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Taner Akcam urges Obama to encourage Turkey to acknowledge Armenian Genocid

I don't think you do. If you did, you wouldn't call them freedom fighters in the first place.

What you do not understand is they are not just hurting the government. But civillians, children, womans, elders...

I know this thread is about the so-called genocide but this discussion about PKK is needed in order to show your hypocrisy.

So called terrorists PKK had killed but a mere fraction of the people killed by genocidal Ottoman Turks.

Were you not once ottomans, holding the highest positions in ottoman turkey, before siding with the Russians out of greed?

There are Armenians living in turkey today, and many old churches as well. How many Muslims does Armenia have today.

I'm sure even your Armenian bretheran in turkey can tell it was a fairy tale.

Armenians always detested Ottoman rule. Doesn't mean they sat around sulking all day, they made something of themselves. But all the while hoping for independence,.

I don't know why you call it "greed". There was not material gain to Armenians when siding with Russia. They sided because of religion and desire to survive Ottoman onslaught. Don't believe me? The same happened to Pontic Greeks, Assyrians, Kurds and Chaldeans. What, were they all "moved south" as well?

There are Armenian's in Turkey today, but the vast majority hide their identity. TurAn can tell you, there is much anti-Armenian sentiment. There are no Muslims in Armenia except for local Persian population (for whom we have built Blue Mosque:D). Armenia is a nation state which is having economic difficulties. Armenian's live there not because they did cost-benefit analysis of where to live, but because that is homeland.

Pakistan is not any better.
So called terrorists PKK had killed but a mere fraction of the people killed by genocidal Ottoman Turks.

You are praising their deaths just because you are believing the stories you've been told. Like i said do not expect our respect while disrespecting us.
You are praising their deaths just because you are believing the stories you've been told. Like i said do not expect our respect while disrespecting us.

There are problems with your English. I do not disrespect anyone's death. I'm just saying that, as a Turk, you have no right to complain about violence committed against your people when Turkey is the successor of the most genocidal nation on earth.
Armenian bro.

I request you to please start a new thread explaining the fall out between ottomans and Armenians. It will be very good for this forum. Explain from the beginning, to now.

We are on a forum and sometimes use harsh language, but remember we are not at war. We are all civil people. I'm sure you, I, and our Turkish brother here could sit down altogether for some tea and not have a problem.

Please explain the history so we can all have the proper knowledge.

There are problems with your English. I do not disrespect anyone's death. I'm just saying that, as a Turk, you have no right to complain about violence committed against your people when Turkey is the successor of the most genocidal nation on earth.

Enough said. Yeah you are not disrespecting anyone's death.

Armenian bro.

I request you to please start a new thread explaining the fall out between ottomans and Armenians. It will be very good for this forum. Explain from the beginning, to now.

We are on a forum and sometimes use harsh language, but remember we are not at war. We are all civil people. I'm sure you, I, and our Turkish brother here could sit down altogether for some tea and not have a problem.

Please explain the history so we can all have the proper knowledge.


I'm sorry bro but this scum is a victim of state-supported hatred towards Turks and do not deserve a discussion.
Armenian bro.

I request you to please start a new thread explaining the fall out between ottomans and Armenians. It will be very good for this forum. Explain from the beginning, to now.

We are on a forum and sometimes use harsh language, but remember we are not at war. We are all civil people. I'm sure you, I, and our Turkish brother here could sit down altogether for some tea and not have a problem.

Please explain the history so we can all have the proper knowledge.


Good idea. I'd love to do that.

Please apologize for calling the genocide "bullshit", because if you are willing to hear my explanation then you are at least open to the reality of the genocide (meaning it is not bullshit).

Thank you.
Good idea. I'd love to do that.

Please apologize for calling the genocide "bullshit", because if you are willing to hear my explanation then you are at least open to the reality of the genocide (meaning it is not bullshit).

Thank you.

I cannot and will not apologize until I am presented the facts. My brothers will always be Turks, but that does not mean we cannot all be brothers. Thank you.
I cannot and will not apologize until I am presented the facts. My brothers will always be Turks, but that does not mean we cannot all be brothers. Thank you.

Like I said, I am not asking you to acknowledge the Genocide. But you are open to the idea of my explanation (which, among other things, would involve a detailed account of Armenian massacres), meaning that you are open to other interpretations of history. Besides, you calling the genocide bullshit is the ultimate disrespect. If you would like for my explanation, I ask you to apologize for the disrespect, not your view of history.
You are admitting that your Muslim solidarity clouds your judgement, Like I said, I am not asking you to acknowledge the Genocide. But you are open to the idea of my explanation (which, among other things, would involve a detailed account of Armenian massacres), meaning that you are open to other interpretations of history. Besides, you calling the genocide bullshit is the ultimate disrespect. If you would like for my explanation, I ask you to apologize for the disrespect, not your view of history.

I would like you to start a new thread. I would like you to present facts and also for Turkish members to present facts. I will not apologize for this. However I will apologize for hurting your sentiments and those of the people whose innocents families were killed on both sides. My knowledge is limited, so please share the history to us.

Thank you.
I would like you to start a new thread. I would like you to present facts and also for Turkish members to present facts. I will not apologize for this. However I will apologize for hurting your sentiments and those of the people whose innocents families were killed on both sides. My knowledge is limited, so please share the history to us.

Thank you.

You did not hurt my feelings, this is an Internet forum and I am used to such things. But you will apologize for denigrating the deaths of 1.5 million Armenian people. You will apologize for saying it is "bullshit"
Enough said. Yeah you are not disrespecting anyone's death.

I'm sorry bro but this scum is a victim of state-supported hatred towards Turks and do not deserve a discussion.

Birdir, if he hates Turks, then we hate him. But let us get to the root of this hatred, so that it can be exposed to the world.
Birdir, if he hates Turks, then we hate him. But let us get to the root of this hatred, so that it can be exposed to the world.

I do not hate Turks. I do not support the PKK. I have nothing to apologize for because I have never said otherwise.
You did not hurt my feelings, this is an Internet forum and I am used to such things. But you will apologize for denigrating the deaths of 1.5 million Armenian people. You will apologize for saying it is "bullshit"

Brother I cannot apologize until I know the truth. I am trying to be neutral. And yes I apologize for making a decision before listening to the facts. I will make my decision after reading the facts.
Brother I cannot apologize until I know the truth. I am trying to be neutral. And yes I apologize for making a decision before listening to the facts. I will make my decision after reading the facts.

Thank you.
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