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Taipei protests China’s new passports


Aug 27, 2011
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Taipei protests China’s new passports

Taipei joined a number of governments in the region yesterday in severely criticizing Beijing for the inclusion in newly revised passports of an outline of China that includes the entire South China Sea, hemmed in by dashes, as well as depictions of scenic spots in Taiwan — Nantou’s Sun Moon Lake and Hualien’s Chingshui Cliffs.

The change, which was first reported by the Financial Times on Wednesday, highlights China’s longstanding claim to the South China Sea in its entirety, though parts of the waters are also claimed by Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia.

China’s official maps have long included Taiwan and the South China Sea as Chinese territory, but the act of including those in its passports could be seen as a provocation since it would require other nations to tacitly endorse those claims by affixing their official seals to the documents.

Presidential Office spokesman Fan Chiang Tai-chi (范姜泰基) said President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) hoped China would not take inappropriate action to break the hard-earned stability across the Taiwan Strait.

Fan Chiang said the two famous tourist destinations are “under the jurisdiction of the Republic of China [ROC] government and not under the control of China.”

He said Ma had instructed the Mainland Affairs Council to issue a statement on the issue.

Fang Chiang said the government promotes cross-strait exchanges on the basis of “not recognizing each other’s sovereignty and not denying each other’s right to rule.”

“At present, cross-strait relations are enjoying the most unprecedented peace and stability in six decades,” Fang Chiang said.

In an unusually strongly worded statement, the council urged the Chinese government to address the issue of Taiwan’s sovereignty pragmatically.

The council said the two top tourist sites are part of ROC territory and that China’s move had damaged the mutual trust between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

“China has ignored the truth and sparked disputes by including pictures of our territory and landscape in its new Chinese passports. The ROC government will not accept its act,” it said.

“It should put aside disputes and face up to the reality. We urge it to avoid giving the impression that it is trying to change the status quo unilaterally and creating obstacles in cross-strait development,” it said.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs declined to comment on the matter. In accordance with the division of functions between government departments, China-related affairs are under the mandate of the council, ministry spokesperson Steve Hsia (夏季昌) said.

The pan-green camp said the unilateral move had “infringed on Taiwan’s territorial sovereignty” and demanded that Ma protest the move.

“This is an obvious violation of Taiwan’s territorial sovereignty and Ma and the council should immediately file protests against Beijing. If the council sits on the issue and does nothing about it, I will propose slashing the council’s budget,” Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Chen Chi-mai (陳其邁) said.

“While Ma has always been hawkish in his dealings with Japan, he has been soft on China. The move is solid proof of Beijing’s attempt to eliminate the ROC. I can’t find a reason for Ma to stay mum on the issue,” DPP Legislator Tsai Chi-chang (蔡其昌) said.

DPP Legislator Pasuya Yao (姚文智) said that Vietnam and the Philippines had both lodged protests and he condemned Beijing for “taking every opportunity to take advantage of Taiwan.”

Taipei protests China?s new passports - Taipei Times
Has HongKong govt also ridiculed the new map? .... :laugh:

Any HongKongese here ..... ?
All countries around China are sovereign States and therefore no one could dictate to them on anything that affects their countries. China thinks that these countries are her satellite countries which will never happen.
Taiwan's passionate claims to the South China Sea islands gives more credibility to China's claims as it shows that the islands where claimed by China even before 1949 and therefore before the establishment of the modern state. And counters the BS that China never claim those islands until there was oil found.
Taiwan's passionate claims to the South China Sea islands gives more credibility to China's claims as it shows that the islands where claimed by China even before 1949 and therefore before the establishment of the modern state. And counters the BS that China never claim those islands until there was oil found.

Too bad that Taiwan doesn't "passionately" claim that New York City is a part of Taiwan... since claiming anything passionately is sufficient, as per you. :laugh:

China hasn't successfully emerged out of middle ages ... perhaps, USA should have allowed Japanese in China for a few more years... atleast poor chinese would have escaped the "cultural revoluation" and Mao.. and moved into the modern world from the medieval world.

Chi tha cho wa shi Taipei shu shu !!

Are you mocking their language.. now? No problem, I also talk in mandarin:

Tho Tha phi phu kui mui shoo .... :laugh:
This is no protest。

This is a mild statement urging the Mainland not to provoke,or rather to shut up,, the DPP whose supporters brought up this issue in the first place。

Taiwan is coming around nicely。:woot:
This is no protest。

This is a mild statement urging the Mainland not to provoke,or rather to shut up,, the DPP whose supporters brought up this issue in the first place。

Taiwan is coming around nicely。:woot:

Good.. and the "mainland" will do well to adhere to the advise from Taipei and other countries.

Afterall, if you've got some dirt on your face, you have only two options - look into the mirror or take the advice from others.

If none, you end up looking stupid ... and wasting ink and paper; not say create social tensions in your own country in future.
China hasn't successfully emerged out of middle ages ... perhaps, USA should have allowed Japanese in China for a few more years... atleast poor chinese would have escaped the "cultural revoluation" and Mao.. and moved into the modern world from the medieval world.
But india wasn't so lucky so Timur and his clan became your master and father for 800 years!
Too bad that Taiwan doesn't "passionately" claim that New York City is a part of Taiwan... since claiming anything passionately is sufficient, as per you. :laugh:

China hasn't successfully emerged out of middle ages ... perhaps, USA should have allowed Japanese in China for a few more years... atleast poor chinese would have escaped the "cultural revoluation" and Mao.. and moved into the modern world from the medieval world.

You go claim New York if you want to. And by what right does India march into Goa, Pondicherry and Sikkim ? When the colonial powers left Goa and Pondicherry, India marched into those area's and not to mention Sikkim that was a protectorate of India until Indian troops march into there as well. And on what moral or legal bases did India do all of that ? India today is a colonial power held together by force just look at the numbers of insurgencies there. The People's of Kashmir, Assem, the Bodo people they all want to leave the Indian Union but are been held there by force.
Good.. and the "mainland" will do well to adhere to the advise from Taipei and other countries.

Afterall, if you've got some dirt on your face, you have only two options - look into the mirror or take the advice from others.

If none, you end up looking stupid ... and wasting ink and paper; not say create social tensions in your own country in future.

C'mon, who are the others you actually referring to? someone who has vested interest to these disputes e.g. India...

Another self-justified hero a.k.a indian, the theft who stole almost the entire land of NE that were once inhabitated and belonged to the tribal and the tibetants but were never part of hindu cilivisation until the 1950s!

And just looked at how you guys are treating them now; such as intentionally leaving their states to be unattended, providing very little funds or minimun help rendered from the central government although abundant resources are being taken away from the locals, freely allowing corruptions to breed there by allowing illegal lands acquisition by indians state run COY & MNC just for the gains for your own hindu indian interests, using special internal law to oppress the locals and curb the dissidents etc....

Indians! Unshameless race! Scum of earth! PHEWED!!!
C'mon, who are the others you actually referring to? someone who has vested interest to these disputes e.g. India...

Another self-justified hero a.k.a indian, the theft who stole almost the entire land of NE that were once inhabitated and belonged to the tribal and the tibetants but were never part of hindu cilivisation until the 1950s!

And just looked at how you guys are treating them now; such as intentionally leaving their states to be unattended, providing very little funds or minimun help rendered from the central government although abundant resources are being taken away from the locals, freely allowing corruptions to breed there by allowing illegal lands acquisition by indians state run COY & MNC just for the gains for your own hindu indian interests, using special internal law to oppress the locals and curb the dissidents etc....

Indians! Unshameless race! Scum of earth! PHEWED!!!

So, you suggest that china should not listen to saner voices outside, which are clearly warning it.

Very well, PRC won't fall peacefully like SU.. more like the fall of German and Japanese dictatorships.

Ahh.. the chinese civilians (the richer ones, atleast) are therefore anxious to move to Canada, Australia or where ever... understandable. :laugh:


Anyway, on your other thing.. search for Pragjyotisha (Assam)... to improve your geography as well as history.

Btw.. How would you like Singpur (सिंगापुर) surrounded by dotted lines around it. :laugh: :laugh:
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