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'Taliban had nuclear bomb in 2009'

if west dont stop this nonsense i happily support Taliban having nukes and bombing New York....

They had plenty of explosives, tonnes of it, can you guess how much of it was used in New York? No surprises, but ALL of it was used ON innocent Pakistanis!

TTP.....and Nuclear Bomb...?!?!:what:
American Necons Zionists (which includes CIA, current American government etc) are waging a huge war now on Pakistan soon....they surely want to be nuclear armed in Afghanistan at that time.

They can hit us from the US easier still. It would take time to build nuclear installations in Afghanistan.
Yet another non sense story from US.
The world very well know the WMDs of iraq and not t6he WMDs of taliban. Americans thinks that the people of this world are fool and they will believe any stupidity which is fabricated by USA.
And the Taliban after acquiring the nuke, just kept it there, and did not run away?

As Dr Samar once said, if he leaves a nuke on the road for ten months, it will not result in a nuke blast even if a TTP gets his hands on it. There will just be a normal blast, but not a radio-active blast.

Some westerners are really hallucinating.
Because they love sensationalist stories like this? Look at the headlines for fucks sake.

People like you are the real fucktards in Pakistan. You need to use your brain and not your emotions.

so what do you think about yourself atfer calling me fucktards. U too use your brain a little if you have.
if they are constantly attacking us blaming us what should we do? Should we go in their favor or against their.

They had plenty of explosives, tonnes of it, can you guess how much of it was used in New York? No surprises, but ALL of it was used ON innocent Pakistanis!

They can hit us from the US easier still. It would take time to build nuclear installations in Afghanistan.

and you too know how much taliban blast us and how much our allies. And still your are obeying your masters.
One thing more, does somebody really think that a nuke facility probably underground, guarded layers of security and backup of SPD, would get infiltrated and the Taliban will run off with a nuke and this will not make headline news and remain underground, especially when our media is known to make a mountsin of a mole hill.
so what do you think about yourself atfer calling me fucktards. U too use your brain a little if you have.
if they are constantly attacking us blaming us what should we do? Should we go in their favor or against their.

We should look after our own interests. Let them play their stupid games. If you get worked up over it, like you did in your previous post, they'll taunt you even more.

With regards to the taliban, they're the real enemy. They've attacked Pakistani soil more than the Americans ever did. Going against the taliban, killing the fuckers in their shithole mud houses is in our BEST INTERESTS.

Tell me, what will we gain by supporting the taliban like you suggest we do?
and you too know how much taliban blast us and how much our allies. And still your are obeying your masters.

TTP: 45,000 Dead

America(MQ-9 Reapers): 2000 Dead

Yeah, I have seen the light thanks all to you.
Load of crap as always. TTP a terror outfit trained and financed by anti-Pakistan forces. If they ever get hold of the weapons, it will always be from sources other than Pakistan.

The other narrative constructed is that nuclear weapons can be stolen. Not an expert of nuclear weapons but if they could have been stolen, the best time was when Soviet union was crumbling. Do you have any information if and when a nuclear weapon was stolen?

If someone is so inclined to do a dirty bomb thing, it will be easier to steal nuclear waste from a power station than stealing a nuclear weapon from a country. Expert forensic analysis can reveal the source of nuclear waste.

And dont go by stories in US newspapers. Most of them sound like a skeleton plot of some upcoming Hollywood movie. :) :)

I have yet to see any evidence, any evidence at all that TTP are financed by foreign forces.

Is there any?
if west dont stop this nonsense i happily support Taliban having nukes and bombing New York....
people like you are viruses in our society, go educate yourself
on topic, if talibunnies had bombs, their enemies wudnt be existing on the world map now would they? this is loads of bullcrap
If terrorists found to have nuclear bomb, then point finger at US giving them bomb against Pakistan. Continue to blame Pakistan.
setting up the stage for london olympics?
Guys, the story is from 2009.

what happened was pakistan reported they had a nuke missing. US assumed that the taliban could have captured it.

later on it was learned it was faulty paperwork which led to the discrepancy.

thats it.
lol i cant believe it :woot:
i knew USA always talk about rubbish talks but this one takes the cake :yahoo:
Man we should award them the NOBEL PRIZE for this LOL LOL LOL:cheesy:
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