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Suspend Nato supply in reaction to drones: Parliamentary Committee


Sep 12, 2008
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Suspend Nato supply in reaction to drones: Parliamentary Committee

ISLAMABAD: Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS) has demanded that the United States halt drone strikes and said no compromise will be made on the sovereignty and integrity of Pakistan. The committee has declared that Pakistan suspend supplies to Nato in response to ever-increasing drone strikes.

The committee met in the Parliament here on Tuesday. Sources told Online that members of the committee expressed grave concern over increasing drone attacks and demanded that political and diplomatic pressure be mounted on the US.

Talking to the media after the meeting, committee chairman, senator Raza Rabbani, said more details were being sought with respect to the decisions taken on the matter during the Prime Minister’s recent visit to Afghanistan. The western world should take notice that Pakistan has suffered more than any other country in the war on terror, he observed. “A new tale of tragedies is being born due to this war,” Rabbani noted. “No country has suffered as many losses as Pakistan’s army and security forces.”

He said because of Pakistan’s efforts in the war on terror, the country’s economy was completely damaged and it was facing internal instability; even investments were not flowing in, he added. “The world will have to evolve a solution to this,” he said.

“We have a principled stance on drone attacks and believe they are adding to our difficulties. The government should take steps to stop these attacks and we will extend full support to it,” Rabbani underlined.

“There is complete harmony among political and military leadership on the matter of drones and the US media should not sow the seeds of hatred by continuing attacks. Drone technology should be given to Pakistan.”

Pakistan has refused to attend the Brussels conference for this reason, Rabbani reminded, adding that such steps were necessary and should be taken in the future. Senator Ishaq Dar, Waseem Sajjad, Professor Khurshid, senator Haji Adeel, Afrasyab Khattak and others attended the meeting.

Source: Suspend Nato supply in reaction to drones: Parliamentary Committee
That is a great idea, if ISAF and NATO do not understand diplomatic language. Also we need to start taxing the trucks, so we can generate revenue to repair bridges and highways.
We can't. There is an agreement in place that prevents Pakistan from placing taxes or anything. They are already paying our politicians a lot of money just to keep the wheels turning.

Some unconfirmed estimates say that Pakistan has lost nearly $60 billion, directly and indirectly through loss of trade and tourism etc., since the beginning of the war. Compare that to what our politicians have sold us for.
Suspend Nato supply in reaction to drones: Parliamentary Committee

ISLAMABAD: Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS) has demanded that the United States halt drone strikes and said no compromise will be made on the sovereignty and integrity of Pakistan. The committee has declared that Pakistan suspend supplies to Nato in response to ever-increasing drone strikes.

The committee met in the Parliament here on Tuesday. Sources told Online that members of the committee expressed grave concern over increasing drone attacks and demanded that political and diplomatic pressure be mounted on the US.

Talking to the media after the meeting, committee chairman, senator Raza Rabbani, said more details were being sought with respect to the decisions taken on the matter during the Prime Minister’s recent visit to Afghanistan. The western world should take notice that Pakistan has suffered more than any other country in the war on terror, he observed. “A new tale of tragedies is being born due to this war,” Rabbani noted. “No country has suffered as many losses as Pakistan’s army and security forces.”

He said because of Pakistan’s efforts in the war on terror, the country’s economy was completely damaged and it was facing internal instability; even investments were not flowing in, he added. “The world will have to evolve a solution to this,” he said.

“We have a principled stance on drone attacks and believe they are adding to our difficulties. The government should take steps to stop these attacks and we will extend full support to it,” Rabbani underlined.

“There is complete harmony among political and military leadership on the matter of drones and the US media should not sow the seeds of hatred by continuing attacks. Drone technology should be given to Pakistan.”

Pakistan has refused to attend the Brussels conference for this reason, Rabbani reminded, adding that such steps were necessary and should be taken in the future. Senator Ishaq Dar, Waseem Sajjad, Professor Khurshid, senator Haji Adeel, Afrasyab Khattak and others attended the meeting.

Source: Suspend Nato supply in reaction to drones: Parliamentary Committee

That is all there is to it!.. He is asking for more money!.. Govt. doesn't care about civilians or country at ALL!!
Now they woke up when the damage to the roads have been done, already.
They repair coast of motorways and highways would amount to $billions.

I think the right approach would be to cut the supply until road repair bill is not paid.
Now they woke up when the damage to the roads have been done, already.
They repair coast of motorways and highways would amount to $billions.

I think the right approach would be to cut the supply until road repair bill is not paid.

Im going to sleep, let me know when they ACT upon this plan !
Radical Islamic terrorists originally based out of Peshawar area, bin Laden et al, are the core source of misuse of religion to create bloody murder..."in the name of religion." Pakistan suffers due to this overseas Arab based Wahabbism in religion.

During my tour of duty in Pakistan, 1963-65, things were milder...although Z. A. Bhutto, General Musa, and President Ayub Khan attacked India and caused the 1965 War toward the end of my time in West Pakistan, Karachi and Peshawar were my work sites.

Yet from that era to today India has risen to the top three democratic economies in the whole world, while Pakistan has been retarded by extremists in religious identity murdering, suicide bombing, you name it.

Now the youth of SW Asia and the Midde East, and most all of North Africa want FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY, not radical Islam nor dictatorships.

Pakistan is not unique, it just happens to be on the front line with the war on terrorism in Afghanistan...and parts of northern Pakistan have been sources of and havens for terrorists who go back and forth across the Duran Line.

A stronger hope lies not in blaming others but in being loyal to the struggling democracy in Pakistan, and in realizing that separation of church and state, and repeal and discarding of the awful blasphemy law nationally is urgently called for.
It's not practical soloution plus this parliament should stop lying to our nation they ate croput and Pakistan has no power over USA let's just admit the fact drone attacks will keep on happening as long as we don't rise up against them as a nation don't ever believe a word these corrupt politicians say they are just puppets and so is the army
Radical Islamic terrorists originally based out of Peshawar area, bin Laden et al, are the core source of misuse of religion to create bloody murder..."in the name of religion." Pakistan suffers due to this overseas Arab based Wahabbism in religion.

The area your forces are attacking is not wahabis! and SECT has nothing to do with this.. STOP supporting ISRAEL (basis of AQ and other muslim's hate towards US)

During my tour of duty in Pakistan, 1963-65, things were milder...although Z. A. Bhutto, General Musa, and President Ayub Khan attacked India and caused the 1965 War toward the end of my time in West Pakistan, Karachi and Peshawar were my work sites.

Oh at last some one to be asked about 1965.. Where were you "friend" when we needed you?.. and do you think LOGICALLY (well Americans don't do that i guess) a country with less resources would ATTACK a country with greater resources and fire power?.. USE YOUR BRAIN FOR ONCE!! FGS!!

Yet from that era to today India has risen to the top three democratic economies in the whole world, while Pakistan has been retarded by extremists in religious identity murdering, suicide bombing, you name it.

You and India are the sole reason for terrorism in Pakistan, just get the hell out and we'll have a BOOMING Economy

Now the youth of SW Asia and the Midde East, and most all of North Africa want FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY, not radical Islam nor dictatorships.

Amazingly, these protests only happen in areas or countries NEEDED by USA for either STRATEGIC or FINANCIAL reasons, btw "You are WITH US or AGAINST US".. sounds like DICTATING isn't it?

Pakistan is not unique, it just happens to be on the front line with the war on terrorism in Afghanistan...and parts of northern Pakistan have been sources of and havens for terrorists who go back and forth across the Duran Line.

Again, Pakistan was NEVER source of TERRORISM... YOUR courts freed 600+ Guantanamo detainees as innocents.. its JUST WESTERN MEDIA along with INDIAN MEDIA which plays the role of "brainwashing" their people in believing so.. remember 45 min WMD plea???

A stronger hope lies not in blaming others but in being loyal to the struggling democracy in Pakistan, and in realizing that separation of church and state, and repeal and discarding of the awful blasphemy law nationally is urgently called for.

YUP!! TRUE!! AGREED!! hope doesn't lies in blaming others, it lies in kicking their @$$ out of OUR country.. and as far as OUR laws and OUR religion is concerned, YOU don't need to worry about that..
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Radical Islamic terrorists originally based out of Peshawar area, bin Laden et al, are the core source of misuse of religion to create bloody murder..."in the name of religion." Pakistan suffers due to this overseas Arab based Wahabbism in religion.

:blah: I AM SO SICK OF HEARING THIS BULLSH!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Radical Islamic terrorists originally based out of Peshawar area, bin Laden et al, are the core source of misuse of religion to create bloody murder..."in the name of religion."

Al-Qaeda wasn't formed in Pakistan, the Taliban was formed in Afghanistan by Afghan Pashtuns. So why are you falsely claiming that Islamic terrorists originally based out of the Peshawar area? It's people of your ilk that brainwash the American public spreading lies about Pakistan. It's people like you who say Pakistan & Afghanistan were involved in 9/11, & that Iraq had WMDs.
Radical Islamic terrorists originally based out of Peshawar area, bin Laden et al, are the core source of misuse of religion to create bloody murder..."in the name of religion." Pakistan suffers due to this overseas Arab based Wahabbism in religion.

The majority of the people in Pakistan are not Wahhabis at all. And if the US sees something wrong in Wahhabism, then take it up with the region where it is most concentrated instead of supporting their throne.

Yet from that era to today India has risen to the top three democratic economies in the whole world, while Pakistan has been retarded by extremists in religious identity murdering, suicide bombing, you name it.

Suicide bombing? 9/11 was the real catalyst for the turmoil we have today, sir.

Now the youth of SW Asia and the Midde East, and most all of North Africa want FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY, not radical Islam nor dictatorships.

Then please don't support those dictatorships.

Pakistan is not unique, it just happens to be on the front line with the war on terrorism in Afghanistan...and parts of northern Pakistan have been sources of and havens for terrorists who go back and forth across the Duran Line.

I don't know if the US remembers, we did want to fence the area to prevent infiltration and illegal immigrants from crossing into Pakistan, but someone objected to this plan. Who was it... ?

... and in realizing that separation of church and state, and repeal and discarding of the awful blasphemy law nationally is urgently called for.

The separation was needed for the Western countries to escape the overwhelming power of the Church that had no one to answer to. It was Europe that was stuck in the Dark Ages, not Islam.

Islam provides a complete guidance and law that everyone is subject to, even the Caliph and the religious leaders. Completely unlike the West with its Godly priests.

I don't suppose you know that insulting Jesus (Prophet Isa) and Moses (Prophet Musa) Peace Be Upon Them is also considered blasphemy. We sought to protect everyone's rights and this is why we have the Blasphemy Law.

If you truly believe in freedom of expression, then please remove the anti-Semitic laws that you have in place that only protect one group of people esp. while burning a copy of the Quran remains a constitutional right.
Denying reality and the facts does not invent truth, it proves some make up what they want the facts to be.

Here some facts about Osama bin Laden's earlier time in the Peshawar, Pakistan area. I would be glad to have a factual, not made up, report from you now as to where inside the total territory of Pakistan today, 2011, we can find Osama bin Laden. This information will earn you a huge reward.

See also: CIA-Osama bin Laden controversy
Mujahideen in Afghanistan

Bin Laden with Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir in 1997.After leaving college in 1979 bin Laden joined Abdullah Azzam to fight the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan[48] and lived for a time in Peshawar.[49]By 1984, with Azzam, bin Laden established Maktab al-Khadamat, which funneled money, arms and Muslim fighters from around the Arabic world into the Afghan war. Through al-Khadamat, bin Laden's inherited family fortune[50] paid for air tickets and accommodation, dealt with paperwork with Pakistani authorities and provided other such services for the jihad fighters. Osama established a camp in Afghanistan, and with other volunteers fought the Soviets.

It was during his time in Peshawar that he began wearing camouflage-print jackets and carrying a captured Soviet assault rifle, which urban legends claimed he had obtained by killing a Russian soldier with his bare hands.[51

Osama bin Laden was kicked out of Pakistan which is when and how he settled into Afghanistan, after the Afghan War was over.

You may also want to read Peter Bergen's book THE OSAMA BIN LADEN I KNEW for more details on bin Laden being kicked out of Pakistan, hence into Afghanistan. Before his time in Peshawar bin Laden has set up radical operations in Sudan, but was kicked out of that nation as well for using Sudan as a base to support terrorism in the Muslim world.

Read more: Osama bin Laden: Biography from Answers.com
There is no justification whatsoever of the Blasphemy Laws, nor was there any justification for the terrorists in today's Pakistan, this year, 2011, for havng murdered the Paksitani Minister of Community Affairs, himself a Christian, with a family history in Pakistan from it's founding in 1947.

There in no excuse in anything you write for use of religion as a violent, insane modern day tool of repressive, wouldbe king of the mountain religious fanactics.
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