tuesday, he said that there are forces other than terrorists who want to destroy Pakistan but we are not sleeping to these dangers.
He said the attack at the Mehran Naval base in Karachi was an attack on the roots of Pakistan and there were inimical forces behind it.
He questioned as to why the terrorists destroyed two P3C Orion aircraft which had the capability to track down under sea submarines of the enemy.
Without naming India, Mian Nawaz Sharif asked who can hit these aircrafts to deny Pakistan from modern day naval warfare capability.
He said the attackers at the Mehran base were not ordinary terrorists but they had deliberate designs to weaken and destabilise Pakistan. He vowed to defeat and eliminate the menace of terrorism from the country.
He said today Pakistan has been isolated across the world and there is no respect for our green passport.
Nawaz said that incidents of terrorism and suicide bombings were never heard of in Pakistan 10 years ago.
He said the terrorist attack in Karachi must open the eyes of everybody and those responsible for leading to this situation must be made accountable.
He questioned as to why people are afraid of setting the tradition of accountability.
He regretted that the government has not implemented the Parliament Resolution for establishment of a Commission to investigate into the Abbottabad raid by the US forces.
He said had he been the Prime Minister of the country, he would have ensured accountability of the concerned persons.
He again demanded a full inquiry into Abbottabad incident. He said while the wounds of Abbottabad were still fresh, the country suffered another humiliation with attack in Karachi.
:rofl: He's right but he says

MANSEHRA (INP) - PML-N Quaid Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has said that Pakistan’s sovereignty was being attacked from two fronts i.e. terrorists and the United States, to destabilise it but vowed that his party would defend the dignity and sovereignty of the country and if needed, they would sacrifice their lives.

Difficult to believe he would

Addressing the party workers convention here on Tuesday, he said that there are forces other than terrorists who want to destroy Pakistan but we are not sleeping to these dangers.
He said the attack at the Mehran Naval base in Karachi was an attack on the roots of Pakistan and there were inimical forces behind it.
He questioned as to why the terrorists destroyed two P3C Orion aircraft which had the capability to track down under sea submarines of the enemy.
Without naming India, Mian Nawaz Sharif asked who can hit these aircrafts to deny Pakistan from modern day naval warfare capability.
He said the attackers at the Mehran base were not ordinary terrorists but they had deliberate designs to weaken and destabilise Pakistan. He vowed to defeat and eliminate the menace of terrorism from the country.
Nawaz said that incidents of terrorism and suicide bombings were never heard of in Pakistan 10 years ago.

Good points.

He said the terrorist attack in Karachi must open the eyes of everybody and those responsible for leading to this situation must be made accountable.
He questioned as to why people are afraid of setting the tradition of accountability.

:rofl: Some Swiss Bank accounts might be one reason :rofl:

He regretted that the government has not implemented the Parliament Resolution for establishment of a Commission to investigate into the Abbottabad raid by the US forces.
He said had he been the Prime Minister of the country, he would have ensured accountability of the concerned persons.
He again demanded a full inquiry into Abbottabad incident. He said while the wounds of Abbottabad were still fresh, the country suffered another humiliation with attack in Karachi.

Good points
MANSEHRA (INP) - PML-N Quaid Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has said that Pakistan’s sovereignty was being attacked from two fronts i.e. terrorists and the United States, to destabilise it but vowed that his party would defend the dignity and sovereignty of the country and if needed, they would sacrifice their lives.

How about his party takes on the terrorists sitting pretty in Punjab via non military approach while still possible?
How about his party members stop attending the rallies of terrorist organizations?
Certainly no need to sacrifice their lives but just a change of policy will do...however we all know his worth now don't we?

He said the attackers at the Mehran base were not ordinary terrorists but they had deliberate designs to weaken and destabilise Pakistan.
What is this extraordinary terrorist?
Any terrorist organization aims to weaken and destabilize the target country and thus creates more breathing space for itself.

He vowed to defeat and eliminate the menace of terrorism from the country.
OK, so why not start by sacking Punjab's law minister for a social liaison with Laskhar e Jhangvi and removing him from the party?
Or is it just his usual rant?
Of course it is!

He said today Pakistan has been isolated across the world and there is no respect for our green passport.
Funny, but we lost the respect when Nawaz's spiritual father was at helm of the country and thanks to war the weapons and drugs infested Pakistan with disastrous consequences.
But me thinks it is all Musharraf's fault in Nawaz's dictionary!

Nawaz said that incidents of terrorism and suicide bombings were never heard of in Pakistan 10 years ago.
Sure suicide bombings are a newer phenomena...however during Afghan war we suffered tremendous losses in terrorist acts which were not made so public due to very few media outlets and strict censuring by the government.
Yet after that, thanks to Zia and then Nawaz Sharif...the many sectarian killing lashkars perpetrated terrorism in the name of Islam by killing people simply because of difference in the understanding of Islam.
Or maybe that was extermination and not terrorism in Nawaz's book?

He said the terrorist attack in Karachi must open the eyes of everybody and those responsible for leading to this situation must be made accountable.
Yes, i agree here.

He questioned as to why people are afraid of setting the tradition of accountability.
Oh i do wonder why....hmmm let me think.
OK, so is this Nawaz Sharif the same guy who was product of Martial law and yet blames everything on martial law and dictators?

Is it the same Nawaz Sharif whose party's most respected leader (Javed Hashmi) demanded an apology to the nation by PML-N top leadership (read Nawaz Sharif) for being used by military dictators in the past...but still has never ever apologized to the nation for his own hypocrisy.
Someone who is so arrogant that he thinks he should not even be apologizing leave alone held accountable!

He regretted that the government has not implemented the Parliament Resolution for establishment of a Commission to investigate into the Abbottabad raid by the US forces.
I agree it is regrettable.
However what Punjab Government can do is to clean up Punjab so that there are no enemies of the state in Punjab.
But then again, once he does it ... he shall lose the support of extremists...my my that would be a shame will it not?

He said had he been the Prime Minister of the country, he would have ensured accountability of the concerned persons.
Yeah, just like there was accountability of the hundreds of PML-N leaders who attacked supreme court building in his Premiership...but that was a judicial conspiracy against democracy so it was all righteous fury!
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