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Taraqi ka pehla Asool, behtar Sarkari School !!

I strongly believe that Government Schools should avoid fancy education.

Just concentrate on Fundamentals of Education i.e. Reading, Writing and Math...
I strongly believe that Government Schools should avoid fancy education.

Just concentrate on Fundamentals of Education i.e. Reading, Writing and Math...

Govt schools must give quality education of international standards, also educate students about morals and ethics, democracy, sociology etc maybe.
Govt schools must give quality education of international standards, also educate students about morals and ethics, democracy, sociology etc maybe.

International standards are useless for us.

I have lived in the US for last 40 years in the US and the last 10 years or so I have been involved in Education Sector as a University Professor in the New York City area.

Today International Schools teach a lot of Crap at the expense of basic and Fundamental skills.

We need to first concentrate on basic skills.

The best education is given in Countries like Korea and China where they understand the value of good Education.
International standards are useless for us.

I have lived in the US for last 40 years in the US and the last 10 years or so I have been involved in Education Sector as a University Professor in the New York City area.

Today International Schools teach a lot of Crap at the expense of basic and Fundamental skills.

We need to first concentrate on basic skills.

The best education is given in Countries like Korea and China where they understand the value of good Education.

anyway the thread is about providing basic facilities to the schools through tameer-e-school program !
Pakistani Education and School system lacks behind many areas

a) Not enough quality topics
b) Lack of books and libraries
c) Lack of understanding and teaching , concepts specially in Math /Science topics due to lack of quality teachers
d) Lack of facilities microscopes , practicle science experiments
e) Lack of Laptops and Tablets
f) Lack of nutritional food free of charge
g) Most of science topics are so outdated

We have long way to go ....

Lately I have been facinated by the way Greeks used to approach education (The old old greek civilization) they really revolutionized theoretical and logical aspects of education , and they had such rich mind and ideas. It was based on discussiosn and debates between teacher and students , not as much to "viewing" work as homework but as a means to solve a problem in world ....

We must go to that basic level and then add , new research topics
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