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Ten killed in Batman premier shooting: local radio

Ah yes the country where half of the population touches themselves to the idea of possessing guns, and yet they get to strut about as if they're the pariah of perfectness. Ridiculous. IMO guns must be strictly controlled, out of the hands of civilians.
The question has to be asked , would this man be qualified as a "terrorist" according to the American standards ?
well i will tell you one thing,had he been a Muslim we would be hearing terrorist by now but considering he was not a Muslim we will just call him a gunman.
These are the weapons he used.
Now watch how the liberals are going to use this isolated incident as an excuse to confiscate legal firearms from law abiding citizens and make it next to impossible for law abiding citizens to own legal firearms.

Just pathetic.
That city deserves better class of criminals- Joker~

btw- i m waiting when the criminal will be branded as a mentally insane person- urgently in need of medical consuling-
the term "terrorist" is reserved for muslims only-
Simply the consequences of the what americans are doing all around the world........Killing innocent to secure oil and minerals......

that thing will come back now and then..........
Heard this on the news on my way to work. Sick a$$ people out there. RIP

It was a individual crusade.. pff christians..

What does it have to do with religion? Don't complain next time when someone posts something "anti Islamic".
Heard this on the news on my way to work. Sick a$$ people out there. RIP

What does it have to do with religion?
Don't complain next time when someone posts something "anti Islamic".

And you asking me that after you spending your whole life reading western sources where people get called ''muslim'' instead of nationality in cases of crime etc. ?
do they call them terrorists?

did the media call that deranged norwegian nutjob a terrorist?

maybe these degenerate fucktards should re-analyze their definition of terrorism b/c americans are killing more americans than evil muslims are

Those pushing a social or political agenda get the terrorist label...think people...(usually within an "organised" group.) And the reason they dont get the "Christian" terrorist label is they dont yell "Jesus is great" while shooting...doesn't really take a genius to figure that out. Those who get the Muslim terrorist label will be the FIRST to tell you they do it for Islam.
Gun are an American birthright awarded to us by the founding fathers. Regardless of how many people are killed by the few psychos they will never and cannot change this amendment.
And you have a problem with this right?

The question has to be asked , would this man be qualified as a "terrorist" according to the American standards ?
Depends on the context. If he espouses a political belief, asserts that his actions were based upon that belief and that those actions are for the furtherance of that belief, then he is a political terrorist.

Else, he is a terrorist in the simplest sense, the same how a mugger terrorized an old lady for her purse.
Those pushing a social or political agenda get the terrorist label...think people...(usually within an "organised" group.) And the reason they dont get the "Christian" terrorist label is they dont yell "Jesus is great" while shooting...doesn't really take a genius to figure that out. Those who get the Muslim terrorist label will be the FIRST to tell you they do it for Islam.

thats quite possibly the lamest BS ive ever read..maybe the dumbest thing ive read today

he didnt go into that movie to bring pleasure to those movie goers...he didnt booby trap his apartment with fire accelerants and God knows what else to simply be a "menace" or an "inconvenience" did he?

his aim was/is to inflict pain and spread terror

like what most terrorists do....

These are the weapons he used.

i pity the sorry soul that was at the receiving end of that 12 gauge.....bless the dead, and those who may be permanently scarred/maimed

what an act of cowardice
Ah yes the country where half of the population touches themselves to the idea of possessing guns, and yet they get to strut about as if they're the pariah of perfectness. Ridiculous. IMO guns must be strictly controlled, out of the hands of civilians.

More people die from car accidents and drunk driving yet i don't see anyone doing jack sh!t to ban cars and alcohol?

As i already stated the crime rate is through the roof in those states where acquiring a gun is next to impossible as compared to states where guns are easily acquirable provided you get a background check and don't have a criminal record.

thats quite possibly the lamest BS ive ever read..maybe the dumbest thing ive read today

he didnt go into that movie to bring pleasure to those movie goers...he didnt booby trap his apartment with fire accelerants and God knows what else to simply be a "menace" or an "inconvenience" did he?

his aim was/is to inflict pain and spread terror

I think the point that Juice was trying to make was that the guy wasn't shouting religious slogans nor did he have any religious motives.

A terrorist= yes

A Christian terrorist= No

But i guess its to early to reach a conclusion.
thats quite possibly the lamest BS ive ever read..maybe the dumbest thing ive read today

he didnt go into that movie to bring pleasure to those movie goers...he didnt booby trap his apartment with fire accelerants and God knows what else to simply be a "menace" or an "inconvenience" did he?

his aim was/is to inflict pain and spread terror
Neither did the Ku Klux Klan, nor the IRA, nor al-Qaeda, whatever and whenever they did their stuff.

like what most terrorists do....
But the difference between this man and the KKK, the IRA, and al-Qaeda is that the latter three instilled terror into the populace IN THE NAME OF <INSERT YOUR ISM HERE>. Basically, he is saying 'Fear me', while each of the latter three is loudly proclaiming 'Fear my belief which have many more like me.' Despite what you think of Americans, we are not that stupid, and so neither are the millions around the world who experienced politically based and motivated terrorism. Everybody -- including YOU -- can distinguish the differences.
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