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Switching Citizenship


Feb 11, 2012
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It is with mixed emotions I want to let the fellow members know that I am giving up my Indian citizenship tomorrow and pledging my allegiance to U.S.A. U.S.A has been good to me all these 13 years and having made me what I am today, it is time I showed my loyalty to my adopted country. But I will miss India my motherland who nurtured me and laid the foundations for my success. I am grateful to these two countries.
It is with mixed emotions I want to let the fellow members know that I am giving up my Indian citizenship tomorrow and pledging my allegiance to U.S.A. U.S.A has been good to me all these 13 years and having made me what I am today, it is time I showed my loyalty to my adopted country. But I will miss India my motherland who nurtured me and laid the foundations for my success. I am grateful to these two countries.
Welcome citizen ;) how hard was the test :D
All the best hope you do a great service to your adopted country BTW can anyone tell me Why is Indian Government against dual citizenship???
Give up your citizenship - but don't give up your roots


Welcome citizen ;) how hard was the test :D

Wasn't hard as I always liked history and have visited places like Gettysburg, Saratoga, York town, Antietam. Had to brush up on the U.S constitution but later found out that you just prepare for 100 preset questions. :)

All the best hope you do a great service to your adopted country BTW can anyone tell me Why is Indian Government against dual citizenship???

Thankyou. U.S too disallows showing loyalty to other countries.
Indian at heart...Thats what matters.

I will be opening Antarctican Nationality Drive soon enough....Apply within
Good Now tell me How can i go to America and have a citizenship, Pakistan allows dual citizenship!
Why would want to paint a target on your back with that US passport lol? :undecided:
It is with mixed emotions I want to let the fellow members know that I am giving up my Indian citizenship tomorrow and pledging my allegiance to U.S.A. U.S.A has been good to me all these 13 years and having made me what I am today, it is time I showed my loyalty to my adopted country. But I will miss India my motherland who nurtured me and laid the foundations for my success. I am grateful to these two countries.

Sellout. Im just joking, but seriously don;t do it man. Think about the pro's and con;s


Wasn't hard as I always liked history and have visited places like Gettysburg, Saratoga, York town, Antietam. Had to brush up on the U.S constitution but later found out that you just prepare for 100 preset questions. :)

Thankyou. U.S too disallows showing loyalty to other countries.

No the US allows dual citizenship with certain countries. Israel/US for example. WHy doesn;t India allow this? Maybe Sonia, Rahul and other corrupt BJP bastards dont want NRI;s to come back and clean up India
Once an Indian always an Indian. Some of my relatives are US citizens too. They have PIO. It is almost like dual citizenship. Best of both worlds: a developed country and an emerging country
Congratulations Sashan!

(Take lots of pics to post here! :D )
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