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Stride 2015: Combatting China's own ''NATO'' Army, the 195th Mechanized Infantry Brigade


Aug 16, 2011
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A Great Stride Forward: China's Best Troops Take on Realistic Training
Blue on Red

By Jeffrey Lin and P.W. Singer Posted Yesterday at 2:00pm


The Blue Force


The PLA's 195th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, commonly referred to as "Blue Force" (Red is the friendly color in China) is China's go to experts on western land tactics.

Stride 2015 is this year's annual exercise where Chinese mechanized brigades are rotated to the Zhurihe Training Base in Inner Mongolia, to be pitted in grueling simulated combat against Zhurihe's resident "Blue Force". The Blue Force, the 195th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, is supposed to simulate the tactics and operations of NATO ground forces like the U.S. Army; the exercise moderators supply them with the location of visiting forces, judicious airstrikes, and the occasional nuclear strike. It's a tough slog, in Stride 2014, only one visiting brigade was able to defeat the Blue Force, at the cost of 50% casualties.


Hero Tank


One of the Red Force tanks, a ZTZ-59, took the initiative after losing contact with its main force, destroying several blue force tanks and infantry formations, while dodging 10 anti-tank missiles, and then using their disabled tank as a roadblock. Their war exercise exploits were enough to earn them a spot on a CCTV news boardcast. (Thanks to Hongjian for uncovering the clip).

This year, ten "Red Force" visiting brigades have been selected from China's seven military regions; Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Jinan, Lanzhou, Nanjing and Shenyang. Compared to more structured previous Chinese military exercises, Zhurihe focuses on finding deficiencies in PLA ground combat tactics, especially in the ability of mid level officers and NCOs to take the initiative in responding to battlefield setbacks. While the older Blue Force ZTZ-59 tanks and ZSD-63 armored vehicles incongrously represent U.S. M1A2 tanks and M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, they're made lethal through Blue Force's in depth study of NATO mechanized operations.

Laser Tag for Keeps

www.top81.cn via lt.cdjby.net

Laser beam designators (like the one installed in the barrel of this PF rocket launcher) and receivers are an essential part of modern army exercises. While not as flashy as live fire exercises, they allow for actual engagements such as tank on tank, not to mention providing more data, increased safety and being cheaper (no need to worry about for pay for live ammunition).

To simulate real time combat without actually blowing up tanks, each infantry man and vehicle at Zhurihe is equipped with a location transponder, laser transmitters, and laser receiver, similar to the U.S. Army's MILES training kit. Laser transmitters are mounted on gun and cannon barrels to be"fired" at enemy units and personnel; a successful hit will be registered by said unit's laser receiver. Transponders allow for the exercise referees to radio in the location of Red Forces to the Blue Force, simulating the usage of enemy drones and spy satellites.


Eye for the Headlines


Red Force infantry storm a civilian building during Stride 2015. The building, built in the Renaissance-Baroque style of east Asian public buildings, has drawn international attention because of its resemblance to the Presidential Office in Taipei, Taiwan. Also note that the streetlights around the building have solar panels installed.

A minor controversy made the Internet rounds this year, as footage has emerged of Red Force infantry operating around, and apparently storming a civilian building that bears a resemblance to the ROC Presidential Office in Taipei, Taiwan (in fairness, many early 20th century east Asian government buildings share the same front tower, double courtyard layout).


26th Group Army

Xinhui, via China Defense Forum

Armored vehicles from the 26th Group Army Red Force brigade manuver in Zhurihe, Inner Mongolia. The communications vehicle on the ZDB-97 IFV chassis in front (identifiable by its large topside communications dome) is an integral part of bandwidth heavy modern Chinese land warfare.

Stride 2015 is far from the only summer exercise Chinese forces have engaged in. The PLA's artillery units got their national chance to shine in Firepower 2015, while the PLAN launched a large scale amphibious landing exercise using modern hovercraft earlier this month. As PLA military exercises become more realistic, inventive and realistic, the Chinese are obviously sparing no pains to prepare for the worst
Thanks for providing us insight in PLA's OpFor training, mate. :sniper:Regarding the small arms Blue Force uses, let me take the liberty of taking a wild guess: Blue Force infantry is armed with M16/M4 clones crafted by Norinco which makes sense since the enemy force in the exercise is meant to represent a NATO mechanised formation and AR-15 derivatives are used by many allies of the US.
Thanks for providing us insight in PLA's OpFor training, mate. :sniper:Regarding the small arms Blue Force uses, let me take the liberty of taking a wild guess: Blue Force infantry is armed with M16/M4 clones crafted by Norinco which makes sense since the enemy force in the exercise is meant to represent a NATO mechanised formation and AR-15 derivatives are used by many allies of the US.

You're welcome! :cheers: The possibility of BlueFor being equipped with CQ-5.56s, NP-22 variants, Chinese M14s and/or M1911 clones and whatnot could be highly possible. However, since they made use of lasers instead of live munition, the purpose of the equipment would probably be purely for cosmetic reasons, rather than simulating real weapon performances. Judging from the article the emphasis was laid more on in depth studies of NATO troop movements and tactics, rather than the full experience. Another example is the fact that they substituted western M1A2s and M1 Bradleys with inferior ZTZ-59s and ZSD-63s for OpFor armor.
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...the ability of mid level officers and NCOs to take the initiative in responding to battlefield setbacks.
Only now you guys found that out...???
China's first Blue Army gives PLA some bitter lessons
By Liang Jun (People's Daily Online) 09:02, July 24, 2015

China's first Blue Army of the PLA (People's Liberation Army), set up in 2012, is the former armored division of the 65th Army under the Beijing Military Region. With the aim to toughening up the PLA troops by making soldiers practice as if they were fighting a real war, the Blue Army plays the enemy and conducts confrontation drills with the PLA's "red army".

It is called "prairie wolf" due to its advanced tactics and fierce combat.

During the "Stride 2014 Zhurihe D" confrontation exercise, the PLA's "red army", from seven military regions, learned some bitter lessons from their rivals. The "Blue Army" or an "opposing force" won six out of the seven battles, defeating six out of seven military regions with a winning rate exceeding 85 percentage. The "death" rate of the "red army" even reached 70 percent.

Compared to traditional armed forces, the Blue Army boasts information and a network. During the drills, they used strong electromagnetic interference and successfully cut off communication and command system of the "red army".

Besides, they carried out flexible tactics such as a surprise attack to hit the target instead of traditional large-scale group battle.

Wen Yongjun, the commander of the "red army", said frankly that this kind of Blue Army is a good opportunity for all the troops. Without tough rivals, the morale of troops cannot be inspired and the capability cannot be tempered.

At the undergoing of "Stride 2015 Zhurihe E" drills, the Blue Army still maintains a high winning percentage after the four drills.

But to build a more professional "Blue Army", it still has a long way to go.
Just a doubt if they have advanced tanks like Type 96/99 why are they using Type 59 for OpFor?
The"red army" was constantly been tactical nuked, and attacked by bio-chemical weapon, that tells you how dirty we think about the US. Worst scenario is expected by PLA, they don't believe the bullshit such as the so called western "human right" and "Geneva Conventions" nonsense.
The"red army" was constantly been tactical nuked, and attacked by bio-chemical weapon, that tells you how dirty we think about the US. Worst scenario is expected by PLA, they don't believe the bullshit such as the so called western "human right" and "Geneva Conventions" nonsense.

I dont think western are that dumb. If they first used nuke. China are not dumb to sit there and let them take the initiative. PLA will throw nuke back at them or their 7th fleet and Pearl Harbour.
I dont think western are that dumb. If they first used nuke. China are not dumb to sit there and let them take the initiative. PLA will throw nuke back at them or their 7th fleet and Pearl Harbour.
Of course, i have read some american scholar and military official warned china that use of DF-21 anti-ship ballistic missile and anti satellite weapon by china will result in a tactical nuclear response by US,lol...and you can see recently the US media is showing the B-61 tactical nuke. anyway, i believe we have shown them our response through recent exercise in SCS, which second artillery was heavily involved.;)
Of course, i have read some american scholar and military official warned china that use of DF-21 anti-ship ballistic missile and anti satellite weapon by china will result in a tactical nuclear response by US,lol...and you can see recently the US media is showing the B-61 tactical nuke. anyway, i believe we have shown them our response through recent exercise in SCS, which second artillery was heavily involved.;)
The american loves hot air. They want to escalate into end of world. Anyway, they lack the balls to do it.

Go ahead, it will not stop China from using DF-21.
The"red army" was constantly been tactical nuked, and attacked by bio-chemical weapon, that tells you how dirty we think about the US. Worst scenario is expected by PLA, they don't believe the bullshit such as the so called western "human right" and "Geneva Conventions" nonsense.

You're absolutely right. The moderators certaintly didn't go easy on the RedFor forces last year. For as far as I can remember, RedFor only had access to ground assets, whereas BlueFor / the 195th, aside from their own ground forces, were supplied with quote, ''the location of visiting forces, judicious airstrikes, and the occasional nuclear strike. It's a tough slog, in Stride 2014, only one visiting brigade was able to defeat the Blue Force, at the cost of 50% casualties.''. Sounds indeed like a worst case scenario not a single army would want to find itself into.

Have to give kudos to the 68th from Shenyang to be able to overcome these odds back in 2014! :china:


And I don't think they are going any easier this year on RedFor.
Just a doubt if they have advanced tanks like Type 96/99 why are they using Type 59 for OpFor?
It it not so much the tank as it is in how to impute certain characteristics of one tank onto another tank. It is an accepted technique of simulating enemy forces.

For example, if the tank you have can fire only 15 km range but the real enemy tank can do 20 km, then as exercise controller, each time the 'bad guy' tank shoot, you give that additional 5 km and estimate damages accordingly. There are limits, of course.

For another example, if the real enemy tank, the M1 Abrams, can make 400 km/day, but the exercise tank you have can only make 250 km/day, then in order to simulate that capability, you would have to transport the exercise tank that additional 150 km, thereby holding up the 'war', and in doing so, you introduce a false influence into the exercise because no real war is going to pause for an enemy to make up his shortcomings. To make up, you can position another exercise tank at that 400 km distance away, then after 24 hrs, you declare the enemy tank to have reach his position, simulating the day's run.

Designing a credible exercise is tough intellectual work, especially if the exercise involves a potential adversary, even if you know everything he does, which China does not know everything of how NATO wages war. Still, if the PLA is willing to go this far, it means the PLA realized serious flaws on how the PLA wages war, especially underestimation of how an adversary thinks.
It it not so much the tank as it is in how to impute certain characteristics of one tank onto another tank. It is an accepted technique of simulating enemy forces.

For example, if the tank you have can fire only 15 km range but the real enemy tank can do 20 km, then as exercise controller, each time the 'bad guy' tank shoot, you give that additional 5 km and estimate damages accordingly. There are limits, of course.

For another example, if the real enemy tank, the M1 Abrams, can make 400 km/day, but the exercise tank you have can only make 250 km/day, then in order to simulate that capability, you would have to transport the exercise tank that additional 150 km, thereby holding up the 'war', and in doing so, you introduce a false influence into the exercise because no real war is going to pause for an enemy to make up his shortcomings. To make up, you can position another exercise tank at that 400 km distance away, then after 24 hrs, you declare the enemy tank to have reach his position, simulating the day's run.

Designing a credible exercise is tough intellectual work, especially if the exercise involves a potential adversary, even if you know everything he does, which China does not know everything of how NATO wages war. Still, if the PLA is willing to go this far, it means the PLA realized serious flaws on how the PLA wages war, especially underestimation of how an adversary thinks.
You're absolutely right. The moderators certaintly didn't go easy on the RedFor forces last year. For as far as I can remember, RedFor only had access to ground assets, whereas BlueFor / the 195th, aside from their own ground forces, were supplied with quote, ''the location of visiting forces, judicious airstrikes, and the occasional nuclear strike. It's a tough slog, in Stride 2014, only one visiting brigade was able to defeat the Blue Force, at the cost of 50% casualties.''. Sounds indeed like a worst case scenario not a single army would want to find itself into.

Have to give kudos to the 68th from Shenyang to be able to overcome these odds back in 2014! :china:


And I don't think they are going any easier this year on RedFor.
Shenyang military is the most advance and best mechanized. It's no surprise they are the one only to beat blue force.
The"red army" was constantly been tactical nuked, and attacked by bio-chemical weapon, that tells you how dirty we think about the US. Worst scenario is expected by PLA, they don't believe the bullshit such as the so called western "human right" and "Geneva Conventions" nonsense.
If that is the way it was fought, then the exercise was a farce as it did not accurately visualize US tactics in a conflict with China. Also unless China is planning on attacking the US or Poland or something Nato shouldn't even be involved.

Pretty much the only thing that could activate NATO is an unprovoked attack on the US (as in the US did not physically attack first).

Japan isnt part of NATO.
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