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Sunni vs. Shia: The Syrian conflict


Apr 10, 2012
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I wanted to share an article I read and get your opinions on it.

This passage was in response to the article by a man named John j. Xenakis, journalist/ analysis. He believes there is no way Syrias conflict will develop into a huge civil war.

This is his analysis of the conflict in Syria:

"A number of commentators are saying that Syria is already in the grip of a sectarian conflict between the Alawites and the Sunni Muslims. Syria's president Bashar al-Assad is a member of the Alawite group which is considered to be an offshoot of Shia Muslim. Thus, Iran and Hezbollah are supporting al-Assad and the Alawites, and Saudi Arabia and Qatar are supporting the Sunnis.

Kofi Annan remarked on Thursday that he had met with al-Assad in Damascus nine days ago, and urged him to make a strategic decision to change his path. "Clearly, all parties must cease violence, but equally clearly, the first responsibility is with the government." However, since that meeting nine days ago, two massacres have occurred, and the violence has increased.

The pattern in both massacres was the same: The inhabitants of a Sunni village or hamlet is "softened up" by shelling by the Syrian regular army, and then the Alawite gangs of "Shabiha" criminals and thugs come in and go house to house, slaughtering the everyone, including women and children.

The BBC analyst that I heard on Thursday suggested that these massacres are being driven not by al-Assad but by the Alawite Shabih thugs. Arab Sunnis are 65% of the population of Syria, but they're being ruled by an Alawite minority, and they're sick and tired of being under the boot of the minority. So the Alawites are afraid of losing their privileged position if al-Assad is forced to step down, and so they're driving the massacres in the hope of creating enough confusion that al-Assad will be able to stay on. The Alawites are the real power now, according to this analyst, and they're the ones calling in army strikes and sending in thugs to slaughter Sunnis.

From the point of view of Generational Dynamics, what we're seeing in Syria is very similar to scenarios we've seen in Iraq and Thailand. Like Syria, Iraq and Thailand are in generational Awakening eras (like America in the 60s).

In Thailand, the fair-skinned "yellow shirt" Thai-Chinese élites were the ruling minority, while the vast majority of the population were the poor "red shirt" dark-skinned laborers. In Iraq under Saddam Hussein, the Sunni minority was ruling the Shia majority. What happened in both Thailand and Iraq was that the ruling minority used brutal tactics to keep the majority under control, but the majority reasserted itself. Furthermore, this was done without a crisis civil war -- crisis civil wars never occur in generational Awakening eras.

The same thing is now happening in Syria, with the Sunni majority reasserting itself against the Alawite minority. Many people, including Kofi Annan, are talking about a huge civil war in Syria, but that can't happen in a generational Awakening era. However, the problem always was and always will be that this is not just a conflict within Syria; it's a proxy conflict between Iran and other Shias versus Saudi Arabia and other Sunnis. And the inevitable danger is not for a civil war in Syria, but that this will be the trigger for a great Shia vs Sunni war engulfing the entire region. "

This is the main article on Syria

Killings suggest Syria already in the grip of sectarian conflict - The Irish Times - Fri, Jun 08, 2012

Feels like there's much more to Syria's conflict than meets the eye?
Okay so if those 65% are against the government how come Alasad is still in power?
Here is the answer: because in Syria more then 80% support Alasad. Enough said about this civil war, this is the west's goal which is to weaken Syria without NATO or USA intervention, how will they do that? Civil war, the west and the "Arabs" supports those terrorists and start committing massacres, and every massacre is one day before UN meeting, ironic? Anyway, Syrians know better, and this civil war plan by the west have already failed.

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Your video is nearly 9 months old... And can your numbers be backed up? Or are you just stating what the Syrian news tells you?

Anyway thanks for your reply I want to hear more from Syrians in this forum.


I thinlk I found a more realistic number:

The key finding was that while most Arabs outside Syria feel the president should resign, attitudes in the country are different. Some 55% of Syrians want Assad to stay, motivated by fear of civil war – a spectre that is not theoretical as it is for thosewho live outside Syria's borders. What is less good news for the Assad regime is that the poll also found that half the Syrians who accept him staying in power believe he must usher in free elections in the near future.

It also states that most Syrian's want assad to stay for fear of civil war. That's not a very healthy relationship. This article is also a few months old mind you. I wonder how much has changed since?
Bashar Al Assad is toast. The Sunni Muslims who are the majority of Syria have had enough and it is a matter of time before this sorry excuse of a human being is yanked from his power base and brought in for trial. Or he will end up being nabbed from a SEWER PIPE like Qadhafi.:azn:
This will definitely culminate in to wider Shia- Sunni conflict and Al-Maliki will be the next but i think in Iraq they already had enough of civil war so that will be a Political ouster .
@Barrack-Obummer This is the most recent HUGE rally in Syria in celebration of Ba'ath Party Creation April 07,2012 ( this rally is two Month old)
now the next huge rally should happen in two weeks.

Now the topic here is sectarian war , well this will explain to you how we Syrians live
Truth About Syria: Quick Background- Religion
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So what do you say about the Houla and Hama massacres? Do you think this is all western propaganda too?
So what do you say about the Houla and Hama massacres? Do you think this is all western propaganda too?

Syrians don't care about the west, we know them, all they do is sanctions against people and support terrorism and pretend they practice democracy. anyways Syrians know better, if Alasad wants the people to turn against him, then yes he will commit those crimes, but seriously why would Alasad ask for more trouble? Those terrorists who came from outside can kill easily they are cold they dont care they are not their people, those terrorist whom the GCC countries and the west support.

So Syrians know better, and trust me Alasad will not last ONE HOUR in his office without the people.
Syrians don't care about the west, we know them, all they do is sanctions against people and support terrorism and pretend they practice democracy. anyways Syrians know better, if Alasad wants the people to turn against him, then yes he will commit those crimes, but seriously why would Alasad ask for more trouble? Those terrorists who came from outside can kill easily they are cold they dont care they are not their people, those terrorist whom the GCC countries and the west support.

So Syrians know better, and trust me Alasad will not last ONE HOUR in his office without the people.

I think you mouth the typical arguments of ALAWITES.

Must be scary as the day of reckoning is coming for you ALAWITES ?
I think you mouth the typical arguments of ALAWITES.

Must be scary as the day of reckoning is coming for you ALAWITES ?

Look at you being racist, lol anyway no im not Alawite, I'm Syrian, in Syria we dont have that stuff you are sunni or alawaite we only know SYRIANS.

Religion is for GOD, and the NATION is for ALL.
We are Muslims. I don't know when this Shia Sunni conflict will end. By faith we are all Muslims. It looks that some one is using the leadership of both sides for their own benefits. I can only pray that Allah should join the hearts of the Muslims. If any Sunni or Shia dies it means a death of Muslim. Why Muslims are fighting with each other ........................... ?
Syrians don't care about the west, we know them, all they do is sanctions against people and support terrorism and pretend they practice democracy. anyways Syrians know better, if Alasad wants the people to turn against him, then yes he will commit those crimes, but seriously why would Alasad ask for more trouble? Those terrorists who came from outside can kill easily they are cold they dont care they are not their people, those terrorist whom the GCC countries and the west support.

So Syrians know better, and trust me Alasad will not last ONE HOUR in his office without the people.
Not everyone in the west is a misguided puppet. Just like not every Muslim wants to strap a bomb to himself.

I realize there are terrorists in Syria trying to overthrow the govt. The US is especially concerned about Syria's biological weapons stock getting in the hands of them. There are also Syrian people out fighting govt forces. I believe most Syrian's just want their country to turn back into its peaceful self. But its ignorant to say or think that it was the west and their terrorists. This all started happening over a years ago during the Arab spring.

Have you ever thought assad is just labeling all these people as terrorists to gain support?
Not everyone in the west is a misguided puppet. Just like not every Muslim wants to strap a bomb to himself.

I realize there are terrorists in Syria trying to overthrow the govt. The US is especially concerned about Syria's biological weapons stock getting in the hands of them. There are also Syrian people out fighting govt forces. I believe most Syrian's just want their country to turn back into its peaceful self. But its ignorant to say or think that it was the west and their terrorists. This all started happening over a years ago during the Arab spring.

Have you ever thought assad is just labeling all these people as terrorists to gain support?

So the one who did the bombing in Damascus and Aleppo are peaceful people? carrying over 1000 KG of explosive is peaceful, tell me then why the West support the fighting, why doesnt stop accusing everything and stick it to the government, the west is igniting the civil war, Hillary Clinton herself said it, Syria will get its peace back when relations with Iran and Hezbollah ends, and the state dept. speaker encouraged the terrorists to not turn their weapons in and fight for "freedom" what kind of peaceful solution is USA looking for?
So the one who did the bombing in Damascus and Aleppo are peaceful people? carrying over 1000 KG of explosive is peaceful, tell me then why the West support the fighting, why doesnt stop accusing everything and stick it to the government, the west is igniting the civil war, Hillary Clinton herself said it, Syria will get its peace back when relations with Iran and Hezbollah ends, and the state dept. speaker encouraged the terrorists to not turn their weapons in and fight for "freedom" what kind of peaceful solution is USA looking for?

The UN has tried multiple times to come up with a solution to end the conflict, and everytime vetoed by Russia and China.
The UN has tried multiple times to come up with a solution to end the conflict, and everytime vetoed by Russia and China.
Yup you cal Chapter 7th a solution, are you serious? you want another WAR?? my friend look, Russia and China have blocked a solution to start WWIII. And since when calling for arming the opposition part of the UN., should we arm the Tea Party or the Wall Street occupiers, lets see you how you deal with them when they carry a gun? seriously man, in every country there is opposition at least 10%, and if those 10% ask for regime change, then we will have new presidents every where in this world for everyday.
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