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Taiwan data recorder rejects PH claim | Agence-France Presse


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Taiwan data recorder rejects PH claim | Agence France-Presse

"Taiwan data recorder rejects PH claim
by Agence France-Presse
Posted on 05/22/2013 6:48 AM | Updated 05/22/2013 6:51 AM


PROBE. A file photo of Taiwanese probers in Manila. They have since returned to Taiwan. Photo by Jedwin M. Llobrera​

TAIPEI, Taiwan - Taiwan on Tuesday, May 21, released a satellite record of the route of a fishing boat fired on by Philippine coastguards, flatly rejecting Manila's allegations that the boat intruded into Philippine waters.

The killing of crew member Hung Shih-cheng, 65, sparked outrage in Taiwan, which has announced a series of economic sanctions against the Philippines.

Taiwan's Fisheries Agency said the voyage data recorder from the fishing boat showed it was not in Philippine waters when it came under fire on May 9.

"The satellite records indicated that the Guang Ta Hsin 28 had been fishing within Taiwan's exclusive economic zone throughout," the agency's deputy chief Tsay Tzu-yaw told AFP.

The satellite record showed that the ship was positioned at 122 degrees and 55 minutes east and 19 degrees and 59 minutes north when it was attacked at 10:12 am. The economic zones claimed by each country overlap.

"Since the Philippine authorities repeatedly alleged that the fishing boat had intruded into their waters, then why not make public the video records they claim they have taken from the coastguard boat?" Tsay said.


The Philippines said Monday it would make "coordinated efforts" with Taiwan to look into the incident.

Its coast guards claimed that the fishing boat intruded into Philippine waters and tried to ram their vessel, forcing them to to open fire.

Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou has termed the killing "cold-blooded murder" based on an initial inquiry by Taiwan, which showed that the boat had more than 50 bullet holes and showed no signs of ramming.

The incident has sharply raised tensions between Taipei and Manila, sparking concern from Washington.

Philippine Justice Secretary Leila de Lima said Monday a National Bureau of Investigation team would fly to Taiwan to examine the fishing boat and interview survivors.

De Lima said the Taiwanese investigators would be given access to their evidence, including statements from the coastguard.

Philippine President Benigno Aquino has personally apologised for the incident but Taiwan has rejected his apology and announced sanctions.

These include a ban on the hiring of new Philippine workers, recalling its envoy and staging a naval drill in waters off the northern Philippines.

Taipei has repeatedly pressed Manila to issue a formal government apology, to compensate the fisherman's family and to apprehend the killer.

Philippine officials say the issue of a formal apology is complicated by the fact that Manila officially recognises Beijing over Taipei. - Rappler.com"
Notice the Taiwanese fishing boat never entered the Philippine's territorial waters (e.g. dashed lines on the map). The Philippine government lied in claiming otherwise.

The Taiwanese fishing boat remained within Taiwan's 200-mile EEZ (ie. exclusive economic zone).


Taiwan publishes fishing boat log to refute Manila's claims | Latest | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS

"Taiwan publishes fishing boat log to refute Manila's claims
By Kuo Chu-chen and Lilian Wu
2013/05/21 21:46:05


Taipei, May 21 (CNA) Taiwan's top fishery official on Tuesday published the record of a Taiwanese fishing boat's voyage to refute claims that it was operating in the Philippines territorial waters when it was attacked by a Philippine government vessel.

A Philippine vessel strafed the fishing boat on May 9, killing a 65-year-old Taiwanese fisherman, Hung Shih-cheng, in waters south of Taiwan's Pingtung County.

The Philippine media has reported that the Taiwanese boat was poaching in the Philippines' territorial waters and had turned off its voyage data recorder (VDR).

James Sha, head of the Fisheries Agency, said the data transcribed from the VDR showed that the Manila media "has been lying."

He said the data supported Taiwan's account of where the the fishing boat, the Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28, was operating at the time of the incident.

The boat was at Taiwan's southernmost territorial line at around latitude 20 degrees north, and the VDR was being renewed every three minutes, Sha said.

"The latitude 20 degrees north location is around 40 to 50 nautical miles from the Philippine islands and is by no means in the Philippines' territorial waters," Sha said.

The Philippines' territorial waters extend 12 nautical miles from the baseline of the Philippine archipelago, he added.

He challenged Manila to present evidence that the Taiwanese boat had turned off its VDR and entered Philippines territorial waters.

Meanwhile, the Pingtung District Prosecutors Office said Tuesday the VDR on the Taiwanese boat had been functioning normally.

The VDR was turned on and was functioning normally from May 4, when the boat left Siaoliouciou 15 km west of Tungkang, Pingtung County, until the vessel was towed back to the coral island at 3:30 a.m. May 11, the prosecutors said.

They said the VDR had been recording the latitude and longitude of the ship's location and its speed every three minutes.

"From the data, it is clear that the boat's entire journey was in our economic zone and it did not enter the Philippines' territorial waters," one prosecutor said.

The prosecutors said that under a mutual legal assistance program, they are willing to help Filipino investigators conduct a probe, on condition of parity and reciprocity.

But they also expressed the hope that Manila will allow Taiwan investigators to view the video footage shot by the Filipino vessels, and other evidence it deems necessary, so as to clarify the circumstances surrounding the shooting incident.

On Manila's request for another autopsy on the fisherman's body, the prosecutors said they had videotaped an autopsy that was conducted May 11 by coroners in Taiwan.

If necessary, the prosecutors said, they can provide Philippine investigators with the written report and video recording of the autopsy, but this would have to be done through the mutual legal assistance mechanism."
A big country like China should never bit ch, moan, cry, whine about any wrong deeds inflicted upon themselves by anyone, especially from a nobody and much smaller country like the Pinoy.

Viet Nam has never asked for any apology from our enemies while you pathetic (insert) won't stop asking for apology, Man up will ya? I pity you
It's better getting a demand of apology from a smaller nation than no demand of apology from a bigger nation. The bigger nation simply station her naval assets in the area permanently to prevent future atrocities.
Well we don't recognized that EZZ i mean how can you have EZZ that overlaps an EZZ with ARCHIPELAGO NATION WITH ISLANDS 7000 PLUS ISLAND! we don't have EZZ treaty with TaEwan heck we don't even see Taewan as Country thanks to imperial one China Policy!
A big country like China should never bit ch, moan, cry, whine about any wrong deeds inflicted upon themselves by anyone, especially from a nobody and much smaller country like the Pinoy.

Viet Nam has never asked for any apology from our enemies while you pathetic (insert) won't stop asking for apology, Man up will ya? I pity you

You are correct, the time of asking for apology is over. The time for blockade of Luzon should begin.
Taiwan data recorder rejects PH claim | Agence France-Presse

"Taiwan data recorder rejects PH claim
by Agence France-Presse
Posted on 05/22/2013 6:48 AM | Updated 05/22/2013 6:51 AM


PROBE. A file photo of Taiwanese probers in Manila. They have since returned to Taiwan. Photo by Jedwin M. Llobrera​

TAIPEI, Taiwan - Taiwan on Tuesday, May 21, released a satellite record of the route of a fishing boat fired on by Philippine coastguards, flatly rejecting Manila's allegations that the boat intruded into Philippine waters.

The killing of crew member Hung Shih-cheng, 65, sparked outrage in Taiwan, which has announced a series of economic sanctions against the Philippines.

Taiwan's Fisheries Agency said the voyage data recorder from the fishing boat showed it was not in Philippine waters when it came under fire on May 9.

"The satellite records indicated that the Guang Ta Hsin 28 had been fishing within Taiwan's exclusive economic zone throughout," the agency's deputy chief Tsay Tzu-yaw told AFP.

The satellite record showed that the ship was positioned at 122 degrees and 55 minutes east and 19 degrees and 59 minutes north when it was attacked at 10:12 am. The economic zones claimed by each country overlap.

"Since the Philippine authorities repeatedly alleged that the fishing boat had intruded into their waters, then why not make public the video records they claim they have taken from the coastguard boat?" Tsay said.


The Philippines said Monday it would make "coordinated efforts" with Taiwan to look into the incident.

Its coast guards claimed that the fishing boat intruded into Philippine waters and tried to ram their vessel, forcing them to to open fire.

Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou has termed the killing "cold-blooded murder" based on an initial inquiry by Taiwan, which showed that the boat had more than 50 bullet holes and showed no signs of ramming.

The incident has sharply raised tensions between Taipei and Manila, sparking concern from Washington.

Philippine Justice Secretary Leila de Lima said Monday a National Bureau of Investigation team would fly to Taiwan to examine the fishing boat and interview survivors.

De Lima said the Taiwanese investigators would be given access to their evidence, including statements from the coastguard.

Philippine President Benigno Aquino has personally apologised for the incident but Taiwan has rejected his apology and announced sanctions.

These include a ban on the hiring of new Philippine workers, recalling its envoy and staging a naval drill in waters off the northern Philippines.

Taipei has repeatedly pressed Manila to issue a formal government apology, to compensate the fisherman's family and to apprehend the killer.

Philippine officials say the issue of a formal apology is complicated by the fact that Manila officially recognises Beijing over Taipei. - Rappler.com"
Finally, Taiwan admitted they are trespassing and illegally fishing in our waters. LMAO!


This translate to - 57 km east of Balintang island and 59 km east of Babuyan island. 144 km south-southeast of Basco ,batanes and 292 km south of orchid island(nearest Taiwanese island) and 168 km from the baseline of Luzon. This is inside the Balintang channel .officially and internationally recognized that Balintang channel is archipelagic waters of RP. A body of water between two known island territories but do not exceed 320 km apart are considered as such and part of its territory.


It clearly shows it is Philippines. This is no overlap of Taiwan's "imagined" EEZ with that of the Philippines internationally recognize territory.


These coordinates are very well sited on the PH Territory. Thank you!


You are correct, the time of asking for apology is over. The time for blockade of Luzon should begin.
Then walk the walk instead of whining for an apology from a much smaller nation. Asking for an apology is so pathetic and it makes you look so weak
Finally, Taiwan admitted they are trespassing and illegally fishing in our waters. LMAO!


This translate to - 57 km east of Balintang island and 59 km east of Babuyan island. 144 km south-southeast of Basco ,batanes and 292 km south of orchid island(nearest Taiwanese island) and 168 km from the baseline of Luzon. This is inside the Balintang channel .officially and internationally recognized that Balintang channel is archipelagic waters of RP. A body of water between two known island territories but do not exceed 320 km apart are considered as such and part of its territory.


It clearly shows it is Philippines. This is no overlap of Taiwan's "imagined" EEZ with that of the Philippines internationally recognize territory.


These coordinates are very well sited on the PH Territory. Thank you!



your point is flawed , International boundary cannot be a straight line as your showed, it always the distance from the Main Shore and not form the Island.

India has Two island system in East and west that means half of Indian ocean is under Indian territory ?? this is not correct.
An overview: Taiwanese fisherman trespasses Philippine waters , got killed because of it, (killed intentionally or not), he is also by any means truly at fault by intruding other nations waters and now they are harming, almost killing Filipinos whom having official papers to be in Taiwan and serving them there, not in any way connected with the incident and yet the Taiwanese government is justifying this retaliation on an innocent Filipinos there.

It is a no brainier that there is a possibility that you will be shot at once you intrude any nation without a permit, any nation could make a mistake of trying to protect its waters, Taiwan should simply just accept our apology and get on with it by educating its citizens not to break the law. It is actually the Philippines who should be enraged by this barbaric act. The Philippines has said it’s sorry, now Taiwan should say sorry too.

The Philippines is Archipelagic State defined as: "A State constituted wholly by one or more archipelagos and may include other islands. Archipelago means a group of islands, including parts of islands, interconnecting waters, and other natural features ...." The Philippine Island is an archipelago, consisting of so many islands, islets, and reefs are within its continental shelf.

As for the incident it's clearly in the middle of Philippines two islands. How can they claim that area is disputed if both of the islands are Philippines? Taiwan is the same as China, they are just using their self-serving document to support their false claims.


I don't care what you moronic Filipinos think, because you seem incapable of logical reasoning.

However, it does mean Taiwan may embargo the Philippines for a very long time. Think Cuba.

I don't care what you moronic Filipinos think, because you seem incapable of logical reasoning.

However, it does mean Taiwan may embargo the Philippines for a very long time. Think Cuba.
Yeah you don't care because you have no respect to international law. You don't accept logical reasons.

You are clearly a country of thieves and intellectual property pirates.
Yeah you don't care because you have no respect to international law. You don't accept logical reasons.

You are clearly a country of thieves and intellectual property pirates.

Filipinos and Vietnamese sit around eating coconuts all day

Did you read the other threads?

Six U.S. Congressmen (with some on important committees) support Taiwan's position against the Philippines.

Want me to show you the USPTO patent list again? Taiwan is fifth on the worldwide list. Your Philippines is very near the bottom. You Filipinos are like Vietnamese. You don't invent anything. You both sit around eating coconuts all day and talk trash about other people.



Greater China opens up a 2,663 USPTO-granted patents lead on Germany!

Mainland China could pass France and the U.K. in the number of USPTO (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office) granted patents by next year. Greater China comprises mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

The four largest exporters in the world (e.g. #1 China by using Greater China patents, #2 U.S., #3 Germany, and #4 Japan) are also the four largest USPTO patent holders.


Patents granted by the United States for the year 2012.

1. U.S. 134,187 patents
2. Japan 52,773
(Greater China 17,704)
3. Germany 15,041
4. South Korea 14,168
5. Taiwan 11,624
6. Canada 6,459
7. U.K. 5,876
8. France 5,857
9. China 5,341
10. Italy 2,546
India 1,733
Singapore 841
Hong Kong 739 (Patent office counts Hong Kong as a separate entity)
Russian Federation 339
Brazil 256
Malaysia 219

These countries are sometimes mentioned by the media as the "next China":

South Africa 158
Mexico 153
Poland 96
Greece 93
Argentina 67
Turkey 55
Thailand 46
Philippines 46
Ukraine 42
Chile 38
Egypt 28
Indonesia 12
Vietnam 4
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