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Talat Hussain on Imran Khan's statement about TTP's office

Is any other country has Taliban's office(Few countries has their offices) and what are the consequence for having it ??
Is any other country has Taliban's office(Few countries has their offices) and what are the consequence for having it ??

Qatar has it, the Americans talk with Talibans happen there.

as for Talat Hussain, he is GHQ's bittch, so not really that much of an effect, except war mongers be happy !
Qatar has it, the Americans talk with Talibans happen there.

as for Talat Hussain, he is GHQ's bittch, so not really that much of an effect, except war mongers be happy !

I know about that but what would be the consequences of their office in Pakistan ???
I know about that but what would be the consequences of their office in Pakistan ???

Your are giving official status to a banned terrorist outfit and legitimizing them - is it not enough :pop:

America's example is idiotic - they have their own game plans in one corner of earth they are fighting with al-qaeda but on other corner they are supporting them - plus they rained Afghanistan with bombs and kicked out their govt. for one terrorist attack. They haven't asked talibans to open their office in washington DC and top of that they are occupier.
Qatar has it, the Americans talk with Talibans happen there.

as for Talat Hussain, he is GHQ's bittch, so not really that much of an effect, except war mongers be happy !

Americans are occupiers of Afghanistan, that's why they are negotiating with Talibs.

Is Pak Army occupying FATA? that whatever America doing with afghan talib should be reciprocate for TTP too?
Americans are occupiers of Afghanistan, that's why they are negotiating with Talibs.

Is Pak Army occupying FATA? that whatever America doing with afghan talib should be reciprocate for TTP too?

What's wrong in it if it is in favor of Pakistan .. ?? :pop: :unsure:
The killing of Maj.General or other attacks show peace talks would not favour us at all with TTP

contact buddies like karzai and nato or us as ttp swat fazal ullah carried out that attck from afghanistan besides the reason army wiped out his base from swat

and while army is on it also ask them to hand over bla,bra,jundullah and other swat ttp leaders
The killing of Maj.General or other attacks show peace talks would not favour us at all with TTP

Great leaders are the people, who do not need experiment to find out... a leader shall, get the facts together before opening his mouth.
In case people forget, let me remind:

Talban broke into Bannu jail and DI Khan jail freeing prisoners convicted by Pakistani court under Pakistani law.

TTP attack GHQ, PNS Mehran, and PAF Kamra causing billions of dollars of damage to Pakistan state. Recently they killed a Div. Commander of Pak Army; an act by an enemy of Pakistan whichever way you look at it.

TTP and most of their allies have been banned on account their anti-state activities. TTP have no mandate from any part of Pakistan and have usurped power with the at the point of gun in FATA. They even attack school girls such as Mala Yusufzai.

Can anyone with rational mind justify an enemy of the State being allowed to open an office in that state??? Yes an extremist lover Imran Khan can shower us with such words of wisdom.

It looks that Imran Khan wants to reward Taliban for breaking into DI Khan jail and committing all the crimes noted above. Is this the kind of wisdom that we should expect from the leadership of the 3rd largest political party?

Talat Hussein is 100% correct. Imran Khan is ‘CONFUSED’ and seems to have lost his marbles. Don’t think Imran khan knows his right from his left anymore.
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