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Syria crisis: Britons accused of brutal killings


May 21, 2006
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Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant burned confiscated cigarettes in the city of Raqqa last month

Britons make up most of the foreign members in Syria's most violent terror group, a senior rebel leader says.

In a letter to The Times, Brig-Gen Abdulellah al-Basheer of the Free Syrian Army asks for help in curbing the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

He claims the group attacks opposition forces, not the Assad regime

UK fighters are involved in activities including beheadings, crucifixions and ill-treatment of women, he adds.

In his letter, General al-Basheer writes that ignoring the problem could lead to British extremists returning home to "continue on their pernicious path of destruction".

Last week father-of-two Mashudur Choudhury became the first person in the UK to be convicted of terrorist offences in connection with the conflict in Syria.

Using the example of Choudhury, General al-Basheer writes: "He is one of many. They are not freedom fighters. They are terrorists."

He says the majority of non-Syrian members of the "predominantly foreign" Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, a Sunni Islamist group, are from Britain. But he claims it includes fighters from Germany and France.

'Increasingly brutal threat'

He says there are also members from a range of countries across the Middle East, Africa and the Gulf and they pose an "increasingly brutal threat".

He writes: "We the Syrian people now experience beheadings, crucifixions, beatings, murders, outdated methods of treating women, an obsolete approach to governing society."

"Many who participate in these activities are British.

"The UK and US governments must support us to defeat terrorism in Syria and prevent it from being exported to Europe and the US."

General al-Basheer also claims that the group (which he refers to as ISIL, though it is also known as ISIS) kidnaps Free Syrian Army fighters and targets civilian homes in the city of Raqqa, instead of a nearby regime-controlled air base.

Tens of thousands of people have been killed in the Syrian conflict and millions displaced.

An estimated 500 Europeans are now fighting in Syria, according to theEU's anti-terror chief.

A spokesman for the Foreign Office said: "The police and security services are actively working to detect and disrupt any terrorist threat from Syria and individuals who travel there.

"People who are thinking about travelling to Syria to engage in terrorist activity should be in no doubt that we will take the strongest possible action to protect our national security, including prosecuting those who break the law."
BBC News - Syria crisis: Britons accused of brutal killings
This group is filth and the opposition is doing all it can to get rid of them. Although so does the Syrian regime need to go. Whoever said this is the first time they've seen brutal things is lying. Probably a regime supporter. The regime has done just as much atrocious things.
They are not Britons. They are Arabs.
if they are british citizen then UK govt is responsible for them. UK got a new anti terror law now, whoever goes to fight jihad against syrian govt from UK will be charged if found when leaving or on return
if they are british citizen then UK govt is responsible for them. UK got a new anti terror law now, whoever goes to fight jihad against syrian govt from UK will be charged if found when leaving or on return

I thought the UK government is a member of Friends of Syria and wants Assad gone? :coffee: I've never seen a single British rifle used by insurgents in Syria. What gives? :sick:
I thought the UK government wants Assad gone? :coffee:
but uk govt does not want british civilians involved in a war against foreign regime. The anti terror law came quite late, when they realized what is going on there might impact here (jihadis will come back and try things here)

Before the arabs freedom fighters got into afghanistan----rapes of afghan women were unheard of---rarely ever a woman was raped----but with the influx of arabs ( al qaeda ) the rapes increased to high numbers---. The afghan taliban and the pushtuns have paid a very heavy price to protect these foreigners.

I thought the UK government is a member of Friends of Syria and wants Assad gone? :coffee: I've never seen a single British rifle used by insurgents in Syria. What gives? :sick:

There was not a single american rifle used against the russians by the mujahideen----but the Ak 47 during the russian afg war.
They are not Britons. They are Arabs.

No, they are not. The vast majority of the Europeans going to Syria are not Arabs at all. They are either from the Balkans, Horn of Africa, South Asia or elsewhere from. Most do not even speak Arabic which can be seen by the videos of ISIS.

The person arrested in UK and his name "Choudhury" is not Arabic either.

90% of all Muslims in the UK are not even Arabs to begin with!

Stop bullshitting troll!


Before the arabs freedom fighters got into afghanistan----rapes of afghan women were unheard of---rarely ever a woman was raped----but with the influx of arabs ( al qaeda ) the rapes increased to high numbers---. The afghan taliban and the pushtuns have paid a very heavy price to protect these foreigners.

There was not a single american rifle used against the russians by the mujahideen----but the Ak 47 during the russian afg war.

Yeah, right.

The Arabs who only numbered a few hundred (by far most were locals) also introduced the lovely local bachi bazi custom and as we see rapes in South Asia are totally unknown even today.:lol:

Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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"al-Britani Brigade Bangladeshi Bad Boys"


Most of the so-called "British" jihadis are probably more like this typical 'British-Asian' loser:

Mashudur Choudhury: Serial liar and jihadist

A Portsmouth man accused of trying to join Islamist fighters in Syria has become the first person in the UK to be convicted of a terrorist offence relating to the conflict. A jury at Kingston Crown Court found Mashudur Choudhury guilty of preparing for acts of terrorism after a two-week trial. But what exactly was Choudhury up to - and why does this conviction matter?

If there is one thing that is true about Mashudur Choudhury, it is that he is a liar and a fantasist.

Throughout excruciating evidence in his two-week trial, the jury heard how he had:
  • faked a cancer diagnosis
  • used prostitutes abroad
  • invented a fake business
  • created multiple online personalities
But the prosecution said the accounts he had held with Twitter and other social media - written in the style of mujahideen warriors - revealed the person Choudhury really wanted to be.

The father-of-two is one of six men from Portsmouth who went to Syria in 2013. He is the only one to so far return. He claimed that he never intended to fight, but was looking for an opportunity to move his family abroad to escape what he said were failures in his home life.

Relying on a wealth of information gleaned from Twitter and other social media, prosecutors said Choudhury had broken terrorism laws because he had sought to intervene violently in the country's internal affairs for an ideological cause - the establishment of an Islamic state.

Contact on the battlefield

Choudhury's journey to Syria began in the summer of 2013, when contacted his friend Ifthekar Jaman, who had already travelled to fight.

Jaman, who had joined one of the country's jihadist groups and is now believed to be dead, gave a revealing interview to BBC Two's Newsnight programme about his experiences.

Choudhury gathered information about the conflict, asked his friend about military training and what to expect if he joined him.

Social media recovered by detectives, including tweets and other online conversations, show that Choudhury talked about dying a martyr's death.

He joked that they could form a special group of Portsmouth fighters in Syria - the al-Britani Brigade Bangladeshi Bad Boys.

Speaking from the witness box, Choudhury denied being a jihadist, saying he went to Syria looking for a better life.

He said he believed he had failed his wife after the collapse of a business venture and had ultimately constructed a series of increasingly elaborate fantasies and lies to make people feel sorry for him.

Those lies included pretending he had stomach cancer. That persuaded his sister-in-law to fund medical treatment in Singapore, and he invented other reasons for foreign holidays to escape his home life.

While in Singapore, the court heard he had hung around in Starbucks and sought out prostitutes.

Choudhury said that he was now "utterly ashamed and embarrassed" by his lies. He had considered performing "hijra" - a ritualised migration to a Muslim country - to get away from his past life, which is where Syria came into the picture.

But the prosecution said that notion of an innocent migration was just a cover story for the jury.

Journey to the frontline

In July 2013, Choudhury and other young men from the city came together in Portsmouth's Jamia Mosque to secretly plan their journey to the front line.

There is no suggestion that the mosque's authorities knew of the plan - but the trial heard that some members of the Muslim community feared the men were extremists and ultimately assisted the police investigation.

The court heard that five of the men travelled:
  • Choudhury
  • Muhammad Hamidur Rahman
  • Assad Uzzaman
  • Muhammad Mehdi Hassan
  • Mamunur Mohammed Roshid
On 8 October, the five flew from Gatwick Airport to Turkey and then went by bus to reach the border town of Reyhanli.

They met three other Britons and the group of eight contacted Jaman for help in getting over the border.

Choudhury told the court that as he travelled deeper into Syria, he saw all the signs of a war. Burned-out cars littered the highway to the northern city of Aleppo. Their Syrian driver would tell them to duck as they passed sniper positions.

Sheltering in a rebel-controlled hospital in the bombed-out city, the men ate pasta as their table shook from artillery bombardment.

Choudhury saw corpses in body bags and a man whose hand had been chopped off as a punishment.

His account then diverged from the prosecution allegations. He told the jury that while the other Britons went to join a military training camp run by a jihadist group, he had asked the Syrians to get him out - and he ultimately flew home alone.

After his arrest at Gatwick, Choudhury broke down in his police cell, sobbing about gun fire. Prosecutors say that he was recalling his training and that he had only returned because he had either lost his nerve or the fighters had rejected him.

Angry wife

But that wasn't the man recognised by Choudhury's wife, Toslima Akhtar. In emotional and angry evidence, she painted a picture of her husband as a useless fantasist who was incapable of joining the Syrian cause.

Until the start of the trial she had believed he had really suffered from cancer - and for an hour in the witness box she held forth about his failings as a husband, father and man. While she would be working all hours and looking after the children, he was lying in bed. When she was work, he would be texting her all day trying to get her attention.

When he texted her in 2013 suggesting they move to Syria, she completely flipped.

"I hate you," she replied. "You want to die in battlefield, go die. I really mean it, just go. I will [be] relieved at last."

In strong language, she told the court that she did not literally mean he should sacrifice himself on a foreign battlefield. She regarded his suggestion as yet another one of the "barmy" fantasies that had made her life a misery.

"I am telling him, 'Get lost,'" she explained. "'Go die, jump off a cliff. I've had enough.'"

While Mrs Akhtar believed her husband wasn't capable of fighting, his social media timelines were full of religious quotes about war, including arcane references to a belief held by some jihadi fighters that Syria marks the beginning of the end of the world.

Alison Morgan, prosecuting, said that while it was clear that Choudhury was a liar, he had also decided that a death on the battlefield offered him a way out of his miserable life.

"Going to fight and to be a martyr offered you a way out of yours sins, didn't it?" said Ms Morgan.

"No it did not," insisted Choudhury.

"You wanted to get away from your sins and your past?" she asked. "You were leading an appalling life. You had lied about your illness and you felt guilt and disgust - and you were terrified of the hereafter?"

"Yes," said Choudhury quietly.

Mashudur Choudhury will be sentenced on 13 June.
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