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Surgical strike overhype did not help, says General who oversaw operations

The BJP Government has nothing to show for its tenure, not on the administrative, the financial, the external affairs or the military aspects of life in India. With particular reference to the military, it has abused the services (cf. Gadkari about the Navy, when it objected to his son being given landing rights for sea-planes), misused the services (cf. forcing the Army to build a site for that phony Art of Living Off Gullible Idiots charlatan, and then demolish it, in spite of court strictures against the environmental impact), fooled the services (cf. promised ex-servicemen the earth, the moon and the stars when seeking their votes before coming into power, and then giving them the finger with the OROP policy as finally announced) and used them as propaganda vehicles ...

Got busy, so was not in the right frame of mind to reply. But even this time the reply will be short and not enough for your intellectual appetite.

There are some voices from respectable institutions who praise some of BJP's (Modi's) efforts. What cannot be ignored is the Modi-Shah-RSS combine's overwhelming tendency to take control of all institutions and defanging them to suit their political and ideological needs.

Their assault on educational institutions especially of the ones which are strongest in humanities is appalling.

Simply blabbering about the days of Emergency is rotten since the social, political and economic situation today is different from the late 70s.

(cf. the surgical strike episode, where a procedure that had happened before was blown up and projected as one of its kind).

Hooda was directly on the spot. He and several other senior military men have complained in private and in public about the demeaning of the services by this horrible bunch of manipulators.

I do not fully disagree with the political overtones adopted by BJP, after all even Obama tried to take mileage from OBL raid. I disagree with the amount of politicisation of this event. I am sure that the Indian military conducted a few such operations before and on a smaller scale in other countries also. But openly claiming it for Pakistan is a message in itself. It also means that we are at least strong enough to publicly own responsibility about it.

But the way these BJP guys speak about it shows how shallow they are, and the public who lap such belligerent speeches. Shows the general maturity of public.

It was not too good that some politicians chose to demand proof, and and pat came an equally stupid reply that demanding such proof betrays lack of patriotism.

Western countries have taken note of this - both the action as well as the diatribe.

Wonder why Hooda kept giving interviews about the surgical strike while complaining in private - does not speak highly of him.

Have you noticed how every hysterical comment by the Pakistani members takes hype to mean untruth? Interesting.

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Got busy, so was not in the right frame of mind to reply. But even this time the reply will be short and not enough for your intellectual appetite.

There are some voices from respectable institutions who praise some of BJP's (Modi's) efforts. What cannot be ignored is the Modi-Shah-RSS combine's overwhelming tendency to take control of all institutions and defanging them to suit their political and ideological needs.

Their assault on educational institutions especially of the ones which are strongest in humanities is appalling.

Simply blabbering about the days of Emergency is rotten since the social, political and economic situation today is different from the late 70s.

I do not fully disagree with the political overtones adopted by BJP, after all even Obama tried to take mileage from OBL raid. I disagree with the amount of politicisation of this event. I am sure that the Indian military conducted a few such operations before and on a smaller scale in other countries also. But openly claiming it for Pakistan is a message in itself. It also means that we are at least strong enough to publicly own responsibility about it.

But the way these BJP guys speak about it shows how shallow they are, and the public who lap such belligerent speeches. Shows the general maturity of public.

It was not too good that some politicians chose to demand proof, and and pat came an equally stupid reply that demanding such proof betrays lack of patriotism.

Western countries have taken note of this - both the action as well as the diatribe.

Wonder why Hooda kept giving interviews about the surgical strike while complaining in private - does not speak highly of him.


The balm of Gilead.......

Heartfelt thanks on an excellent post, disagreements included.
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