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Targets inside India identified if attacked: ISI chief

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He is just diverting attention. As per Indian general if someone asks you the question, do you have the capacity to do something similar, even Afghanistan will say yes. What is wrong in that, people getting confused between reply to hypothetical question and statement, they are different.
A lethal punch, anytime try to pop out. Now it is no 10. We should try to place pakistan in top 5 in couple of years.

If you SOMEHOW manage to achieve this, who do you think will suffer the most?
In the target to be stuck should be the Indian Stock Exchanges and Ports. Also other economic target will make Indian enonomy bleed as well.
lol, i've witnessed in public that indians are very timid yet on the internet they are "loudmouths." the internet is not a place of reassuring yourself that you do not lack self-confidence. do that in public.

Hahaha...and your response clearly suggests that who is timid....Anyhow i never indulge in generalization so will leave it there...if you have any constructive thing to add i will be more than happy to reply....
In the target to be stuck should be the Indian Stock Exchanges and Ports. Also other economic target will make Indian enonomy bleed as well.

:) .... Bravo!!! ... gud luck with that
In the target to be stuck should be the Indian Stock Exchanges and Ports. Also other economic target will make Indian enonomy bleed as well.

That would be the most idiotic thing PA could ever do, gladly Officers serving at the GHQ are not a bunch of idiots. Targets will be military installations or command centres that are within the range of our stand off weapons. But if India attacks our economic centres, than most likely PAF will respond in kind and will target Indian economic centres.
That would be the most idiotic thing PA could ever do, gladly Officers serving at the GHQ are not a bunch of idiots. Targets will be military installations or command centres that are within the range of our stand off weapons. But if India attacks our economic centres, than most likely PAF will respond in kind and will target Indian economic centres.

Striking the Indian Stock Exchanges will bleed the Indian Economy which will be lot more effectieve striking military installations. Though both have their own significance. If you are going to wait for India to strike the economic targets first and theen make a decision to strike economic targets next would not be a wise move. Example: If the Pakistan stock exchanges as closed for 30 days vs the Indin Stock Exchange, the losses on the Indian side will be many time more.
Its hype of yellow journalism. Which been condemn many times. According to respectable paper only quote, he talked about of response, if Indian do such type of adventure. Further talk about target practice is Indian media extension. And people get excited and take these type irresponsible statement as defending national pride.
Shame on those media outlet and journalist who create such a shameful hype on both side of border.

I agree with you..Even Indian PM clearly stated that India do not have any intention to do such kind of operation. The reason is that USA could able to do because USA is not in immediate neighborhood of Pakistan. In case USA is a neighour of Pakistan,irrespective of the situation I believe Pak army may have declared a direct war against USA......

At this point of time, i feel Pakistan army is just trying to save their public image in front of their own public with anti India statements...I believe Pakistan should understand that India is a perceived enemy who fought with Pakistan 4-5 times in 65 years history.....but there are other nations/friends of Pakistan in the world who are attacking Pakistani people and Pakistan territory by breaching the sovereignty every day...If Pakistan really want to save their status and sovereignty then it should fight with USA and its allies rather that unnecessary anti India statements....

The bottom line is that for India ...the priority is economic development rather than making a war with Pakistan for a person like Dawood..or some terrorists...If Indian Gov is really thinking about it..then it is a BS idea who ever is thinking about this idea from Indian establishment....
How has Pasha been cornered, when the PM refused to accept his resignation? Anyways, it was in response to India that claimed they could conduct a similar operation inside Pakistan, so I don't know why everyone is so worked up here with Pasha's response. I don't see the Pakistan PM or government endorsing his comments either, or bringing India into their speeches. So why are the Bharatis seething?

Not exactly seething. Just uncomfortable and funny to watch Pasha squirm. India if it goes ahead will most likey take out a terrorist training camp so I guess the response from Pasha will be to activate terrorist attack Mumbai-2.
y r indian blaming Pasha, its ur deepak kapoor who started this mess
why did he started this mess at first place, doesn't he know his authority

A journo asked a question, he responded.

He only said we have the capability not ok we are going to attack and places have been identified for a super duper raid.
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