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Sweden asks India to clarify arms presence in Myanmar

How dare India hand over weapons to somebody their masters dont like.. India must be punished.
Every country from US, China, India etc are involved diplomatically, militarily and economically.

Is it wrong or is myanmar some terrorist banned outfit, not a country?

Indian dicktionary:
killing of unarmed minority with the help of state machinery = heroijum

civilized (human) world dictionary:
its called terrorism
Indian dicktionary:
killing of unarmed minority with the help of state machinery = heroijum

civilized (human) world dictionary:
its called terrorism

Coming from a pakistani who were sponsoring and supporting terrorists organisation all along , it is a bit rich

sanction India for few Swedish weapons landing in the hands of Myanmar & loosing BILLIONS of dollars of weapons ordered by the biggest arms importer in the world????

EU will lose - MMRCA, Airbus A330, Hawk trainer, Nuclear reactor const., P-75I sub, 197 LUH in these embargo & I don't think EU is that insane.

You forgot to mention that the foundations of EU were erected on indian money rather world economy will collapse without Indian currency. Without Indians buying European products there will be no market for EU. LOL :rofl: your "we indians are holding worlds economy" rhetoric, is only good for a few chuckles.
You forgot to mention that the foundations of EU were erected on indian money rather world economy will collapse without Indian currency. Without Indians buying European products there will be no market for EU. LOL :rofl: your "we indians are holding worlds economy" rhetoric, is only good for a few chuckles.
wow now you got it right , economics dear, no matter how much PAK hates ultimately it ask india;s help ultimately, after Chinese engine failed , it turned to India, Turned to US for MOney....
Just one gun ? Are you kidding me . Some NE rebel kid may have stolen it from some Indian army soldier while he was peeing and it could have landed up in Myanmar. I mean , there are various ways for one weapon to land up where it shouldn't be.

Jumping to conclusions would be foolish.
Lets see if Sweden can do anything. :lol:

EU won't sanction India.
Lets see if Sweden can do anything. :lol:

EU won't sanction India.

Yes, as i said before, they can't prove a crap. But India is not being questioned alone, even Malaysia is facing this Q&A session. And Singapore has been proved to support them with shells before, despite of not having export license for that product, but they didn't do a crap to Singapore.

And before 1983, Sweden did supplied Burmese army with Carl Gustavs, so there is probability of these launchers dating back to that era.

And this is the only picture Swedish got in their hand, now tell me, where is the serial number?


Come on, the party's over. Everyone go to sleep now. :mamba:
Raids on Indian posts perhaps. The Maoists and the insurgents do it sometime.

I agree this is probably it, when the IA found out the Maoists were coming they ran like hell and the Maoists took their weapons. It happens all the time to IA. ;)
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