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Taiwan reporter blocked from taking close look at JF-17 even though Pakistan official agreed

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Because fellow Chinese isn't from mainland china second the tiawan government declares it self as true China and Do not recognise the Peoples Republic of China.

you and I can not understand this controversy

According to both Pakistan and China, Taiwan is a part of China, so missing out why a fellow Chinese media person be discriminated?
Do you see the Chinese stopping everyone else except those journalist? You don't know how much an Intel work behind the closet. There must be a reason than just spitting your baseless accusation...
Let's reverse the equation for a moment.Keeping everything that happened in that footage aside.
(Regarding espionage and all.)

Sitting for about 10 minutes inside the cockpit of a JFT ,looking at the MFDs (of the size of Takhti 7 , Jk!) and console if you can gather something which the authorities* know that you are not supposed to, then my friend you can beat the "007" hands down.
Please "show" your caliber and be a part of the upcoming sequel of the movie.

* Officials + crew that constituted of members from two different countries surrounding him and having his attention all the time."Shows" that the espionage argument is somewhat inappropriate.

To the unlucky reporter or whom it may concern.
Please visit JFT info threads of this forum, if you are still curious even after going through the brochures you have got there (which looks like must have enough basic information to deliver a news report).


I mean what else do you want except the images and video footage of that guy (sorry, i don't know his name) sitting inside the cockpit?
For me it was all about giving someone from a particular country the honor or not.And as it's obvious the partners afterwards mutually decided to rather agree on the second part of this statement.

If your partner is sensitive about something (and the message is properly conveyed to you) then, why not respect it?
Works in everyday life / business deals .. etc.
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This is an air show and not some military base for not allowing media close to fighter jet that too escorted by host country senior officer.Since it is a joint stand, PAF official also have equal right for media access to jet or not.This itself prove that jf 17 program is developed,owned and dictated by whom.

Okay.. Cool ... Now f... off.

Bilal, it takes 2 Pakistani rupees to print a brochure. Ofcourse Pakistan provided significant moral, spiritual and emotional guidance which matter most in such harmonious all-weather design with all weather friends

We can provide the same to you.. Who knows LCA might eventually fly.. Haien?

ISI has a history of honey trapping Indian female officers working in Indian Embassy in Islamabad ....through young and handsome army officers !
Honey dicking..:lol:

cant fault your argument in principle just the cost is a bit higher for a brochure
I already said that such intricacies (sensitivities, need to know etc) must have been better coordinated

this is true during Farnborough show that I attended. Indian families came over and took pictures with the crew, they were greeted as our own.
I mean Indian families coming with their children and standing by the crew with the jet in the background. there was no cynicism, no animosity
The PAF officer extended polite courtsey to the Tai reporter. He had all the right to bring anyone closer to JF17 as a representative of the country that assembles the same plane.

Why should we tell Chinese to induct JF17 when this jet is specially made for Pakistan Air Force specifications.Its their internal matter We have nothing to do with it.You should request russia to let you see the burnt PAK-FA jet.

How many of them you'll explain about the same question and about how many times?
Taiwan reporter blocked from taking close look at JF-17 even though Pakistan official agreed

There was no reason to block the reporter from seeing the plane. In fact, it was more free publicity actually
Its all about understanding the sensitivities of your partner. Chinese people are quire sensitive about Taiwan and it is not like Indo-Pak sensitivity.

Let me give you an example, an average Pakistani person will feel proud if he sees an Indian visiting JF-17 but would be disgusted if he sees an Israeli doing the same, I am talking about an average Pakistani here and for him Israel is not an actual country. Same goes for the Taiwan for an average Chinese, its not a country. So one should understand this sensitivity and our official should not have brought the Taiwanese crew there at first place.
I have to say that Chinese staff were right to stop unwanted guests.
I don't know why PAF is letting Indians go anywhere near this Machine.
@DESERT FIGHTER - no need, there are enough drama queens in India so don't need PAF additions. Next time just tell your generals to pre-clear with China before promising show'n'tells!
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