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Syria Flexes it's muscle, moves tank to Turkish border and bans all Turkish

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At present, More than 250-300 Turkish M-60 tanks have been stationed on border line but All are obsolete tanks. Game challengers such as 350+ Leopard 2A4, 170 Leopard 1T Volkan and 170 M-60T have already been in West.

IMI/Aselsan M-60T Upgrade

Leopard 1T Volkan

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syria moves tanks to the border....so romantic!!...this just remind me of a line from the movie 300 ''Then we shall have our battle in the shade'' :devil:
More than enough for M48 Pattons :lol:
The Russian has a point. Even a T-55 outclasses a standard M48, though the Turkish variant has a 105mm gun rather than the standard 90mm.

Had Turkey agreed to host U.S. armor on Turkish soil nine years ago there wouldn't be an issue. Now Turkey has cause to regret its previous decision.
The Russian has a point. Even a T-55 outclasses a standard M48, though the Turkish variant has a 105mm gun rather than the standard 90mm.

Had Turkey agreed to host U.S. armor on Turkish soil nine years ago there wouldn't be an issue. Now Turkey has cause to regret its previous decision.

The Turkish army can still obliterate Assads force even with this one disadvantage.

This a blunder on Assad's part he is saber rattling and it will probably backfire on him.
The alawites are going to get a spanking....
I don't know what Asad is thinking..... Bow out gracefully and let the Syrians rule themselves.
The Russian has a point. Even a T-55 outclasses a standard M48, though the Turkish variant has a 105mm gun rather than the standard 90mm.

Had Turkey agreed to host U.S. armor on Turkish soil nine years ago there wouldn't be an issue. Now Turkey has cause to regret its previous decision.

The M48s are not even in active service, Currently main Tank Force of Turkey is M60A3 Rise Passives which is more then enough to handle any Syrian T-55s and even T-72, It could be armed with ERA within a short time if wanted to.

God i love M60s :smitten:
War with Turkey = Asad signing his own death sentence.

I don't think so. Yes, Turkey will 'win' the war, but will they actually win in the long term? Who knows what kind of things they might face in the future...
Ḥashshāshīn;3508138 said:
I don't think so. Yes, Turkey will 'win' the war, but will they actually win in the long term? Who knows what kind of things they might face in the future...

* TUAF can wipe out Asad's air force in 72 hours or less. [Much generous]
* Once Asad's army doesn't have CAS- their armor will be fried in no time.
* Once Asad's armor is annihilated, his army [80% alawites] will lose its technological edge over FSA
* Once all above aspects, are taken into account FSA would have a better chance of winning the war.
* Turkey wont send its ground troops inside Syria.
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