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Taiwan military jets fly into overlapping zone with China


May 3, 2013
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Taiwan military jets fly into overlapping zone with China - The Times of India

TAIPEI: Taiwan said on Monday its military planes have made about 30 flights into a part of China's newly declared air defence zone which overlaps a similar Taiwanese zone.
China's unilateral announcement on November 23 of an Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea has angered the United States, Japan and South Korea as well as Taiwan.

Beijing demands that all aircraft submit flight plans when traversing the zone, which covers islands disputed with Tokyo and also claimed by Taipei.

On Friday the Ma Ying-jeou administration in Taiwan, which has been pushing for detente with the mainland since 2008, launched a belated protest about the zone following mounting pressure from the opposition.

Defence minister Yen Ming, answering questions in parliament on Monday, said the Taiwanese military planes had made "around 30 flights" into the overlapping area in the past week or so.

Yen said Taiwan's air force would scramble planes should Chinese aircraft enter the overlapping area, but none had done so as yet.

But the minister said the air force would refrain from conducting bombing exercises in the area, to avoid fuelling tensions.

Japan and South Korea both said last week they had flown into the Chinese air zone without notifying Beijing, after US B-52 bombers did likewise.

Ma's administration in a statement Saturday called for a peaceful settlement of the dispute.

But the China-sceptic main opposition party, the Democratic Progressive Party, described the comments as "too weak".

The smaller but more radical Taiwan Solidarity Union filed a lawsuit against Ma, claiming that he had betrayed Taiwan's interests to China.

Taiwan's parliament has passed a bi-partisan resolution urging the government not to present flight plans to Beijing even though the island's Civil Aeronautics Administration agreed last week to do so.

China still considers Taiwan as part of its territory awaiting reunification, even though the two sides split back in 1949 at the end of a civil war.

But relations have warmed since Ma of the China-friendly Kuomintang party came to power in 2008 on a platform of strengthening trade and tourism links. He was re-elected in January 2012.

Can someone confirm if there is this same news in other medias? I somehow don't trust the Indian media.
If this is true.... I wonder why hasn't this news appeared before. Why didn't China detect the Taiwanese aircrafts?

ok this is confusing now
this news have been posted 5 hours ago
No Chinese military aircraft have entered Taiwan's ADIZ: minister | Politics | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS
And this just 1 hour ago
Taiwan military jets fly into China’s air defence zone - Livemint

Taiwan is asking for it.
even if this is true, Taiwan aircrafts is no threat to china. not like japan aircrafts

Well the image is pretty small to make any accurate remark on this but i do think its the reaction time considering the area to patrol is huge and i don't think Taiwanese jets flew for a considerable time inside the zone.
Though the map you provided is it updated?
Anyway Chinese govt will have to allocate more resources if they want to stop these kinds of violations.
A confrontation is required(not a lethal one) but that should send a clear message.
You know they'd never do it without the backing of the USA. I wouldn't be surprised if the US is ordering these maneuvers to happen.
Taiwan needs to be careful. They are under fighter jets sanction and cannot buy more fighter jets from other countries. If they lose a few obsolete F-16 of theirs to J-11B, then that would be a big blow to ROCAF. :woot:
You know they'd never do it without the backing of the USA. I wouldn't be surprised if the US is ordering these maneuvers to happen.

And Taiwan is happy to give China the finger.
And Taiwan is happy to give China the finger.

As if that's going to do anything useful. Taiwan still can't put a rover on the Moon. The US still cannot sell any fighter jet to Taiwan.
China gives a finger to China and this makes @Oldman1 happy. :crazy:

We gave the finger, and Taiwan which is not ruled by China gave the finger, along with other countries followed giving the finger. I'm happy alright.

As if that's going to do anything useful. Taiwan still can't put a rover on the Moon. The US still cannot sell any fighter jet to Taiwan.

Make things worse and maybe we will change our mind about "cannot" sell fighters to Taiwan as you claimed. After all Taiwan got a couple of Apaches, why did we "cannot" sell that?
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