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Taliban ask Imran to be mediator with Pak govt


May 3, 2009
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Taliban ask Imran to be mediator with Pak govt - Pakistan - World - The Times of India

LAHORE: Pakistan Taliban commanders have contacted cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan to broker peace talks with the government.

"The Taliban have contacted me for peace negotiations with the government. But I will play the mediator's role only if the government gives its consent," Khan said on Wednesday. He did not mention which faction of the Taliban had contacted him.

Khan, who heads the Tehrik-e-Insaaf party, has opposed military operations against the Taliban and other militant groups. He had earlier offered to act as a mediator between the Taliban and Islamabad, but the government did not respond, although the rebels in Swat had welcomed the offer. He had come under fire from PPP leaders and sections of the media for his "pro-Taliban" stance.

Interior minister Rehman Malik has made it clear that the government will not talk to the Taliban or other terrorists unless they surrender.
They want Imran Khan wow. Have they left any room for discussion.
Pakistan Govt should send Imran khan to visit taliban and al qaeda leadership with wearing a suicide jacket ,this is only way to talk with them.

Khas kam jhan Pak
Point is, Why they chose Imran ?

After all, when the GOP was giving statements out for talks with them, wasnt it Imran who was completely against it? Surprising to see they choosing someone who was completely against it a few days back.

Again, Imran saying , he will play the role of mediator, what for? whats his interest in it?
Pakistan army better finish off the bad guys .
As per the news PA is in a good position , any talks at this stage would be a bad idea .
We need to make peace with these people in spite of indians desires to turn pakistan into a war zone. On the other hand afghanistan has made peace deals with the talibans and allies encourged such steps. At the end of the day, even waring nations have to sit down at the table and negotiate peace agreements........

our country will be a constant war zone(civillian killings) 20 to 25 years if we don't make such settlements in the near future. like Sri Lanka.......
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We need to make peace with these people in spite of indians desires to turn pakistan into a war zone. On the other hand afghanistan has made peace deals with the talibans and allies encourged such steps. At the end of the day, even waring nations have to sit down at the table and negotiate peace agreements........

Seems you are a supporter of Taliban.
Good , IK has finally found his political admirers , what is with this guy he was a national hero he has simply ruined his repo by his statements.
We need to make peace with these people in spite of indians desires to turn pakistan into a war zone. On the other hand afghanistan has made peace deals with the talibans and allies encourged such steps. At the end of the day, even waring nations have to sit down at the table and negotiate peace agreements........

our country will be a constant war zone(civillian killings) 20 to 25 years if we don't make such settlements in the near future. like Sri Lanka.......

I think you are right. If all the problems can be solved without war and bloodshed then why not. but the problem is that the taliban are not trustworthy peace partners. didnt we see how they broke peace deal in Dir and Swat? they can do this again, so before they regain their strenght let them be crashed for good.
No need to talks with TTP , they only understand the language of gun.better PA kill their leadership ASAP.
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