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Sudan President's Plane Denied Saudi Fly-Over En Route to Iran

Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Sudan President's Plane Denied Saudi Fly-Over En Route to Iran

- Saudi Arabia blocked its airspace for Sudanese regime leader Hassan Al Bashir, when he tried to fly late last week to Tehran for the swearing in ceremony of their recently-elected president. This is the second case in a month, after he literally had to flee Nigeria where he attended an African Union Summit in July, after civil rights organizations went to court to get an order compelling the Nigerian government to detain him and hand him over to the ICC in Holland to stand trial, that he found his freedom to travel severely compromised and curtailed.

Saudi Arabia’s action is seen as a tit for tat reaction to Bashir getting close to Iran, after he permitted several navy visits by Iranian war ships to Port Sudan and other ports along Sudan’s Red Sea shoreline and received added support from Iran. Saudi Arabia, Iran’s main rival in the Middle East and Gulf region, has eyed these warming relations with suspicion, as the potential of the Iranians getting bases in Sudan could be seen as yet another effort to encircle the Saudi Kingdom, considering the unpredictable policies of the Ayatollah regime in Tehran and constant allegations that they might seek to produce nuclear bombs.

Hunted now for several years now by the International Criminal Court, Bashir was the first ever sitting head of state to be indicted for crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide, to stand trial in The Hague for his alleged involvement, complicity and masterminding ethnic-cleansing campaign in Darfur, as well as in the Southern states of Sudan. Campaigns of brutal repression, burnt earth policies, mass killings, rape, and looting earned Bashir the by-name of “The Butcher of Khartoum,” especially after he set loose the Janjaweed militias on the African population in Darfur.

The refusal to grant the presidential jet overflight permission was seen as both a huge embarrassment for Bashir as well as a warning not to pursue policies of alignment with Iran, or else.:butcher:

The noose around Bashir’s neck clearly seems to tighten, although the African Union has issued a directive for member states not to cooperate with the ICC in arresting Bashir, however. a more and more untenable position as a number of countries have already stated that they would execute the arrest warrant given an opportunity.

Ongoing aggression in Abyei, where a long overdue referendum on the future of the territory has been sabotaged by Khartoum, as well as similar developments in Blue Nile and South Kordofan, extending in fact into South Sudan’s territory with bombings, artillery attacks, and the use of proxy militias, has strengthened the resolve of the ICC to bring Bashir to justice, even though there are no signs of an imminent arrest.

Faced with internal dissent since the loss of more than 75 percent of the oilfields to newly-independent South Sudan, and the loss of crucial revenue from the oil pipeline after the South stopped exporting oil for an extended period, has brought opposition parties out on the streets of Khartoum and Omdurman and other cities demanding change.

Returning home with the head hanging after being refused a much publicized visit to Tehran, has not helped either and may be indicative that the circle may be closing for Bashir and restrict him to visits in Africa to accomplice states willing to still do business with him, though similar flight bans might yet happen in Africa too by countries opposed to his continued flight from justice.

Travels of a regime leader The downside of air travel when you are an ICC fugitive - eTurboNews.com

allAfrica.com: Sudan President's Plane Denied Saudi Fly-Over En Route to Iran (Page 1 of 2)
Iran-Bound Bashir Barred From Entering Saudi Airspace: Sudan
Plane Forced To Return To Khartoum
KHARTOUM, Aug 4, (Agencies): Saudi authorities have prevented Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir’s plane from entering the kingdom’s airspace, his spokesman said on Sunday. Bashir was heading to Iran, said the spokesman, Imad Sayed Ahmed. Iran and Saudi Arabia have an uneasy relationship. “Saudi authorities today barred the airplane of President Bashir which was headed to Iran from crossing into its airspace,” he said. Saudi officials were not immediately available for comment. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Araqchi said Iran was gathering more details about the incident. He did not specifically name Saudi Arabia as the country that had turned away Bashir’s plane. “We were informed by the Sudanese embassy in Tehran that one of the countries in the flight path of Mr Omar al-Bashir’s plane did not give his plane permission to fly in its airspace,” Araqchi was quoted as saying by the ISNA news agency.

“If it is true that this country took this step, it is extremely unfortunate.” Araqchi was quoted as saying that flight permissions for Bashir’s plane had been obtained in advance but that the plane was still refused entry and eventually forced to return to Khartoum. It was not clear whether Bashir was on his way to the inauguration of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, nor how his plane was prevented from entering Saudi airspace. Khartoum’s links with Iran came under scrutiny after Bashir’s regime accused Israel of an October 23 strike against the Yarmouk military factory in the capital, which led to speculation that Iranian weapons were stored or manufactured there. Israel refused all comment on Sudan’s accusation about the factory blast.

But a top Israeli defence official, Amos Gilad, said Sudan “serves as a route for the transfer, via Egyptian territory, of Iranian weapons to Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists”.Later in October two Iranian navy vessels called at Port Sudan, followed by two more in December, in what Khartoum described as a “normal” port stop. At the same time, Sudan courts Saudi investment and many Sudanese work in the kingdom, having abandoned their impoverished homeland and its economic crisis for better opportunities abroad. Bashir himself underwent minor surgery in Saudi Arabia last November.

A regional analyst predicted that barring Bashir’s plane will spark “a diplomatic crisis” between Tehran and Riyadh but will cause only a minor irritation in Saudi-Sudanese relations. “President Bashir will be upset but he needs the Saudi government. He needs money. He needs political support,” the analyst said, asking not to be named. “I think the Saudi authorities will continue to support Bashir’s regime, for sure.” Rowhani takes over from his predecessor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose provocative policies in two turbulent four-year terms left Iran isolated internationally and struggling economically.

Iran-bound Bashir barred from entering Saudi airspace: Sudan
Well , rowhani made his movement.
The first foreign message he sent after he finished with cermony was to mr. Al-Bashir and he regretted what has happened to him and thanked him very sincerely fir the thought of attending the ceremony and hoping for more tightening of Iran and Sudan ties
this is a bit low to deny airspace to a president...:disagree:

Low is all these wahabis know. Although I don't think Sudanese president is any better. Both deserve each other.

The man is charged with genocide for killing thousands of innocent civilians including Christians from the South.

Not charged, blamed. Same as your leadership. Let's hang both after due trial. Although trial should be a quick one, an open and shut case.
Not charged, blamed. Same as your leadership. Let's hang both after due trial. Although trial should be a quick one, an open and shut case.

:lol: Really?

Sudanese president charged with genocide - CNN.com

Sudanese president charged with genocide - World - CBC News

Low is all these wahabis know. Although I don't think Sudanese president is any better. Both deserve each other.

And I supposed you someone like yourself is going to tell us what we should do and shouldn't, man, WhoTF are you anyway?
I love your logic ''if i dont love and obey American Puppets ''I am not a pakistani'' if i dont agree with all puppets Kings and queenhs behavior i am jealous. :tup:
No bigge :lol:
I have no respect for your kin or for your Zoro cult.
Its like..
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The man is charged with genocide for killing thousands of innocent civilians including Christians from the South.

Keep burning with hate Zoro.

Oh come one, don't play the 'innocent lives' game here.Your country is famous for being a paradise for ousted dictators.
Saudi Arabia gave citizenship to Eidi Amin, bloodthirsty dictator of Uganda. Bin Ali of Tunisia. Treating Ali Abdullah Saleh, dictator of Yemen.
Tell that to someone who doesn't know anything.The only thing you didn't care in this incident was human lives.
Perhaps it was a noble Saudi way to show to Iran how powerful and dangerous it is. It wanted to show that it has the power to close its airspace to an official guest of Iran .Childish indeed.
Didn't you used to be a mod? You come back to the forum after you insulted Pakistanis and was stripped of your mod role?
You should be careful, I'll make you loose more if you are not careful :lol:

What are you going to do?? Enlighten me please.

Notice some thing all evil has one thing in common,one eye sheik Abdul whahab,Mullah Omar and fill in the blank----------

No bigge :lol:
I have no respect for your kin or for your Zoro cult.

Oh you who have no faith You worship what you worship and i worship what i worship.You be on your way and i will be on my way.

Saudis hating Muslims what a shocker every where one looks Islam is being associated with terrorist thanks to the worshipers of dollars.
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