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SUPARCO is sleeping! Can someone wake it up?


Dec 3, 2010
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It is such dismal situation that SUPARCO which was set up well before ISRO .. is lost like all other good things happened to Pakistan viz., BECO, Pakistan Steel Mills and PIA etc..

While India launches twenty satellites in one go and China also sends its rocket in space ... what we see in newspapers are tender notices from SUPARCO to buy tables, chairs, and multi-meters..

In the current fiscal years not a signle penny has been allocated for space program!.. Weren't we supposed to lead in the region in space program..

Dr. Abdus Slalam was founding father of Pakistan Atomic and Space program.. and because of his efforts Neil Armstrong and the whole Appolo team visited Pakistan.. but Alas we left him to die declaring him Non Muslims.. Anyways, Right now is there anything we can do to wake incompetent Parliament to focus on this area also?

Incompetent Noon League is busy in giving fake advertisements and planning (reinventing the wheel) those projects which have been planned in Beijing for Pakistan..

what an utter shame.. no university in top 100 and we are at the bottom of innovation..

Wake up Suparco Wake up! In my opinion the taking over of SUPARCO by military has also played arole in ruining it! Wake up Suparco .. reclaim your lost ground!

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The another main reason why we are lagging behind in this sector is because there are only few universities offering courses in this field
SPACE research can not be funded by
Pakistan Govt --Right now Pakistan's economy is in a very bad shape

The Pakistani Government has too many expenses
Debt Repayments; Electricity shortages--Circular Debt ; Defence; CPEC expenses
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why not give students who have the "latest" knowledge from universities, the opportunity to develope cube sattelites in an open source way ?

Today you can find open source software and hardware. Combine them in a way which suits you. Off course the is an expense for the university, but if they have 1 or 2 top projects, and the students succeed in creating it, the money might come from somewhere.
why not give students who have the "latest" knowledge from universities, the opportunity to develope cube sattelites in an open source way ?

Today you can find open source software and hardware. Combine them in a way which suits you. Off course the is an expense for the university, but if they have 1 or 2 top projects, and the students succeed in creating it, the money might come from somewhere.
people are talking about launch capability here..
SPACE research can not be funded by
Pakistan Govt --Right now Pakistan's economy is in a very bad shape

The Pakistani Government has too many expenses
Debt Repayments; Electricity shortages--Circular Debt ; Defence; CPEC expenses
Pakistan economy is healing and money is not the problem, its just that our government isnt really interested. They are wasting money on useless things. They should have setup some good institutions for this field. Usually in pakistan people are more inclined towards software, electrical & mechanical engineering. Space isnt really the priority to people either.
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