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Ten dumb things Boston Marathon bombing suspects did after the attack

Slav Defence

Oct 30, 2010
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1. Wear a baseball cap backwards and no sunglasses.

As CCTV footage shows, Dzhokhar made little effort to prevent cameras from capturing his face on the day of the bombings, making him easy to identify when the FBI released security camera images. Tamerlan, in contrast, wore dark glasses and had his cap on the correct way, partially concealing his face.


2. Not react to the explosions.

In the days after the bombings, investigators studied all available photos and surveillance videos of the blast area searching for abnormal reactions. The complaint filed in federal court this week specifically cites Dzhokhar's reaction to the first explosion as a giveaway.

"Approximately 30 seconds before the first explosion, Suspect 2 (Dhzokhar) lifts his phone to his ear as if he is speaking on his cell phone, and keeps it there for approximately 18 seconds," the FBI's complaint states.

"A few seconds after he finishes the call, the large crowd of people around him can be seen reacting to the first explosion. Virtually every head turns to the east (towards the finish line) and stares in that direction in apparent bewilderment and alarm.
"Bomber Two, virtually alone among the individuals... appears calm. He glances to the east and then calmly but rapidly begins moving to the west."

3. Leave their car at the repair shop, then go pick it up:rofl:

The Wall Street Journal reported that Dzhokhar stopped by a mechanic in Watertown on Tuesday to pick up the Mercedes he'd brought in for repairs.

"The younger brother was jittery, said Gilberto Junior, who works at the shop. "He was biting his nails, and when he was talking to me, his legs were like this," Mr. Junior said, shaking one leg. "He said, 'I need the car now. I need the car right now.' "

4. Stay in Boston.

The second bomb exploded at 2:49pm (Boston time) last Monday. It wasn't until 10.49pm Thursday (Boston time) that the brothers carjacked a Mercedes.
What did they do in the interim three days? Go to the gym, check in on their broken car, and, in Dzhokhar's case, go to a party on the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth campus.
During the three-day window in which their involvement was unknown, they made no attempt to flee, and when they did finally make a run for it, they stuffed it up.

5. Run out of cash:omghaha:.

When Dzhokhar carjacked the Mercedes on Thursday night (Boston time) and took their hostage, he and his brother needed cash badly.
Using their victim's ATM card and PIN number, they withdrew $800, before they reached the account limit. Holding up a stranger for money suggests no planning went into any getaway. The fact they hadn't budgeted and had to resort to such desperate measures helped alert them to the authorities.

6. Not understand how ATMs work.:woot:

After reaching the daily withdrawal limit at one machine, the Tsarnaevs decided to try their luck at two different machines. Did they not realise ATMs are part of an interconnected system? It was while they were hunting a working ATM that they ended up, coincidentally, at a 7-11 in Cambridge around the same time it was the scene of an armed robbery, and were spotted on the store security camera.

7. Confess to the hostage.:woot:

According to the FBI's complaint, when Dzhokhar got into the Mercedes, he immediately told the driver, "Did you hear about the Boston explosion? I did that."

That meant the brothers' cover would be immediately blown if the driver escaped. Guess what happened next ....

8. Stop for a snack and allow hostage to escape.

The Los Angeles Times reported that the hostage escaped after the brothers stopped at a petrol station to buy snacks. The unidentified driver fled to another petrol station to call police. He was able to describe his car, the number plate and his captors. From there, the manhunt was on in earnest.

9. Keep the hostage's phone.

Maybe they panicked, but for some reason, the brothers continued on in the carjacked Mercedes without their hostage. But they did have his phone, which allowed police to track their location via GPS, accordng to Time magazine.
Boston marathon bombings manhunt cops drawn guns

Police with guns drawn during the dramatic manhunt for the Tsarnaev brothers three days after the Boston Marathon bombing. Picture: Mario Tama/Getty Images Source: Getty Images


10. Bring a BB gun.

Maybe not crucial to the case, but the weapons used by the two suspects were, according to police: a pressure-cooker bomb, seven improvised explosive devices (IEDs), an M4 carbine, two handguns, and a BB gun - which is an airgun originally sold as a toy in the US. Why bring a BB gun?

Read more: Ten dumb things Boston Marathon bombing suspects Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev did after the attack | News.com.au

it looks more like obama's new plan like 9/11 rather than a normal bomb blast
what!?:omghaha: they want to become famous>>neehar that doesn't looks like a suicide blast...:undecided:

well looking at the description above i can find no other reason.according to their uncle they're loosers and did this because they're frustrated.they absolutely had no planning i mean atleast they should have taken care of vehicle and money .and whats with an air gun??isnt taht funny??and if police have taken time to catch them probably they would have attempted few more like these.
If they didn't become famous/infamous,Why are you posting threads about them here??
I can't believe these jokers brought whole Boston city to a halt.What a bunch of losers.

Exactly this is my point of view....and due to this reason i have posted about them in here....amreeka mai rat bhi murta hai tu shore hota hai.....

well looking at the description above i can find no other reason.according to their uncle they're loosers and did this because they're frustrated.they absolutely had no planning i mean atleast they should have taken care of vehicle and money .and whats with an air gun??isnt taht funny??and if police have taken time to catch them probably they would have attempted few more like these.

so you wanna say that these losers were so FRUSTRATED that they got power and dare to attack like this??only a trained criminal dares to do that...not a looser like them....
it looks more like obama's new plan like 9/11 rather than a normal bomb blast[/QUOTE]

O yes yes! He was planted American agent who did on CIA instruction...

And ppl say ISRO2222 is crazy... :P
Exactly this is my point of view....and due to this reason i have posted about them in here....amreeka mai rat bhi murta hai tu shore hota hai.....

so you wanna say that these losers were so FRUSTRATED that they got power and dare to attack like this??only a trained criminal dares to do that...not a looser like them....

well when ur so much depressed ur conscience fades..regarding the training part.probably true because i dont think anyone can shop for IEDS just like that.but who knows these days even making IED s can be learnt from internet
it looks more like obama's new plan like 9/11 rather than a normal bomb blast

O yes yes! He was planted American agent who did on CIA instruction...

And ppl say ISRO2222 is crazy... :P[/QUOTE]

yeah everything is amreeka's fault......:omghaha:

well looking at the description above i can find no other reason.according to their uncle they're loosers and did this because they're frustrated.they absolutely had no planning i mean atleast they should have taken care of vehicle and money .and whats with an air gun??isnt taht funny??and if police have taken time to catch them probably they would have attempted few more like these.

I think something is missing here...i am gonna post it to ZH and India today...phir dekho....kiya analyase kerain gay...even confusing americans:rofl:
Russia Contacted FBI Twice About Boston Bomber:

So the the FBI are told about these guys and interview them but let them go.
The excuse for letting them go was that the FBI get thousands of leads and can not watch every person.
When asked how many times the russian govt has asked the FBI to watch somebody the number was three people.......am sure with all there resources they can keep watch on 2 people.
Russia Contacted FBI Twice About Boston Bomber:

So the the FBI are told about these guys and interview them but let them go.
The excuse for letting them go was that the FBI get thousands of leads and can not watch every person.
When asked how many times the russian govt has asked the FBI to watch somebody the number was three people.......am sure with all there resources they can keep watch on 2 people.

well said...exactly...question still remains...why would these terrorists wanted to be highlighted??looks more like a stupid attempt to gain sympathy from world and to justify their actions like operation against iraq and interrupting in Russian issues :hitwall:
just out of curosity did u post this just to bring awareness among terrorist and ten thing terrorist should not do after bombing people
media is not telling about the ideology or group whom brainwashed this fellows to kill Americans.
just out of curosity did u post this just to bring awareness among terrorist and ten thing terrorist should not do after bombing people

:rofl: well don't ask me ask this question to news.com.au:bunny:
oh and by the way do you think that terrorists also visit PDF??:omghaha:
well said...exactly...question still remains...why would these terrorists wanted to be highlighted??looks more like a stupid attempt to gain sympathy from world and to justify their actions like operation against iraq and interrupting in Russian issues :hitwall:

So they will attack Russia, is that what you are hinging at? How the heck does the US benefit from Russian attackers, if anything Iranians, North Koreans would have been better.
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