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Syrian TV arrests a Jordanian terrorist during an interview MUST WATCH

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
The title might not make sense, so let me give you little background and highlights of the video since it is in Arabic..


A Jordanian terrorists who was injured by his own failed suicide bombing was taken to get treated, the whole time he was being treated he thought he was being treated by his terrorist group (while in reality he was in Syrian Army captivity)... The interviewer ( the terrorist thought he is doing an interview for his terrorist's media) starts asking him questions regarding his operations, future operations and etc... here are the highlights of this interview

Highlights: (Interviewer = I, Terrorist = T) the writing inside the () are my own comments...

I: Introduce yourself...
T: Mohammed Ismail Saleh Jadallah, from Jordan, resident of Alzarq'a ( Jordanian City) I was called Abu Ismail... he start talking about how he went into Syria through Jordan...when he got into Syria, his new name or nickname is Abu Qa'a'.... He mentions how Jubhat Alnusra is mostly made up of Jordanians, and how he was trained by a defected Tunisian military personnel..... he talks about his movement inside Syria, and how he got an operation to bomb an area in Jobar (Damascus countryside)... there were two booby trapped cars in the operation, the first terrorist was Canadian, his car exploded and it was successful, when Abu Ismail or Abu Qa'a' car exploded said he didn't know what happened, he went into a coma, thus his operation might have failed, when he woke up he found himself being treated and etc..

I: How were you treated? how were the people treating you?
T: The people were amazing, they treated me very well, for six month they treated me like no where else in this world ( remember, he doesn't know he was being treated by the government)

I: Tell me why you chose the Levant for Jihad?
T:To help our brothers, Jihadist from Germany, Saudi "Arabia", Qatar, and other places came to help their brothers... and the largest group is from Jordan, about 300 in one group..and even the Emir of Levant ( Emir of Cham) is from Alzarq'a ( his own city)

Now the interviewer asking about his resources or evidence that made him think that Syrians need help, the terrorist said the internet and YouTube.. the interviewer asked when you came into Syria, were those videos you saw on YouTube true? did you see anything like those in the videos? the terrorists said no, but I heard stories..

Now they start talking about the Jobar bombing, how they prepared, he said there were two cars, one with three tons of explosives (Canadian terrorist's car), and his car with one and half ton of explosives.. the area was filled with buses (most likely bus stop or garage, very crowded area), he said there were kids and civilians mostly... he doesn't remember much, he said he only heard kids voices and women...

I: In those bombings that were done, many Kids died...
T: If they were Muslims, they are in heaven

Interviewer asks who taught him to be religious, he said in Jordan, there is a group were studying by a Shiekh.. The shiekh taught us that we get 70 virgins in heaven for Jihad.. and he mentions how the Jordanian army abused the group's families and their kids, and abused people who were studying and etc ( Yet no Jihad in Jordan? Muslims were being oppressed, wait..... Israeli flag in Amman)....

I: After Syria, where are you going next?
T: America, Europe, Iraq, and the whole world, to implement Sharia Law..

I: we have surprises for you.. lets begin with the first one.. there is a new operation, we need for you it..
T: I'm ready for it, he start singing Alqaeda song...

I: Do you know where you are right now?
T: No I don't, I'm here somewhere in Syria, I was in a coma after the operation, and woke up here...

Minute (17:34, he gets arrested soon)
T: yes!!!???

I: After you were injured, you were arrested by the security forces...

A cop arrests him and hand cuffs him...

I: You're own group Jubhat Alnusra, didn't even care about you, they left you like that
T: Well they treated me well hereand I thought F$A was treating me... I didn't know...

I: Why didn't you choose Palestine?
T: There is no clear vision there ( What no clear vision??, Palestine is occupied)

I: In Syria there are no kuffars (infidels), there are mosques, there are prayers
T: But there is no Shaira law

I: Have you been to Syria before? how do you know there is no Muslim laws here?
T: Never been to Syria before, there are no Muslims laws like stoning people who commit adultery, and the thief would have his hand cut, like other "Arab" countries...

I: In Jordan, the thief gets that punishment?
T: no, the thief doesn't get his hand cut in Jordan... In Jordan, there is no Sharia law...

He is then jailed, and put in a rehab program.. they interview him again and he says (minute 22):

"For those shieks who send young men to die, why don't you go yourself to fight...
He apologize to the families that he killed and etc...
Watch out from those false shieks, they are false, they lie to young men, they make up stories to brainwash the young brains...

Please forgive, please forgive me.."

And these are the people of "Syrian" opposition.
Its not a revolution, and its not an uprising. Its just a terrorist infiltration with people who do not even know what they fight for except for "Jihad".

Thanks for posting Syrian Lion jan.
The terrorist himself admitted most them are foreigners, and yet they call it a "Syrian" revolution...
Nice bit of child-murderer and Al-Asshead propaganda there. Laughable really. One of the many Al-Asshead classics of recent years.

Only complete and utter idiots would believe the authenticity of such clips.

And these are the people of "Syrian" opposition.
Its not a revolution, and its not an uprising. Its just a terrorist infiltration with people who do not even know what they fight for except for "Jihad".

Thanks for posting Syrian Lion jan.

This is civil war between alawites and sunnis , in war you would do anything and remember during Iran-Iraq war you used suicide bombers and children to fight , in such scenarios you do anything Just to survive and would probably ally yourself with anyone even if its the devil.

Assad is not different than Saddam , a sectarian leader that keeps all powers in the hands of his sect after All assad father ruled through a military coup .

Thanks to Assad the Syrian social fabric has been destroyed and Israel during this period has been capable of recruiting thousands of spies from various sects Sunnis , Alawis and Christians . Even if a settlement is reach and Assad leaves sectarian attacks will continue in Syria including terrorism and suicide bombing , this country will suffer for 2 decades at least
This is civil war between alawites and sunnis , in war you would do anything and remember during Iran-Iraq war you used suicide bombers and children to fight , in such scenarios you do anything Just to survive and would probably ally yourself with anyone even if its the devil.

Assad is not different than Saddam , a sectarian leader that keeps all powers in the hands of his sect after All assad father ruled through a military coup .

Thanks to Assad the Syrian social fabric has been destroyed and Israel during this period has been capable of recruiting thousands of spies from various sects Sunnis , Alawis and Christians . Even if a settlement is reach and Assad leaves sectarian attacks will continue in Syria including terrorism and suicide bombing , this country will suffer for 2 decades at least
how is this Alasad fault? look back at 2010 Syria, it was peaceful country, very prosperours, and Syrians lived in peace, it wasn't until F$A terrorists and their masters in the west started destroying Syria...
how is this Alasad fault? look back at 2010 Syria, it was peaceful country, very prosperours, and Syrians lived in peace, it wasn't until F$A terrorists and their masters in the west started destroying Syria...

Syria was never prosperous let us not make up lies , back in 2010 Syria GDP was 2400 dollars , even drivers in UAE earn more than this .

What lead to the current crises in Syria was the water shortage that took place in 2009 as a result of Turkish Dam buildings over tigris and euhprates basins which caused 3 million Syrian farmers to lose their Jobs and abandon their villages and town. These people with no Jobs lead the protests in 2011 but ofcourse the violent government response using army instead of riot police and interference of foreign powers like Turkey , Iran and Qatar lead this conflict to turn into a full blown civil war.

Syria was never peaceful it always had ethnic tensions beneath the surface, its just because it had a strong central government is what helped keep things under control , all analysts predicted Syria to explode especially when it had 30% unemployment rate , high poverty rate and unequal distribution of income .

Syria Just has the same problems as other countries like Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen , but due to its mutli-ethnic and religious components and discrimination against various sects like kurds and sunnis by the alawi minority for 40 years is what lead things to explode in Syria .

Same happened in Iraq when saddam persecuted Shia and kurds until it exploded in 1990 after second gulf war.

The baath party has done horrible things in both Syria and Iraq under Saddam and Hafez-Al assad.

If Assad was sunni and the majority were shia then gulf would have supported Assad and Iran supported the rebels.

Sadly sectarianism is what causing conflicts in middle east and we are all responsible for it.

Both Alawis and Sunnis are victims in this war but again its hard to built trust between the two communities anymore , reconciliation will take a long time .

lets not argue on who is right or wrong now but find a solution to end this mess either through partition or Assad accepts a power sharing agreement with limited powers to ensure other sects in Syria will join in ruling to .
Syria was never prosperous let us not make up lies , back in 2010 Syria GDP was 2400 dollars , even drivers in UAE earn more than this .

What lead to the current crises in Syria was the water shortage that took place in 2009 as a result of Turkish Dam buildings over tigris and euhprates basins which caused 3 million Syrian farmers to lose their Jobs and abandon their villages and town. These people with no Jobs lead the protests in 2011 but ofcourse the violent government response using army instead of riot police and interference of foreign powers like Turkey , Iran and Qatar lead this conflict to turn into a full blown civil war.

Syria was never peaceful it always had ethnic tensions beneath the surface, its just because it had a strong central government is what helped keep things under control , all analysts predicted Syria to explode especially when it had 30% unemployment rate , high poverty rate and unequal distribution of income .

Syria Just has the same problems as other countries like Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen , but due to its mutli-ethnic and religious components and discrimination against various sects like kurds and sunnis by the alawi minority for 40 years is what lead things to explode in Syria .

Same happened in Iraq when saddam persecuted Shia and kurds until it exploded in 1990 after second gulf war.

The baath party has done horrible things in both Syria and Iraq under Saddam and Hafez-Al assad.

If Assad was sunni and the majority were shia then gulf would have supported Assad and Iran supported the rebels.

Sadly sectarianism is what causing conflicts in middle east and we are all responsible for it.

Both Alawis and Sunnis are victims in this war but again its hard to built trust between the two communities anymore , reconciliation will take a long time .

lets not argue on who is right or wrong now but find a solution to end this mess either through partition or Assad accepts a power sharing agreement with limited powers to ensure other sects in Syria will join in ruling to .
I stopped reading half way, because all of your numbers are wrong... Syria had $0 debt, and the poverty rate is very low.. and the GPI index of Syria was higher than Europe and USA... low GPD about $5000, and that makes up because free education, free health care system, and low food prices, so that makes up to it...

Compare Syria to other countries in the region, Syria is way advanced, and Syria is an open society, and there were no tensions at all between sects, I didn't even know Islam had Shia and Sunnis before Iraq 2003 war....

International Human Development Indicators - UNDP

next time check your facts, and don't make up stories about a country you know nothing but what the main stream media tells you.... have you ever been to Syria before?

And the new Constitution calls for presidential elections, and since then Alasad have been calling for elections under the UN administration, however the outside puppet opposition and their masters in the west refuse, because they know Alasad would win... Alasad wouldn't last a minute in office without the Syrian people support, a simple fact most people ignore..
:lol: Syrian lion, you still trying to gain support by parading a clown on local TV? :lol:
I stopped reading half way, because all of your numbers are wrong... Syria had $0 debt, and the poverty rate is very low.. and the GPI index of Syria was higher than Europe and USA... low GPD about $5000, and that makes up because free education, free health care system, and low food prices, so that makes up to it...

Compare Syria to other countries in the region, Syria is way advanced, and Syria is an open society, and there were no tensions at all between sects, I didn't even know Islam had Shia and Sunnis before Iraq 2003 war....

International Human Development Indicators - UNDP

next time check your facts, and don't make up stories about a country you know nothing but what the main stream media tells you.... have you ever been to Syria before?

And the new Constitution calls for presidential elections, and since then Alasad have been calling for elections under the UN administration, however the outside puppet opposition and their masters in the west refuse, because they know Alasad would win... Alasad wouldn't last a minute in office without the Syrian people support, a simple fact most people ignore..

Bro there is a difference between Nominal GDP and PPP and what matters is Nominal GDP.

Syria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are 350 thousand Syrians who were living in Egypt even before the Syrian revolution and another 0.5 million working in Jordan .

Both Egypt and Jordan are poor countries yet Syrians sought to work there and I did not add the large numbers in the gulf where they work for 300 dollars per month.

I have tons of Syrians here and if they read what you wrote about how " rich " Syria is then their reply to you would be horrible.

Syria is simply a failed state and people deserve a much better government than this, if Syria was prosperous as you claim people would have not went out against government in first place.
Bro there is a difference between Nominal GDP and PPP and what matters is Nominal GDP.

Syria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are 350 thousand Syrians who were living in Egypt even before the Syrian revolution and another 0.5 million working in Jordan .

Both Egypt and Jordan are poor countries yet Syrians sought to work there and I did not add the large numbers in the gulf where they work for 300 dollars per month.

I have tons of Syrians here and if they read what you wrote about how " rich " Syria is then their reply to you would be horrible.

Syria is simply a failed state and people deserve a much better government than this, if Syria was prosperous as you claim people would have not went out against government in first place.
I never claimed Syria to be rich, however we lived in PEACE, something you want to ignore...

and that is not true, Jordanians were dependent on Syrians ranging from electricity power and water, and there are a lot of Jordanians I know who work in Syria... and yes there are a lot of Syrians in the gulf mostly ranging doctors, teachers, restaurant workers and owners... and go ask your Syrian friends, if Syria was peaceful country, where you won't know what is neighbor or best friend religion until a wedding or funeral..

I'm done talking with you, have some respect, reported your comments many times and the PDF never done anything about insulting Syria...

how would you like it if I told where most of maid in Syria were from??
Everybody makes fun of this station :omghaha:
the whole universe, including martians... now go watch Al3brieyh report of how the Iranian plane fell in Damascus Airport and it got destroyed, or a better report of how Syria killed the Turkish pilot by executing them and taking them back to deep sea and put them back in their seats...
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