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Sufi Mohammed is going against the so called peace agreement


Feb 6, 2009
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Before i post the exact New i would like to mentioned some points

According to Nizam-e-Adal Regulation 2009, Cluase 2, Definations:
"(a) “Dar-ul-Dar-ul-Qaza” means the final appeallate/revisional court, in the said area, designated as such, under this Regulation, in pursuance of clause (2) of Article 183 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan; "

Is it means, Supreme Court???
okey lets see what Clause No. 2 of Article 183 of CoIRP says

2) The Supreme Court may from time to time to time sit in such other places as the Chief Justice of Pakistan, with the approval of the President, may appoint.

Now Maulana Sufi Muhammad said
We will obey government’s decision regarding administrative issues but not in judicial matters. The decisions of Nizam-e-Shariat could not be challenged in High Court and Supreme Court.
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We will obey government’s decision regarding administrative issues but not in judicial matters. The decisions of Nizam-e-Shariat could not be challenged in High Court and Supreme Court.
Nizam-e- Shariat decisions could not be challenged in courts: Sufi Muhammad - GEO.tv

I guess the people of Swat will really appreciate that -- like some apologists for the Talib have argued that the people of Swat want Shariah -- Well one can only wish that Sharaiah will find these apologists as well.:cheers:

For Shame!, Shame!
Another One
ISLAMABAD: Pakistani Taliban will not lay down their arms in a northwestern valley as part of a deal that included the introduction of sharia law but will take their 'struggle' to new areas, a militant spokesman said on Wednesday.
officials backing the pact have said part of it was that militants would give up their arms.

But a Pakistani Taliban spokesman in the scenic valley, a one-time tourist destination 125 km northwest of Islamabad, said they would be keeping their guns.

DAWN.COM | - NWFP | Swat Taliban refuse to lay down arms
I guess the people of Swat will really appreciate that -- like some apologists for the Talib have argued that the people of Swat want Shariah -- Well one can only wish that Sharaiah will find these apologists as well.:cheers:

For Shame!, Shame!

Muse, anybody

What do you make of reports describing villagers in Swat cheering, handing out sweets etc, generally expressing their joy at the Nizam-e-Adal Regulation?

Are they in the minority? Are they just being naive? Or are they even acting under intimidation?

I'm confused. In general terms, have the people of Swat expressed their support for this regulation, or not?
I think it was quite obvious from the start that the militants had no intention of keeping up their end of the deal. They are not accountable to anybody so why should they bother?

They will keep their weapons, do exactly as they please, regroup, rearm, finance themselves by extorting the people of Swat, and continue their glorious expansion.

If anybody can post the latest opinion pieces of a certain Ahmed Rashid, one will gain valuable insight into the minds of these people.
Muse, anybody

What do you make of reports describing villagers in Swat cheering, handing out sweets etc, generally expressing their joy at the Nizam-e-Adal Regulation?

Are they in the minority? Are they just being naive? Or are they even acting under intimidation?

I'm confused. In general terms, have the people of Swat expressed their support for this regulation, or not?
They are not as 'educated' as many liberal fascists and hope that Taliban will give them what the ruling liberal fascists failed to give them in past 60 or so years. Whether Taliban can give them what they want, we'll have to wait to find out.
Sorry guys, it seems like my question has been asked - and answered - many times before. Just reading this from another thread:

dont get so carried away. the only reason y shariah got implemented in swat was bec ppl of swat wanted it and it was their main demand since 70s. there is no such demand in other parts of pakistan and therefore it wont get implemented. but once ppl in islamabad or any other part of pakistan start demanding shariah then definately no one can stop that from happening. taliban failed in bajur coz locals turned against them. taliban did manage to stay in swat coz local were with them. it all depends on where the local population stands

Although whether all of you agree is another matter...
Well if they break the deal the forces will have to be sent in again though I think that they will have to put their arms down after all they will lose popular support if they are shown as liars.
People were against Taliban in Bajaur?

From what I read the PA had to flatten quite a few villages in order to drive the Taliban out of there...
People were against Taliban in Bajaur?

From what I read the PA had to flatten quite a few villages in order to drive the Taliban out of there...

Unfortunately people are not against the Taliban because they wage war in the name of Islam but if they lie and not uphold their word people will begin to doubt them too.
Muse, anybody

What do you make of reports describing villagers in Swat cheering, handing out sweets etc, generally expressing their joy at the Nizam-e-Adal Regulation?

Are they in the minority? Are they just being naive? Or are they even acting under intimidation?

I'm confused. In general terms, have the people of Swat expressed their support for this regulation, or not?

many people of sawat migrated to other places because they didnot wanted taliban to rule on them
many people of sawat migrated to other places because they didnot wanted taliban to rule on them

Although this is a bit of a derailing of the thread but because it is your thread alot of people are also flocking into Swat to get justice after all the courts are a thousand times faster and in the locals opions better.
‘Sharia doesn’t permit us to lay down arms,’: Muslim Khan

Islamabad, Apr. 15 (ANI): Pakistani’s Taliban will not lay down heir arms in a northwestern valley as part of a deal that ncluded the introduction of sharia law but will take their struggle’ to new areas, a militant spokesman said today.

‘Sharia doesn’t permit us to lay down arms,’ Muslim Khan said by elephone. ‘If a government, either in Pakistan or Afghanistan, ontinues anti-Muslim policies, it’s out of the question that aliban lay down their arms.’

Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari, under pressure from onservatives, signed a regulation on Monday imposing sharia law n the Swat valley to end Taliban violence.

The strategy of appeasement has alarmed US officials, while ritics say the government has demonstrated a lack of capacity nd will to fight the Taliban and al Qaeda.

According to Dawn, details of the deal have not been made public ut government officials backing the pact have said part of it as that militants would give up their arms.

But a Pakistani Taliban spokesman in the scenic valley, a one-ime tourist destination 125 km northwest of Islamabad, said they ould be keeping their guns.

He said “When we achieve our goal at one place, there are other reas where we need to struggle for it.”

He further said ‘the decisions of Qazi courts will not be allowed o be challenged in any other court of the country, including the upreme Court.’

Khan said militants would go to Afghanistan to fight US-led orces if Afghan Taliban called for help.

‘Our struggle is for a cause and that’s to enforce Allah’s rule n Allah’s land. We will send mujahideen to Afghanistan if they emand them,’ he said.

Earlier, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan spokesman Muslim Khan has aid that their men would surrender arms only after they see haria enforced in Malakand division of the Sawt Valley, after NSM chief Sufi Muhammad has asked them to lay down arms after akistan President Asif Zardari approved the Nizam-e-Adl egulation.
“The Taliban should lay down weapons after the signing of the haria regulation by the president,” Sufi said while talking to eporters.
“We will do that when the Sharia is enforced and we see changes n the ground,” the Daily Times quoted TTP spokesman Muslim Khan, s saying.
“When we are satisfied with the practical steps, we will lay down eapons,” he said. He asked the Taliban to avoid displaying eapons in public in major towns of the division.
But Sufi said the Taliban should now “play their role in evelopment of the people and the area. Their demand for the mposition of sharia has been met and carrying weapons has no ogic now.”

However, the new qazi courts would not hear cases against the aliban, the TNSM chief said. “We intend to bury the past,” Sufi aid. (ANI)
Although this is a bit of a derailing of the thread but because it is your thread alot of people are also flocking into Swat to get justice after all the courts are a thousand times faster and in the locals opions better.

Yes may be you are right
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