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Syrian troops restore control over Damascus-Aleppo highway


Mar 30, 2012
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The Syrian troops have restored control over the Damascus-Aleppo highway in the area of the town of Maarat-Naaman following bitter fighting with the rebels of the Jebhat an-Nousra extremist group.

A source in the Syrian Defence Ministry has refuted reports by Arab TV channels that the Khandarat Air Defence base, in the environs of Aleppo, has allegedly been captured.

The source confirmed that the area of the missile battalion deployment had indeed come under attack, but the Syrian military shattered the assault and imposed losses on the terrorists in personnel and equipment.

Syrian Air Force planes attacked the Islamists’ outposts in the city of Ras al-Ayn, near the Turkish border, killing at least seven rebel fighters.

Voice of Russia, TASS
Good one Syria, for months we have been hearing from rebels and their sympathizers oh it's only a matter of days or weeks until Dr. Assad and the Syrian government falls, that hasn't happened and in fact it is they who are being crushed. Syria is conducting a Operation Searchlight if you will, with air force capability they will always have decisive edge over the rebels.
Realtively little seen in conflict to date, SyAAF Su-22 bombing Hammouriyeh (Damascus) on 12 November

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The Syrian troops have restored control over the Damascus-Aleppo highway in the area of the town of Maarat-Naaman following bitter fighting with the rebels of the Jebhat an-Nousra extremist group.

A source in the Syrian Defence Ministry has refuted reports by Arab TV channels that the Khandarat Air Defence base, in the environs of Aleppo, has allegedly been captured.

The source confirmed that the area of the missile battalion deployment had indeed come under attack, but the Syrian military shattered the assault and imposed losses on the terrorists in personnel and equipment.

Syrian Air Force planes attacked the Islamists’ outposts in the city of Ras al-Ayn, near the Turkish border, killing at least seven rebel fighters.

Voice of Russia, TASS

If I didn't see the word "Islamists" I would of thanked this post, but its my duty as a Muslim to protect the image of my Religion, by not considering the hypocrites as Muslims I'm doing Islam a favour. Don't let any hypocrite hurt the Islamic image in your mind.

Our worsed enemy (America, England and Israel) wouldn't be supporting the insurgents in mutual benefit if they were truely Islamists. And again, If these insurgents had real Iman, they'd be driving the Jews out of Palestine, not invading a fellow Muslim country. Their to dumb to be ashamed of themselves and to afraid to attack the real enemy and push the Jews back to Europe and let the Israelites stay, the ones who were here for centuries.
If I didn't see the word "Islamists" I would of thanked this post, but its my duty as a Muslim to protect the image of my Religion, by not considering the hypocrites as Muslims I'm doing Islam a favour. Don't let any hypocrite hurt the Islamic image in your mind.

Our worsed enemy (America, England and Israel) wouldn't be supporting the insurgents in mutual benefit if they were truely Islamists. And again, If these insurgents had real Iman, they'd be driving the Jews out of Palestine, not invading a fellow Muslim country. Their to dumb to be ashamed of themselves and to afraid to attack the real enemy and push the Jews back to Europe and let the Israelites stay, the ones who were here for centuries.

Trying to drive Jews out of Palestine have cost Arabs a chunk of land every-time it was attempted and at one point entire Sinai Dessert :D :D .
The Israelite = Jews from Arabia who were expelled by Arab governments and are now happily living in Israel.

If Assad is able to successfully quell the rebellion and reach a workable solution for Syria then it will have explosive results on entire ME. So far the formula of funding Islamic terrorist to legitimize corrupt monarchies has worked well for few but these rules are about to change.
The Israelite = Jews

Thats just the common lamens knowledge blurring the differance between Israelite and Jew.

2:140 Or do you say that Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes were Jews or Christians? Say: Do you know better or Allah? And who is more unjust than he who conceals a testimony that he has from Allah? And Allah is not heedless of what you do.

The Quran confirms that none of the Israeli Prophets or tribes were Jews. What say you? Jews are imposters and so are you or just another ignorant lamen.
Thats just the common lamens knowledge blurring the differance between Israelite and Jew.

2:140 Or do you say that Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes were Jews or Christians? Say: Do you know better or Allah? And who is more unjust than he who conceals a testimony that he has from Allah? And Allah is not heedless of what you do.

The Quran confirms that none of the Israeli Prophets or tribes were Jews. What say you? Jews are imposters and so are you or just another ignorant lamen.

Sorry to say but all of that makes no literary sense.

Didn't Quran declare Jews and Christian as Ahle Kitab and made it permissible for Muslims to marry their women?
Statements like these are good for breeding ignorance.

Typical mullah attitude:

if sh1t happens it is due to Allah and Allah knows the best.

Human are utter donkeys who are left at the mercy of state controlled clergies and can be pitted in bloody wars against each other so the 0.1% elite can get fatter and powerful.

A sad but true history of Muslims!
Sorry to say but all of that makes no literary sense.

Didn't Quran declare Jews and Christian as Ahle Kitab and made it permissible for Muslims to marry their women?
Statements like these are good for breeding ignorance.

Typical mullah attitude:

if sh1t happens it is due to Allah and Allah knows the best.

Human are utter donkeys who are left at the mercy of state controlled clergies and can be pitted in bloody wars against each other so the 0.1% elite can get fatter and powerful.

A sad but true history of Muslims!

Thats the Quran your ignoring and in that you sound anti Islamic, are you sure your a pakastani in Saudi Arabia? I gave you the chapter and the verse.
Sorry to say but all of that makes no literary sense.

Didn't Quran declare Jews and Christian as Ahle Kitab and made it permissible for Muslims to marry their women?
Statements like these are good for breeding ignorance.

Typical mullah attitude:

if sh1t happens it is due to Allah and Allah knows the best.

Human are utter donkeys who are left at the mercy of state controlled clergies and can be pitted in bloody wars against each other so the 0.1% elite can get fatter and powerful.

A sad but true history of Muslims!

I don't think you a muslim

"if s__ happens it is due to Allah and Allah knows the best."

are you out of your mind....

Mind your language
On other hand yesterday a Netherlands transport plane full of NATO officers landed to Diyarbakir for discussion about where to place Patriots and workers already started digging of placement sites. :mod: Time is ticking for Assad :butcher:
I don't think you a muslim

"if s__ happens it is due to Allah and Allah knows the best."

are you out of your mind....

Mind your language

I just posted the typical mullah mindset they preach in madrassas...sorry for the overly simplistic representation but that is the best I could do to make it simple.

Thats the Quran your ignoring and in that you sound anti Islamic, are you sure your a pakastani in Saudi Arabia? I gave you the chapter and the verse.

I didnt make any reference to quran but you seem incapable of cognitive understanding. I said this is the interpretation what Mullah love to preach..!
I didnt make any reference to quran but you seem incapable of cognitive understanding. I said this is the interpretation what Mullah love to preach..!

2:140 Or do you say that Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes were Jews or Christians? Say: Do you know better or Allah?

The Quran made it so plain and simplistic, leaves no room for the guess work of interpetation, JEWS ARE NOT ISRAELITES, Stick to the subject. You say you made no reference to Quran, then you have no ground to stand on.
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