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Terrorists caught in Puttur by OCTOPUS in a special operation


Dec 27, 2011
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Two policemen from Tamil Nadu were injured in an exchange of fire with terrorists who were hiding in a residential area in Puttur town on the Andhra Pradesh - Tamil Nadu border.

The two terrorists were taken into custody after an 11-hour joint commando operation by the Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu police, including the Octopus personnel.

Acting on an intelligence input that some suspected terrorists were hiding in a residential area, the Tamil Nadu police launched search operations in Puttur, located nearly 30 km from the temple town of Tirupati. They reportedly came to the town to conduct a recce, and rented the house about a month ago.

According to reports, the militants initially showed resistance and openly fired, injuring two policemen. However, the police fired stun and smoke bombs to flush them out. One terrorist was also injured in the operation, and was later taken to a hospital.

As many as six people, including three children, were taken into custody after the commando operation. The police also recovered one revolver and two bombs from a house.

The terrorists are suspected to be Bilal and Munna of the terror outfit Al-Umar, police sources said.

Sources say that the police got a tip-off about the hideout during investigations into the murder of BJP leader V Ramesh in Salem and other leaders. The Tamil Nadu police have also arrested Fakruddin, who was wanted in a case of planting a "pipe bomb" in Madurai during BJP leader L K Advani's tour.
Salute to these heroes for risking their lives against jehadi scumbags.

I though south would be at least safe from this madness but it has spread there as well.

Al Umar? Which terrorist group is that?

Is it in Tamil Nadu or Kerala?

And how does it receive its funding? ROP charity?

What's the source?
Salute to these heroes.

Al Umar? Which terrorist group is that?

Is it in Tamil Nadu or Kerala?

And how does it receive its funding? ROP charity?

What's the source?

If I am not mistaken it is Al-Umma group from Coimbatore, TN which caused the bomb blast in 1990s in Advani's meeting in Coimbatore (I posted a thread related to this earlier today which stated the terrorists were from Coimbatore - this is the third thread about the same news)

According to police, the suspects were involved in about 10 cases in Tamil Nadu and the murder case of a BJP leader. They allegedly used a pipe bomb during the visit of senior BJP leader L K Advani to Tamil Nadu. All the suspects hail from Coimbatore.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...int-operation-andhra-1-cop.html#ixzz2graRTnsQ
Salute to these heroes.

Al Umar? Which terrorist group is that?

Is it in Tamil Nadu or Kerala?

And how does it receive its funding? ROP charity?

What's the source?

it was joint operation by Tamil Nadu special task force and Andhra Pradesh OCTOPUS (anti terrorist ), operation was is done in AP. They got this information from a region in Tamil Nadu.
Salute to these heroes for risking their lives against jehadi scumbags.

I though south would be at least safe from this madness but it has spread there as well.

Al Umar? Which terrorist group is that?

Is it in Tamil Nadu or Kerala?

And how does it receive its funding? ROP charity?

What's the source?

I was wondering why every terrorist organisation has an "Al" as prefix? What "Al" actually stands for?
@Tshering22 - These are Al-Umma terrorists and probably from Coimbatore, TN.

Tension was palpable on Saturday at ‘Gate Puttur’ in the town of Puttur until the two al-Umma activists Bilal Malik and Panna Ismail were captured after an 11-hour operation. The residents could not reconcile themselves to the fact that they had been living with the wanted men for two years.

Right from 3 a.m, when the suspects attacked Special Branch (Chennai) Inspector Lakshmanan with knives, panic was all-pervasive in the four lanes that formed part of Gate Puttur. The policemen slowly removed the residents away from the vicinity and cordoned off the area by dawn.

Masjid Street, a stone’s throw away from the railway station and beyond School Street, Gate Street and Medhara Street, is inhabited by members of the Muslim community.

According to residents, Malik and Ismail came to Puttur in the guise of traders buying used and old clothes, took two houses on rent in the locality, one a month ago and the other, two years ago. The tiled house in which they were holed up was taken on a monthly rent of Rs.1,000 from Yasin Basha, a Central Excise Superintendent, who passed away recently due to illness. Women in the street told this correspondent that the duo was always tight-lipped. “They are Tamils and we are Telugus. What’s there for them to talk to us?”, snaps Hasina, an elderly woman who has seen one of them regularly collect water from the public tap.

Al-Umma men masqueraded as traders in Puttur - The Hindu
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Salute to these heroes for risking their lives against jehadi scumbags.

I though south would be at least safe from this madness but it has spread there as well.

Al Umar? Which terrorist group is that?

Is it in Tamil Nadu or Kerala?

And how does it receive its funding? ROP charity?

What's the source?

Are you kidding me? These jehadi terroristic elements are in the South but they are quiet after TN crushed them after the Combiatore blasts in the 1990's. The issue is in Kerala where they conduct secret training and massive fund raising in the Gulf, using that black money that is channeled via Kerala to buy up properties and business throughout India. The more pressing concern is how jehaid elements are using Democracy as a cover to gain political traction. It can already be seen. Congress is a lame duck and our national security is quite frankly dismal with this political party. Their bickering and blind eye for votes puts us in a weaker position day by day. While I don;t like BJP at all....I do like Modi...seeing he is the only who has shown more substance than any other Indian politican. That is fank and fair assessment.

@Tshering22 - These are Al-Umma terrorists and probably from Coimbatore, TN.

Tension was palpable on Saturday at ‘Gate Puttur’ in the town of Puttur until the two al-Umma activists Bilal Malik and Panna Ismail were captured after an 11-hour operation. The residents could not reconcile themselves to the fact that they had been living with the wanted men for two years.

Right from 3 a.m, when the suspects attacked Special Branch (Chennai) Inspector Lakshmanan with knives, panic was all-pervasive in the four lanes that formed part of Gate Puttur. The policemen slowly removed the residents away from the vicinity and cordoned off the area by dawn.

Masjid Street, a stone’s throw away from the railway station and beyond School Street, Gate Street and Medhara Street, is inhabited by members of the Muslim community.

According to residents, Malik and Ismail came to Puttur in the guise of traders buying used and old clothes, took two houses on rent in the locality, one a month ago and the other, two years ago. The tiled house in which they were holed up was taken on a monthly rent of Rs.1,000 from Yasin Basha, a Central Excise Superintendent, who passed away recently due to illness. Women in the street told this correspondent that the duo was always tight-lipped. “They are Tamils and we are Telugus. What’s there for them to talk to us?”, snaps Hasina, an elderly woman who has seen one of them regularly collect water from the public tap.

Al-Umma men masqueraded as traders in Puttur - The Hindu

They are Tamils and we are Telugus. What’s there for them to talk to us?”

That is the major problem still with India....our govt has done absolutely nothing to encourage unity ....you cant expect uneducated idiots to realize this although quite a few have....
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If I am not mistaken it is Al-Umma group from Coimbatore, TN which caused the bomb blast in 1990s in Advani's meeting in Coimbatore (I posted a thread related to this earlier today which stated the terrorists were from Coimbatore - this is the third thread about the same news)

According to police, the suspects were involved in about 10 cases in Tamil Nadu and the murder case of a BJP leader. They allegedly used a pipe bomb during the visit of senior BJP leader L K Advani to Tamil Nadu. All the suspects hail from Coimbatore.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...int-operation-andhra-1-cop.html#ixzz2graRTnsQ

Al Umma was not in the news for quite a while now. It is worrying to see them active again. Tamil nadu is one of the most secular states in India and looks like these people wont stop until we start hating them back.

Are you kidding me? These jehadi terroristic elements are in the South but they are quiet after TN crushed them after the Combiatore blasts in the 1990's. The issue is in Kerala where they conduct secret training and massive fund raising in the Gulf, using that black money that is channeled via Kerala to buy up properties and business throughout India. The more pressing concern is how jehaid elements are using Democracy as a cover to gain political traction. It can already be seen. Congress is a lame duck and our national security is quite frankly dismal with this political party. Their bickering and blind eye for votes puts us in a weaker position day by day. While I don;t like BJP at all....I do like Modi...seeing he is the only who has shown more substance than any other Indian politican. That is fank and fair assessment.

They are Tamils and we are Telugus. What’s there for them to talk to us?”

That is the major problem still with India....our govt has done absolutely nothing to encourage unity ....you cant expect uneducated idiots to realize this although quite a few have....

you are taking it out of context. That old lady was just making a point. Any way, linguistic differences are far less dangerous than religious ones.
Salute to these heroes for risking their lives against jehadi scumbags.

I though south would be at least safe from this madness but it has spread there as well.

Al Umar? Which terrorist group is that?

Is it in Tamil Nadu or Kerala?

And how does it receive its funding? ROP charity?

What's the source?
brother south is infact becoming major hub for ****** terrorism, bhatkal bros who started IM where from my state karnataka and not to forget kerala is soon becoming a major ****** hub itself , 'kashmir recruitment case' if you may know, the muslim youth in south are far more radical than you could have imagined , in future you are going to find many more small islamic terror groups from south trying to follow the footsteps of IM.
the major problem with south is people are highly ignorant and un-aware of the amount of hatred these local muslims have in their minds against our nation and even the govts in south especially in states like TN and kerala under the garb of secularism have ignored this issue , they won't act untill something major happens.
Are you kidding me? These jehadi terroristic elements are in the South but they are quiet after TN crushed them after the Combiatore blasts in the 1990's. The issue is in Kerala where they conduct secret training and massive fund raising in the Gulf, using that black money that is channeled via Kerala to buy up properties and business throughout India. The more pressing concern is how jehaid elements are using Democracy as a cover to gain political traction. It can already be seen. Congress is a lame duck and our national security is quite frankly dismal with this political party. Their bickering and blind eye for votes puts us in a weaker position day by day. While I don;t like BJP at all....I do like Modi...seeing he is the only who has shown more substance than any other Indian politican. That is fank and fair assessment.

They are Tamils and we are Telugus. What’s there for them to talk to us?”

That is the major problem still with India....our govt has done absolutely nothing to encourage unity ....you cant expect uneducated idiots to realize this although quite a few have....
encourage unity is fine..but education in no way can stop terrorism , let me tell you a lot of SIMI recruits which was a prominent muslim terror group where doctors and engineers in karnataka , the main problem is the amount of brainwashing that happens in muslims communities , untill that dosen't stop nothing will change.
Al Umma was not in the news for quite a while now. It is worrying to see them active again. Tamil nadu is one of the most secular states in India and looks like these people wont stop until we start hating them back.

What I am worried about is not Al Umma but the Al Umma offshoot TMMK and in turn TMMK's offshoot MMK. It is black and white with Al Umma as it is a terrorist organization and it is banned and its cadres pursued actively(that is how these 2 above were caught - TN police obtained intelligence from another cadre arrested in Chennai). But is it not so black and white with TMMK and MMK. Both are political organizations and once they do that it is difficult to touch them - these were involved in the Chennai U.S consulate stoning and riots elsewhere in TN(Perambalur district) and guess what - either one of the dravidian parties will form alliance with them - that is the vote bank politics. MMK won 2 assembly seats. In Chennai when I visited 3 months back I was surprised to see school girls wear Burkha with only the eyes revealed. That was not there before. On one side I saw North Indians speaking in Hindi eating in restaurants, Northeast people working in restaurants and couple of them spoke tamil as well and in hotels, the room boys were Biharis - the cultural integration was happening which is heartening but on another side I see these kinds of radicalization which is little bit of concern. Looks like the Gulf money helps in this new ideology and culture creep into the society.
What I am worried about is not Al Umma but the Al Umma offshoot TMMK and in turn TMMK's offshoot MMK. It is black and white with Al Umma as it is a terrorist organization and it is banned and its cadres pursued actively(that is how these 2 above were caught - TN police obtained intelligence from another cadre arrested in Chennai). But is it not so black and white with TMMK and MMK. Both are political organizations and once they do that it is difficult to touch them - these were involved in the Chennai U.S consulate stoning and riots elsewhere in TN(Perambalur district) and guess what - either one of the dravidian parties will form alliance with them - that is the vote bank politics. MMK won 2 assembly seats. In Chennai when I visited 3 months back I was surprised to see school girls wear Burkha with only the eyes revealed. That was not there before. On one side I saw North Indians speaking in Hindi eating in restaurants, Northeast people working in restaurants and couple of them spoke tamil as well and in hotels, the room boys were Biharis - the cultural integration was happening which is heartening but on another side I see these kinds of radicalization which is little bit of concern. Looks like the Gulf money helps in this new ideology and culture creep into the society.
I felt the same way when I visited chennai last year. I saw so many women wearing burqa accompanied by one or two men. It made me a bit uncomfortable.
What I am worried about is not Al Umma but the Al Umma offshoot TMMK and in turn TMMK's offshoot MMK. It is black and white with Al Umma as it is a terrorist organization and it is banned and its cadres pursued actively(that is how these 2 above were caught - TN police obtained intelligence from another cadre arrested in Chennai). But is it not so black and white with TMMK and MMK. Both are political organizations and once they do that it is difficult to touch them - these were involved in the Chennai U.S consulate stoning and riots elsewhere in TN(Perambalur district) and guess what - either one of the dravidian parties will form alliance with them - that is the vote bank politics. MMK won 2 assembly seats. In Chennai when I visited 3 months back I was surprised to see school girls wear Burkha with only the eyes revealed. That was not there before. On one side I saw North Indians speaking in Hindi eating in restaurants, Northeast people working in restaurants and couple of them spoke tamil as well and in hotels, the room boys were Biharis - the cultural integration was happening which is heartening but on another side I see these kinds of radicalization which is little bit of concern. Looks like the Gulf money helps in this new ideology and culture creep into the society.
Giving these radicals a political space may not be as bad as you think. If they have things at stake, they would behave more responsibly and their actions and men can be accounted for.
Giving these radicals a political space may not be as bad as you think. If they have things at stake, they would behave more responsibly and their actions and men can be accounted for.

Even after so much nonsense taking place, you speak thus.

Please have some dignity and national empathy before speaking so treacherously.
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