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Tamil Civilization - the Origins

Whenever people discuss of Indian history, they often do it with some cheap motives. depending on who they are, brahmins, western christians, leftists, regionalistic peoples etc, they first make conclusion (which is usually superiority of their own community or victimhood argument or to whitewash crimes of their people) and then construct argument to somehow prove their assumption. where should ordinary person learn about history? bas ek wikipedia ka hi sahara hai.

how authentic is this?
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hi hi hi .......first u all must know one thing first Shiva and Murugan are tamil pandiyan kings of sangam age. then they were changed to God by people because of their dharma...
hi hi hi .......first u all must know one thing first Shiva and Murugan are tamil pandiyan kings of sangam age. then they were changed to God by people because of their dharma...

proof? wer do u get that?

secondly welcome to the forum!!
hi hi hi .......first u all must know one thing first Shiva and Murugan are tamil pandiyan kings of sangam age. then they were changed to God by people because of their dharma...

boss,please no new theories,there are enough already.
Sadly misleading article or deliberate lie for tamil propaganda. first, the most scientific (yet to date) attempt o decipher Indus script is lead by Shikaripura Ranganatha Rao and it gives significant clues that the script is very close to Sanskrit. People who were claiming the scripts to be original tamil are nowhere able to provide any supportive evidence. Secondly, Tamil as spoken now is significantly newer than Harappa period and nowhere it can be claimed as "Tamil". That language is long dead. So, the whole notion of harappa being "tamil" civilization is pure non-sense as much as calling it Kannada civilization.
Tamils are a normal linguistic group,until 1968 or the dravidian revolution,tamilnadu maintained its normal linkages with the rest of India and also across oceans at the same time maintaining its own language,culture and more,

nothing great nothing bad,just normal people as great as all indians.
Aryan Invasion theory has no evidence, But throughout history people from north west and north east migrated to main land India in hordes and adopted customs and culture of this land. There is no clash of civilizations because of the migrated people as they accepted customs and civilization of this land, But clash occurred when these guys brought new religion called "Islam" and used it as a tool to subdue Indian subcontinent and tried to change religion and faith which will suit their rule. Again these migrants are very insignificant number compared to the indigenous people at the instant of their arrival into main land India.

There is no concrete evidence that Sanskrit originated in Central Asia or outside India, Every significant events associated with sanskrit and Vedic period happened inside main land India.

Aryans were a member of the white race ( which itself originates from Albino Indians). Aryans had no civilization, they were a bunch of savage nomads who lived in central Asia who spent their time doing bestiality,pedophilia and smoking weed ( Afghanistan is the pedophilia capital of the world its part of their ancient Aryan culture.) They didn't invade all of India but the northern part of India, what is today Pakistan. Here is the real history of Aryans which you wont find in western history books...... its written by an Indian Author Sheetal markam

Aryans Were Slaves of Indigenous Indians

Indian Civilization had begun and flourished and spread around the world. The black Nag-Dravid civilization (now divided as OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis) build enormous forts, castles surrounded by beautiful garden and orchards and monuments in the whole continent. Our Nag-Dravid social system was Gantantrik (democratic).

Laurasia people( the whites) then were in barbaric stage because Laurasia was very late in the development of life( they were savages who didn't know agriculture which is the basis of civilization) . Aryan clans began to migrate to the plateau of Iran began since 2nd millennium BC as a result of difficult environment in “Airyana Vaejo ” their homeland in Laurasia. They settled in jungles outside Nag-Dravid Ganatantras and used to steel our cattle.

Nag-Dravids out of pity gave some of them food who then became servile and were allowed to settle outside the periphery of township. Their head full lice were shaven, were compelled to bath and wear a cloth around as a precondition to enter the workplace. Aryan belief that bathing in river / pond assures entry in heaven has roots in this precondition.

They were given a rope to work in fields which became mark for skilled Aryan labourers and symbolized as sacred thread or “Janeu”. Skilled Aryans considered themselves twice born or Dwija. Nag-Dravid black civilization provided them food etc. therefore Aryans called we (OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis) “Deva” meaning ‘giver’. Aryans always feared of driven back to jungle which they use to call hell due to extremely difficult living conditions.

Herodotus mentions that Magians {Aryan priests} not only killed anything with their own hands but make a special point in doing so; ants, snakes, animals, birds – no matter what, they kill them indiscriminately. (Herodotus, Histories 1.140; tr. Aubrey de Sélincourt). This reveal Aryans ate anything in their homeland i.e. Airiana Vaijo.

Nag-Dravids who carried them to township were called “Devdoots” or messengers of Deva. The word “Bhagwan” was used for all resourceful Nag-Dravids who lived in heaven i.e. big building surrounded by garden

Aryans were devoid of morality concepts, therefore father married daughters and mother married son; were indulged in beast-sex, pedophilia and so on. Brahmin religion books have plenty of such details. Aryans offered their beautiful women for sex to Nag-Dravids in lieu of food and other articles. They use to sell their women who then lived in Nag-Dravid heaven. The benefits were so great that it established the first right of Devas over the Aryan women. Deva could claim Aryan bride before the seven steps are completed in marriage. Saptapadi custom of Arya-Brahmins is originated from this. Aryan women longed a claim from a Deva. To marry the claimed girl then Aryan man had to bid higher than the entire profit the Aryan women would receive from Deva.

The Bahujan saint Tukaram mentioned in his Abhangas (lyrics) prevalent tradition of selling their girls and women like sale of cattle among Arya-Brahmins. (Kolte V. B., pp.58-88) Chittapawan Brahmins use to sell and mortgage their women. (Ramchandra Narayan Lad, p.8, 11, 15)

The Aryans use to arrange “Yagnas” in their settlement where flesh and “Somras” (wine ) were served by Aryan beautiful women who lured Nag-Dravid Deva to extract benefits. Many Aryan women thus secured entry in royal families and gradually made full grip over the Devas by addicting them to Somras and other drugs. Because of the immoral activities in Yadna and their disastrous effects, Nag-Dravid masses perceived Yadnyas as evil. The brave Nag-Dravids used to destroy these Yadnyas whereas degraded Devas used to protect. them.

Origin of Aryan Chaturvarna

Girls of the same Aryan families had established important position in many Nag-Dravid families. Therefore, head of the Aryan family had access to vital secrets of respective Nag-Dravid Devas. Aryan priest started benefiting one king against the other by providing them vital secrets. The source of information was attributed to supernatural forces to protect the anonymity of informer women. Aryan Priests became known as Brahmin or knower. They also worked as spies of Deva. The secret of opponent which ensures victory was called as Ishvar by them. The task of the Brahmins (spies) was to find out Ishvar. Among the masses the concept of Ishvar was spiritualized. Brahmins used to called success in their task as “Punya” and failure was considered as sin. The emotional effect of imagination / insight of impending calamities or benefits was called as “Akashwani’ or revelation. To collect secrets they use to wander and mix among the people and were called as “Sadhu” meaning who accomplish their selfish goals.

Aryan Invasion theory has no evidence, But throughout history people from north west and north east migrated to main land India in hordes and adopted customs and culture of this land. There is no clash of civilizations because of the migrated people as they accepted customs and civilization of this land, But clash occurred when these guys brought new religion called "Islam" and used it as a tool to subdue Indian subcontinent and tried to change religion and faith which will suit their rule. Again these migrants are very insignificant number compared to the indigenous people at the instant of their arrival into main land India.

There is no concrete evidence that Sanskrit originated in Central Asia or outside India, Every significant events associated with sanskrit and Vedic period happened inside main land India.

Aryans were a member of the white race ( which itself originates from Albino Indians). Aryans had no civilization, they were a bunch of savage nomads who lived in central Asia who spent their time doing bestiality,pedophilia and smoking weed ( Afghanistan is the pedophilia capital of the world its part of their ancient Aryan culture.) They didn't invade all of India but the northern part of India, what is today Pakistan. Here is the real history of Aryans which you wont find in western history books...... its written by an Indian Author Sheetal markam

Aryans Were Slaves of Indigenous Indians

Indian Civilization had begun and flourished and spread around the world. The black Nag-Dravid civilization (now divided as OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis) build enormous forts, castles surrounded by beautiful garden and orchards and monuments in the whole continent. Our Nag-Dravid social system was Gantantrik (democratic).

Laurasia people( the whites) then were in barbaric stage because Laurasia was very late in the development of life( they were savages who didn't know agriculture which is the basis of civilization) . Aryan clans began to migrate to the plateau of Iran began since 2nd millennium BC as a result of difficult environment in “Airyana Vaejo ” their homeland in Laurasia. They settled in jungles outside Nag-Dravid Ganatantras and used to steel our cattle.

Nag-Dravids out of pity gave some of them food who then became servile and were allowed to settle outside the periphery of township. Their head full lice were shaven, were compelled to bath and wear a cloth around as a precondition to enter the workplace. Aryan belief that bathing in river / pond assures entry in heaven has roots in this precondition.

They were given a rope to work in fields which became mark for skilled Aryan labourers and symbolized as sacred thread or “Janeu”. Skilled Aryans considered themselves twice born or Dwija. Nag-Dravid black civilization provided them food etc. therefore Aryans called we (OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis) “Deva” meaning ‘giver’. Aryans always feared of driven back to jungle which they use to call hell due to extremely difficult living conditions.

Herodotus mentions that Magians {Aryan priests} not only killed anything with their own hands but make a special point in doing so; ants, snakes, animals, birds – no matter what, they kill them indiscriminately. (Herodotus, Histories 1.140; tr. Aubrey de Sélincourt). This reveal Aryans ate anything in their homeland i.e. Airiana Vaijo.

Nag-Dravids who carried them to township were called “Devdoots” or messengers of Deva. The word “Bhagwan” was used for all resourceful Nag-Dravids who lived in heaven i.e. big building surrounded by garden

Aryans were devoid of morality concepts, therefore father married daughters and mother married son; were indulged in beast-sex, pedophilia and so on. Brahmin religion books have plenty of such details. Aryans offered their beautiful women for sex to Nag-Dravids in lieu of food and other articles. They use to sell their women who then lived in Nag-Dravid heaven. The benefits were so great that it established the first right of Devas over the Aryan women. Deva could claim Aryan bride before the seven steps are completed in marriage. Saptapadi custom of Arya-Brahmins is originated from this. Aryan women longed a claim from a Deva. To marry the claimed girl then Aryan man had to bid higher than the entire profit the Aryan women would receive from Deva.

The Bahujan saint Tukaram mentioned in his Abhangas (lyrics) prevalent tradition of selling their girls and women like sale of cattle among Arya-Brahmins. (Kolte V. B., pp.58-88) Chittapawan Brahmins use to sell and mortgage their women. (Ramchandra Narayan Lad, p.8, 11, 15)

The Aryans use to arrange “Yagnas” in their settlement where flesh and “Somras” (wine ) were served by Aryan beautiful women who lured Nag-Dravid Deva to extract benefits. Many Aryan women thus secured entry in royal families and gradually made full grip over the Devas by addicting them to Somras and other drugs. Because of the immoral activities in Yadna and their disastrous effects, Nag-Dravid masses perceived Yadnyas as evil. The brave Nag-Dravids used to destroy these Yadnyas whereas degraded Devas used to protect. them.

Origin of Aryan Chaturvarna

Girls of the same Aryan families had established important position in many Nag-Dravid families. Therefore, head of the Aryan family had access to vital secrets of respective Nag-Dravid Devas. Aryan priest started benefiting one king against the other by providing them vital secrets. The source of information was attributed to supernatural forces to protect the anonymity of informer women. Aryan Priests became known as Brahmin or knower. They also worked as spies of Deva. The secret of opponent which ensures victory was called as Ishvar by them. The task of the Brahmins (spies) was to find out Ishvar. Among the masses the concept of Ishvar was spiritualized. Brahmins used to called success in their task as “Punya” and failure was considered as sin. The emotional effect of imagination / insight of impending calamities or benefits was called as “Akashwani’ or revelation. To collect secrets they use to wander and mix among the people and were called as “Sadhu” meaning who accomplish their selfish goals.
top grade bullshit aback again,reverse aryan invasion theory,

oh god,so much revisonism.
Tamil civilization is not from Indus valley . It is an olden civilization than Indus valley, originated and flourished in the sunken landmass of kumari kandam. It is mentioned in the great epic of Tamil 'Sangam Literature'.


Aryans were a member of the white race ( which itself originates from Albino Indians). Aryans had no civilization, they were a bunch of savage nomads who lived in central Asia who spent their time doing bestiality,pedophilia and smoking weed ( Afghanistan is the pedophilia capital of the world its part of their ancient Aryan culture.) They didn't invade all of India but the northern part of India, what is today Pakistan. Here is the real history of Aryans which you wont find in western history books...... its written by an Indian Author Sheetal markam

Aryans Were Slaves of Indigenous Indians

Indian Civilization had begun and flourished and spread around the world. The black Nag-Dravid civilization (now divided as OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis) build enormous forts, castles surrounded by beautiful garden and orchards and monuments in the whole continent. Our Nag-Dravid social system was Gantantrik (democratic).

Laurasia people( the whites) then were in barbaric stage because Laurasia was very late in the development of life( they were savages who didn't know agriculture which is the basis of civilization) . Aryan clans began to migrate to the plateau of Iran began since 2nd millennium BC as a result of difficult environment in “Airyana Vaejo ” their homeland in Laurasia. They settled in jungles outside Nag-Dravid Ganatantras and used to steel our cattle.

Nag-Dravids out of pity gave some of them food who then became servile and were allowed to settle outside the periphery of township. Their head full lice were shaven, were compelled to bath and wear a cloth around as a precondition to enter the workplace. Aryan belief that bathing in river / pond assures entry in heaven has roots in this precondition.

They were given a rope to work in fields which became mark for skilled Aryan labourers and symbolized as sacred thread or “Janeu”. Skilled Aryans considered themselves twice born or Dwija. Nag-Dravid black civilization provided them food etc. therefore Aryans called we (OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis) “Deva” meaning ‘giver’. Aryans always feared of driven back to jungle which they use to call hell due to extremely difficult living conditions.

Herodotus mentions that Magians {Aryan priests} not only killed anything with their own hands but make a special point in doing so; ants, snakes, animals, birds – no matter what, they kill them indiscriminately. (Herodotus, Histories 1.140; tr. Aubrey de Sélincourt). This reveal Aryans ate anything in their homeland i.e. Airiana Vaijo.

Nag-Dravids who carried them to township were called “Devdoots” or messengers of Deva. The word “Bhagwan” was used for all resourceful Nag-Dravids who lived in heaven i.e. big building surrounded by garden

Aryans were devoid of morality concepts, therefore father married daughters and mother married son; were indulged in beast-sex, pedophilia and so on. Brahmin religion books have plenty of such details. Aryans offered their beautiful women for sex to Nag-Dravids in lieu of food and other articles. They use to sell their women who then lived in Nag-Dravid heaven. The benefits were so great that it established the first right of Devas over the Aryan women. Deva could claim Aryan bride before the seven steps are completed in marriage. Saptapadi custom of Arya-Brahmins is originated from this. Aryan women longed a claim from a Deva. To marry the claimed girl then Aryan man had to bid higher than the entire profit the Aryan women would receive from Deva.

The Bahujan saint Tukaram mentioned in his Abhangas (lyrics) prevalent tradition of selling their girls and women like sale of cattle among Arya-Brahmins. (Kolte V. B., pp.58-88) Chittapawan Brahmins use to sell and mortgage their women. (Ramchandra Narayan Lad, p.8, 11, 15)

The Aryans use to arrange “Yagnas” in their settlement where flesh and “Somras” (wine ) were served by Aryan beautiful women who lured Nag-Dravid Deva to extract benefits. Many Aryan women thus secured entry in royal families and gradually made full grip over the Devas by addicting them to Somras and other drugs. Because of the immoral activities in Yadna and their disastrous effects, Nag-Dravid masses perceived Yadnyas as evil. The brave Nag-Dravids used to destroy these Yadnyas whereas degraded Devas used to protect. them.

Origin of Aryan Chaturvarna

Girls of the same Aryan families had established important position in many Nag-Dravid families. Therefore, head of the Aryan family had access to vital secrets of respective Nag-Dravid Devas. Aryan priest started benefiting one king against the other by providing them vital secrets. The source of information was attributed to supernatural forces to protect the anonymity of informer women. Aryan Priests became known as Brahmin or knower. They also worked as spies of Deva. The secret of opponent which ensures victory was called as Ishvar by them. The task of the Brahmins (spies) was to find out Ishvar. Among the masses the concept of Ishvar was spiritualized. Brahmins used to called success in their task as “Punya” and failure was considered as sin. The emotional effect of imagination / insight of impending calamities or benefits was called as “Akashwani’ or revelation. To collect secrets they use to wander and mix among the people and were called as “Sadhu” meaning who accomplish their selfish goals.

Aryans were a member of the white race ( which itself originates from Albino Indians). Aryans had no civilization, they were a bunch of savage nomads who lived in central Asia who spent their time doing bestiality,pedophilia and smoking weed ( Afghanistan is the pedophilia capital of the world its part of their ancient Aryan culture.) They didn't invade all of India but the northern part of India, what is today Pakistan. Here is the real history of Aryans which you wont find in western history books...... its written by an Indian Author Sheetal markam

Aryans Were Slaves of Indigenous Indians

Indian Civilization had begun and flourished and spread around the world. The black Nag-Dravid civilization (now divided as OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis) build enormous forts, castles surrounded by beautiful garden and orchards and monuments in the whole continent. Our Nag-Dravid social system was Gantantrik (democratic).

Laurasia people( the whites) then were in barbaric stage because Laurasia was very late in the development of life( they were savages who didn't know agriculture which is the basis of civilization) . Aryan clans began to migrate to the plateau of Iran began since 2nd millennium BC as a result of difficult environment in “Airyana Vaejo ” their homeland in Laurasia. They settled in jungles outside Nag-Dravid Ganatantras and used to steel our cattle.

Nag-Dravids out of pity gave some of them food who then became servile and were allowed to settle outside the periphery of township. Their head full lice were shaven, were compelled to bath and wear a cloth around as a precondition to enter the workplace. Aryan belief that bathing in river / pond assures entry in heaven has roots in this precondition.

They were given a rope to work in fields which became mark for skilled Aryan labourers and symbolized as sacred thread or “Janeu”. Skilled Aryans considered themselves twice born or Dwija. Nag-Dravid black civilization provided them food etc. therefore Aryans called we (OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis) “Deva” meaning ‘giver’. Aryans always feared of driven back to jungle which they use to call hell due to extremely difficult living conditions.

Herodotus mentions that Magians {Aryan priests} not only killed anything with their own hands but make a special point in doing so; ants, snakes, animals, birds – no matter what, they kill them indiscriminately. (Herodotus, Histories 1.140; tr. Aubrey de Sélincourt). This reveal Aryans ate anything in their homeland i.e. Airiana Vaijo.

Nag-Dravids who carried them to township were called “Devdoots” or messengers of Deva. The word “Bhagwan” was used for all resourceful Nag-Dravids who lived in heaven i.e. big building surrounded by garden

Aryans were devoid of morality concepts, therefore father married daughters and mother married son; were indulged in beast-sex, pedophilia and so on. Brahmin religion books have plenty of such details. Aryans offered their beautiful women for sex to Nag-Dravids in lieu of food and other articles. They use to sell their women who then lived in Nag-Dravid heaven. The benefits were so great that it established the first right of Devas over the Aryan women. Deva could claim Aryan bride before the seven steps are completed in marriage. Saptapadi custom of Arya-Brahmins is originated from this. Aryan women longed a claim from a Deva. To marry the claimed girl then Aryan man had to bid higher than the entire profit the Aryan women would receive from Deva.

The Bahujan saint Tukaram mentioned in his Abhangas (lyrics) prevalent tradition of selling their girls and women like sale of cattle among Arya-Brahmins. (Kolte V. B., pp.58-88) Chittapawan Brahmins use to sell and mortgage their women. (Ramchandra Narayan Lad, p.8, 11, 15)

The Aryans use to arrange “Yagnas” in their settlement where flesh and “Somras” (wine ) were served by Aryan beautiful women who lured Nag-Dravid Deva to extract benefits. Many Aryan women thus secured entry in royal families and gradually made full grip over the Devas by addicting them to Somras and other drugs. Because of the immoral activities in Yadna and their disastrous effects, Nag-Dravid masses perceived Yadnyas as evil. The brave Nag-Dravids used to destroy these Yadnyas whereas degraded Devas used to protect. them.

Origin of Aryan Chaturvarna

Girls of the same Aryan families had established important position in many Nag-Dravid families. Therefore, head of the Aryan family had access to vital secrets of respective Nag-Dravid Devas. Aryan priest started benefiting one king against the other by providing them vital secrets. The source of information was attributed to supernatural forces to protect the anonymity of informer women. Aryan Priests became known as Brahmin or knower. They also worked as spies of Deva. The secret of opponent which ensures victory was called as Ishvar by them. The task of the Brahmins (spies) was to find out Ishvar. Among the masses the concept of Ishvar was spiritualized. Brahmins used to called success in their task as “Punya” and failure was considered as sin. The emotional effect of imagination / insight of impending calamities or benefits was called as “Akashwani’ or revelation. To collect secrets they use to wander and mix among the people and were called as “Sadhu” meaning who accomplish their selfish goals.

There is more garbage in this post than the actual garbage bag...These are just imaginations written down which have no proof or a slight connection to history to prove it right.
Aryans were a member of the white race ( which itself originates from Albino Indians). Aryans had no civilization, they were a bunch of savage nomads who lived in central Asia who spent their time doing bestiality,pedophilia and smoking weed ( Afghanistan is the pedophilia capital of the world its part of their ancient Aryan culture.) They didn't invade all of India but the northern part of India, what is today Pakistan. Here is the real history of Aryans which you wont find in western history books...... its written by an Indian Author Sheetal markam

Aryans Were Slaves of Indigenous Indians

Indian Civilization had begun and flourished and spread around the world. The black Nag-Dravid civilization (now divided as OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis) build enormous forts, castles surrounded by beautiful garden and orchards and monuments in the whole continent. Our Nag-Dravid social system was Gantantrik (democratic).

Laurasia people( the whites) then were in barbaric stage because Laurasia was very late in the development of life( they were savages who didn't know agriculture which is the basis of civilization) . Aryan clans began to migrate to the plateau of Iran began since 2nd millennium BC as a result of difficult environment in “Airyana Vaejo ” their homeland in Laurasia. They settled in jungles outside Nag-Dravid Ganatantras and used to steel our cattle.

Nag-Dravids out of pity gave some of them food who then became servile and were allowed to settle outside the periphery of township. Their head full lice were shaven, were compelled to bath and wear a cloth around as a precondition to enter the workplace. Aryan belief that bathing in river / pond assures entry in heaven has roots in this precondition.

They were given a rope to work in fields which became mark for skilled Aryan labourers and symbolized as sacred thread or “Janeu”. Skilled Aryans considered themselves twice born or Dwija. Nag-Dravid black civilization provided them food etc. therefore Aryans called we (OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis) “Deva” meaning ‘giver’. Aryans always feared of driven back to jungle which they use to call hell due to extremely difficult living conditions.

Herodotus mentions that Magians {Aryan priests} not only killed anything with their own hands but make a special point in doing so; ants, snakes, animals, birds – no matter what, they kill them indiscriminately. (Herodotus, Histories 1.140; tr. Aubrey de Sélincourt). This reveal Aryans ate anything in their homeland i.e. Airiana Vaijo.

Nag-Dravids who carried them to township were called “Devdoots” or messengers of Deva. The word “Bhagwan” was used for all resourceful Nag-Dravids who lived in heaven i.e. big building surrounded by garden

Aryans were devoid of morality concepts, therefore father married daughters and mother married son; were indulged in beast-sex, pedophilia and so on. Brahmin religion books have plenty of such details. Aryans offered their beautiful women for sex to Nag-Dravids in lieu of food and other articles. They use to sell their women who then lived in Nag-Dravid heaven. The benefits were so great that it established the first right of Devas over the Aryan women. Deva could claim Aryan bride before the seven steps are completed in marriage. Saptapadi custom of Arya-Brahmins is originated from this. Aryan women longed a claim from a Deva. To marry the claimed girl then Aryan man had to bid higher than the entire profit the Aryan women would receive from Deva.

The Bahujan saint Tukaram mentioned in his Abhangas (lyrics) prevalent tradition of selling their girls and women like sale of cattle among Arya-Brahmins. (Kolte V. B., pp.58-88) Chittapawan Brahmins use to sell and mortgage their women. (Ramchandra Narayan Lad, p.8, 11, 15)

The Aryans use to arrange “Yagnas” in their settlement where flesh and “Somras” (wine ) were served by Aryan beautiful women who lured Nag-Dravid Deva to extract benefits. Many Aryan women thus secured entry in royal families and gradually made full grip over the Devas by addicting them to Somras and other drugs. Because of the immoral activities in Yadna and their disastrous effects, Nag-Dravid masses perceived Yadnyas as evil. The brave Nag-Dravids used to destroy these Yadnyas whereas degraded Devas used to protect. them.

Origin of Aryan Chaturvarna

Girls of the same Aryan families had established important position in many Nag-Dravid families. Therefore, head of the Aryan family had access to vital secrets of respective Nag-Dravid Devas. Aryan priest started benefiting one king against the other by providing them vital secrets. The source of information was attributed to supernatural forces to protect the anonymity of informer women. Aryan Priests became known as Brahmin or knower. They also worked as spies of Deva. The secret of opponent which ensures victory was called as Ishvar by them. The task of the Brahmins (spies) was to find out Ishvar. Among the masses the concept of Ishvar was spiritualized. Brahmins used to called success in their task as “Punya” and failure was considered as sin. The emotional effect of imagination / insight of impending calamities or benefits was called as “Akashwani’ or revelation. To collect secrets they use to wander and mix among the people and were called as “Sadhu” meaning who accomplish their selfish goals.

Aryans were a member of the white race ( which itself originates from Albino Indians). Aryans had no civilization, they were a bunch of savage nomads who lived in central Asia who spent their time doing bestiality,pedophilia and smoking weed ( Afghanistan is the pedophilia capital of the world its part of their ancient Aryan culture.) They didn't invade all of India but the northern part of India, what is today Pakistan. Here is the real history of Aryans which you wont find in western history books...... its written by an Indian Author Sheetal markam

Aryans Were Slaves of Indigenous Indians

Indian Civilization had begun and flourished and spread around the world. The black Nag-Dravid civilization (now divided as OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis) build enormous forts, castles surrounded by beautiful garden and orchards and monuments in the whole continent. Our Nag-Dravid social system was Gantantrik (democratic).

Laurasia people( the whites) then were in barbaric stage because Laurasia was very late in the development of life( they were savages who didn't know agriculture which is the basis of civilization) . Aryan clans began to migrate to the plateau of Iran began since 2nd millennium BC as a result of difficult environment in “Airyana Vaejo ” their homeland in Laurasia. They settled in jungles outside Nag-Dravid Ganatantras and used to steel our cattle.

Nag-Dravids out of pity gave some of them food who then became servile and were allowed to settle outside the periphery of township. Their head full lice were shaven, were compelled to bath and wear a cloth around as a precondition to enter the workplace. Aryan belief that bathing in river / pond assures entry in heaven has roots in this precondition.

They were given a rope to work in fields which became mark for skilled Aryan labourers and symbolized as sacred thread or “Janeu”. Skilled Aryans considered themselves twice born or Dwija. Nag-Dravid black civilization provided them food etc. therefore Aryans called we (OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis) “Deva” meaning ‘giver’. Aryans always feared of driven back to jungle which they use to call hell due to extremely difficult living conditions.

Herodotus mentions that Magians {Aryan priests} not only killed anything with their own hands but make a special point in doing so; ants, snakes, animals, birds – no matter what, they kill them indiscriminately. (Herodotus, Histories 1.140; tr. Aubrey de Sélincourt). This reveal Aryans ate anything in their homeland i.e. Airiana Vaijo.

Nag-Dravids who carried them to township were called “Devdoots” or messengers of Deva. The word “Bhagwan” was used for all resourceful Nag-Dravids who lived in heaven i.e. big building surrounded by garden

Aryans were devoid of morality concepts, therefore father married daughters and mother married son; were indulged in beast-sex, pedophilia and so on. Brahmin religion books have plenty of such details. Aryans offered their beautiful women for sex to Nag-Dravids in lieu of food and other articles. They use to sell their women who then lived in Nag-Dravid heaven. The benefits were so great that it established the first right of Devas over the Aryan women. Deva could claim Aryan bride before the seven steps are completed in marriage. Saptapadi custom of Arya-Brahmins is originated from this. Aryan women longed a claim from a Deva. To marry the claimed girl then Aryan man had to bid higher than the entire profit the Aryan women would receive from Deva.

The Bahujan saint Tukaram mentioned in his Abhangas (lyrics) prevalent tradition of selling their girls and women like sale of cattle among Arya-Brahmins. (Kolte V. B., pp.58-88) Chittapawan Brahmins use to sell and mortgage their women. (Ramchandra Narayan Lad, p.8, 11, 15)

The Aryans use to arrange “Yagnas” in their settlement where flesh and “Somras” (wine ) were served by Aryan beautiful women who lured Nag-Dravid Deva to extract benefits. Many Aryan women thus secured entry in royal families and gradually made full grip over the Devas by addicting them to Somras and other drugs. Because of the immoral activities in Yadna and their disastrous effects, Nag-Dravid masses perceived Yadnyas as evil. The brave Nag-Dravids used to destroy these Yadnyas whereas degraded Devas used to protect. them.

Origin of Aryan Chaturvarna

Girls of the same Aryan families had established important position in many Nag-Dravid families. Therefore, head of the Aryan family had access to vital secrets of respective Nag-Dravid Devas. Aryan priest started benefiting one king against the other by providing them vital secrets. The source of information was attributed to supernatural forces to protect the anonymity of informer women. Aryan Priests became known as Brahmin or knower. They also worked as spies of Deva. The secret of opponent which ensures victory was called as Ishvar by them. The task of the Brahmins (spies) was to find out Ishvar. Among the masses the concept of Ishvar was spiritualized. Brahmins used to called success in their task as “Punya” and failure was considered as sin. The emotional effect of imagination / insight of impending calamities or benefits was called as “Akashwani’ or revelation. To collect secrets they use to wander and mix among the people and were called as “Sadhu” meaning who accomplish their selfish goals.

There is more garbage in this post than the actual garbage bag...These are just imaginations written down which have no proof or a slight connection to history to prove it right.
hi hi hi .......first u all must know one thing first Shiva and Murugan are tamil pandiyan kings of sangam age. then they were changed to God by people because of their dharma...

Very interesting, please say more .. hopefully logically.
tribal gods are all forcibly came under Hindu umbrella. eg: someone worshipped a living person, a local tribal god,A Bull or a Elephant - all are seen as another form/avatar of trio-gods of Hinduism Brahma-Vishnu-Maheshwar(Srushti-Sthiti-Samhara. samhara means destruction).

so, any pagan act is covered as a part of Hinduism in Bharat.

intriguing is, Maheshwar(Shiva) the Moon God worship is practised in Arabia and even now under a different religious name.
I think the tamils arrived from australia or africa, which is the reason why the natives of Australia have almost same language and same facial features as Tamils or Dravidians.
They has nothing to do with the IVC, a Indo-Aryan civilization
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