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Syria Seeks to Join Shanghai Group, BRICS

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
Syria Seeks to Join Shanghai Group, BRICS - Minister​


MOSCOW, April 27 (RIA Novosti) – Syria is seeking to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the grouping of the emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) in the future, Syria’s information minister said on Saturday.

“We would like to become one day the member of such organizations as the SCO and BRICS,” Omran Ahed al-Zouabi said at the meeting with Ilyas Umakhanov, Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council.

The minister said Syria would also like Russia to participate in the country’s reconstruction after the settlement of the Syrian crisis, which has claimed at least 70,000 lives and displaced millions in just over two years.

In the March declaration at the end of the BRICS summit in Durban, South Africa, the leaders expressed “deep concern” over the ongoing conflict in Syria and warned against any further militarization of the conflict.

Founded in 2001, the SCO comprises Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The organization consolidates efforts to counter terrorism and radicalization among member countries, and also works on other policy areas such as politics and trade.

Afghanistan, India, Iran, Mongolia and Pakistan have observer status, while Belarus, Sri Lanka and Turkey are classed as dialogue partners.

Syria Seeks to Join Shanghai Group, BRICS - Minister | Russia | RIA Novosti


Keep this thread clean... this is about Economy... anything else regarding Syria, there is thread for it...


The Syrian Information Minister Omran Ahed al-Zouabi said in a new statement at his meeting with the Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council, Ilyas Umakhanov, that Syria wants to become a member of BRICS (Brazil, India, China, Russia and South Africa) and of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in future.
Thus, Syria seeks to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as well as the membership in the emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, in short BRICS.
The Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zouabi stated at the meeting with Umakhanov (Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council) that Syria “would like to become one day the member of such organizations as the SCO and BRICS”.
The Information Minister of Syria also said that the Syrian governments would like Russia to participate in the reconstruction of the country after the settlement of the conflict and crisis in Syria.
In March, at the end of the BRICS summit in the South African city of Durban, the members have expressed “deep concerns” over the ongoing crisis and conflict in Syria and the BRICS countries also warned against any further militarization of the conflict on Syrian soil.
The SCO was established in 2001 and includes Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The SCO organization is said to perform efforts to counter terrorism, threats and radicalization among these member states. Of course, the member countries should also work together on political and economic levels. India, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Mongolia have an observer status and countries like Turkey, Sri Lanka and Belarus are classed as so-called dialogue partners of the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization).

Syria wants to join SCO and BRICS - SyriaNews


On the side note, 4 newly oil fields discovered in Syria, that can produce same as the state of Kuwait... thus Syria has the potential to join BRICS and SCO..

I don't think this is possible,

1- 100 countries have recognized the opposition as the representative of Syria.
2- Arab league recognize the opposition as the only representatives of Syrians and granted it's seat to them
3- I doubt that Brazil, India, China and South Africa would sacrifice their lucrative and fruitful relations with Arabs and the West for the troubled SAA.
4- SAA doesn't control Syria nor represent it's people.
5- SAA ergonomically and politically collapsed, yet has nothing to offer The BRICS other than being a burden and a source of troubles.
I don't think this is possible,

1- 100 countries have recognized the opposition as the representative of Syria.
2- Arab league recognize the opposition as the only representatives of Syrians and granted it's seat to them
3- I doubt that Brazil, India, China and South Africa would sacrifice their lucrative and fruitful relations with Arabs and the West for the troubled SAA.
4- SAA doesn't control Syria nor represent it's people.
5- SAA ergonomically and politically collapsed, yet has nothing to offer The BRICS other than being a burden and a source of troubles.
BRICS does not even care about AL... no one in this world does... AL is nothing but a joke..

secondly... your lies are funny..
if Syrian Army doesn't control the country... then there would be no Syria... like I said keep this thread clean...

You can't deny SAA is advancing in Homs and Aleppo... and Damascus countryside is almost done... Syria is getting clean again...
You can't join them. We have a huge amount of influence of three states out of those :p
BRICS does not even care about AL... no one in this world does... AL is nothing but a joke..

secondly... your lies are funny..
if Syrian Army doesn't control the country... then there would be no Syria... like I said keep this thread clean...

You can't deny SAA is advancing in Homs and Aleppo... and Damascus countryside is almost done... Syria is getting clean again...
Great news! I hope this come true. May it bring better international security and more prosperity for Syria.
Zende bad Soorieh! (meaning "Long live Syria!"). :)
I can see this, maybe not BRICS, cause that group is weird and makes no sense and in reality not even a group.

SCO is better in terms it serves a purpose, and people who made this group had a clear goal in mind. What is the BRICS goal that they ACTUALLY want to address?

Syria is strategically placed and once the rebellion is over, Syria can once again resume a dominate position in the middle east.

Though first thing's first, you got to get the rebellion under control.

Syrian opposition will not be recognized by China, not sure Russia, and the Arab league is a joke that not even the Arab nations recognize.

Syria will have plenty to offer. It is Syria after all, one of the centers of the Arab world.
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We don't associate ourselves with the AL. It's a true joke.
I can see this, maybe not BRICS, cause that group is weird and makes no sense and in reality not even a group.

SCO is better in terms it serves a purpose, and people who made this group had a clear goal in mind. What is the BRICS goal that they ACTUALLY want to address?

Syria is strategically placed and once the rebellion is over, Syria can once again resume a dominate position in the middle east.

Though first thing's first, you got to get the rebellion under control.

Syrian opposition will not be recognized by China, not sure Russia, and the Arab league is a joke that not even the Arab nations recognize.

Syria will have plenty to offer. It is Syria after all, one of the centers of the Arab world.
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We don't associate ourselves with the AL. It's a true joke.

I know it's not as efficient as we want, but it does have a political clout, it is more influential than many other blocks around the world which their countries rarely have the same view on anything. Economic, social and political collaboration is in rise.
@Yzd Khalifa

I prefer being optimistic, Arabs in general are known for looking into the empty part of the glass of water. Countries that have virtually nothing common formed blocks while 22 Arab countries which have many things in common are still talking about the inefficiency of AL in 2013. Yes, we do have problems, but believe me, world countries take us seriously more than we take ourselves.

Off Topic question,

What happened to Jordanian proposal to join GCC? And do you think it will join.
If you ask me I don't think so, but would like to hear your opinion.
رجاءا صديقي بدون مجاملة, انا عندما اسال اريد جواب صريح منك اخي العزيز
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I know it's not as efficient as we want, but it does have a political clout, it is more influential than many other blocks around the world which their countries rarely have the same view on anything. Economic, social and political collaboration is in rise.

You never ceased to amaze me Eagle.

The dilemma is that the AL is being infiltrated by the Zoroastrian Republic for nearly 20 years or so which makes it divided and never agreed upon taking such actions. Firstly, Take the AL inspectors during the beginning of Syrian crisis; we all know that some inspectors provided the Syrian regime with critical information. I'm sure you heard about that. Secondly, What made the AL so reluctant so much to allow the members to arm the rebels so far? What about the Jordanian economic setback due to the overflow of the Syrian refugees? I'm not gonna wait until Jordan collapses while other countries are watching, true.
That's just a drop in the ocean my man.

The EU appears to be a total joke too :D from economics and foreign policy perspectives :D
@Yzd Khalifa

I prefer being optimistic, Arabs in general are known for looking into the empty part of the glass of water. Countries that have virtually nothing common formed blocks while 22 Arab countries which have many things in common are still talking about the inefficiency of AL in 2013. Yes, we do have problems, but believe me, world countries take us seriously more than we take ourselves.

Off Topic question,

What happened to Jordanian proposal to join GCC? And do you think it will join.
If you ask me I don't think so, but would like to hear your opinion.
رجاءا صديقي بدون مجاملة, انا عندما اسال اريد جواب صريح منك اخي العزيز
I swear to God I was going to talk about the Jordanian proposal a few moments ago, I didn't update my page though so I couldn't see it.

The Saudis,Emirates,Kuwaitis,and Bahrainis are exerting a tremendous pressure on the King to join the GCC. You must also keep in mind that the Saudis have a very strong ties with the Jordanians leadership. We just signed a civil defense agreement with Jordan to convince you guys to join us.

You probably don't know about this but the HM King Abdullah mobilized two divisions in the GCC few mounts ago in Kuwait and Bahrain (; ,the Iranians didn't liked it as they keep fueling the protests in both countries ,so I guess Jordan will most certainly join the GCC soon ,and will divorce the AL :p
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You never ceased to amaze me Eagle.
What does this supposed to mean?
The dilemma is that the AL is being infiltrated by the Zoroastrian Republic for nearly 20 years or so which makes it divided and never agreed upon taking such actions. Firstly, Take the AL inspectors during the beginning of Syrian crisis; we all know that some inspectors provided the Syrian regime with critical information. I'm sure you heard about that. Secondly, What made the AL so reluctant so much to allow the members to arm the rebels so far? What about the Jordanian economic setback due to the overflow of the Syrian refugees? I'm not gonna wait until Jordan collapses while other countries are watching, true.
That's just a drop in the ocean my man.

The EU appears to be a total joke too :D from economics and foreign policy perspectives :D

I know all about this ocean. So what? break up AL? As I told you, I prefer to be optimistic. We have no other choices actually, regional and world countries are getting more influential and stronger, even those seek for regional and global alliances. Yet, if we don't get together, we would be played with. Regarding the arming part, only Iraq opposed it and Algeria had reservations, while the rest agreed.
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