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Ten killed in Batman premier shooting: local radio

Probably the shooter wanted to give the message that, in real world, there is no Batman to save people....
The suspect


James Holmes

Age 24

Just dropped out of medical school and/or a PHd candidate in neuroscience in processing of withdrawing
We are closing in on the stressor and the trigger....soon we will have entire picture.
Madness is like gravity, all it needs is a PUSH.............:lol:

The Joker was right when he said that.

But what kind of "push" do you think was needed to create this?

The Dark knight.... The most negative name.... What happened with Film crew at very first Dark Knight movie? Most of them died.... And Now this.... The word Dark itself a evil. Batman is hero for Evil worshipers.... Batman is a evil figure.... America made it a Hero.... Why won't they? Anything negative energy name produces fear and tragic incidents.... Am very sensitive to negative energy. i watched half dark knight movie and woke up, went out because i was feeling suffocated and dizzy.... Reptilians (with the help of Giant greys) has strong hold over film industry which actors, actresses, directors, singers etc etc.... How to spread anger and fear? Just through movies.... And then simply collect the negative energy....
The Joker was right when he said that.

But what kind of "push" do you think was needed to create this?
Some people are born this way.....For these people the bizzare reasons and theory seems rational and rational seems illogical..:lol:

P.S. No offence to guy in discussion.
Man, he looks creepy :confused:
If you have seen this face as a guy who won Maths Olympiad, you would have called him Nerd.

Put the incident out of context and see how your view about the person change.
they arent?
To assume we are only living organism (living itself is dependent on frame of reference biologically) in this universe is like a small island in the entire world and believing its the only land on the planet.

Einstein framed a question that if we meet aliens and we have to navigate and communicate with them how will we tell them left or right, true or false etc.

Think about it and your entire day will be ruined seeking the solution.
He surely didn't want the 'Dark knight' to 'rise'.......

On a serious note.....the U.S surely have to put a check on their 'gun culture'...

And you presumed the gunman was armed with registered legal guns??? what logic do you present for all gun related crime in India????

This is why I despise the gun culture that exists in some countries. This week Toronto has witnessed several shootouts resulting in a lot of homicides, the mayor and the provincial government are trying to ban guns completely. Thank god for Canada, atleast we don't have a gun culture

According to Dr. Gary Kleck, criminologist at Florida State University in Tallahassee and author of "Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America," a book used by many in the gun debate, 800,000-2,500,000 crimes are stopped by guns each year.

So please enjoy your british imperial gun laws and leave our second amendment to us.
And you presumed the gunman was armed with registered legal guns??? what logic do you present for all gun related crime in India????

According to Dr. Gary Kleck, criminologist at Florida State University in Tallahassee and author of "Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America," a book used by many in the gun debate, 800,000-2,500,000 crimes are stopped by guns each year.

So please enjoy your british imperial gun laws and leave our second amendment to us.

How do legally procured arms stop a person from losing his or her mind ?

And how does it figure in stopping this particular crime? Don't you think it would have been a way bigger mess if some amongst the audience were armed as well, popping off rounds in a smoke filled theater ?
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