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Taiwan fishing boat nears Diaoyu islands


Jan 27, 2010
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BEIJING, July 5 (Xinhua) -- China has urged Japan not to take any action that could endanger the safety of Chinese lives or property. The Foreign Ministry made the remarks following a Taiwan fishing vessel travelled into waters around the Diaoyu islands.

The fishing boat, said to be carrying Taiwan activists, was spotted near the Diaoyu Islands on Wednesday morning. Taiwan’s Coast Guard has sent five patrol boats to protect the vessel and its nine crew members.

The Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Weimin reiterated that the Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islands have been China’s inherent territory since ancient times and China has undisputable sovereignty over the islands. He says that China will continue to take necessary measures to firmly safeguard its sovereignty over the territory.

Taiwan fishing boat nears Diaoyu islands - Xinhua | English.news.cn
China should help Taiwan get the islands then when China reunites with Taiwan it's done deal.

I am glad to see the Chinese patriots from Taiwan are so courageous to defend our sovereignty, and they are putting the PRC flag in their boat, so China is always their strong backup, those right-wing Japanese won't have the gut to do anything. :coffee:
The Taiwanese activists waved the PRC flag around the water of Diaoyu Islands.

So STFU to those anti-China trolls who said that Taiwan is an independent country. :coffee:

China should help Taiwan get the islands then when China reunites with Taiwan it's done deal.

I don't think CCP would mind if Taiwan makes the claim and successful, however I don't see any solid actions by the government. She should militarily occupies the islands and builds infrastructure there before the Japanese can to the same. If such a case, to evict them would be harder without huge diplomatic consequences. What are they thinking?
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