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Stray dogs rounded up, culled in Karachi.


Aug 31, 2014
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KARACHI: The Sindh government on Wednesday rounded up and culled a significant number of stray dogs in Karachi following reports of their rising population in the city.

The dogs were laid out in the hot sun after being killed and then dumped in a rubbish pile,Daily Mail reported.

Municipal workers prepare to dispose of a pile of dog carcasses in a suburb of Karachi on February 11, 2015. PHOTO: AFP

The campaign was launched at least three years ago after officials receiving several complaints of dog bites.

These animals are generally shot dead or fed poisoned meat on the orders of the authorities.

This is so barbaric,omg .
Stray dogs rounded up, culled in Karachi – The Express Tribune
I can't post the photos,click the link.
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That looks horrible. :(
But I'm sure authorities took this action after cogitating over other ways to solve this issue, vaccination would have been expensive and too late.
This is as cruel as it get.
Such a thing is impossible in India.

Were the photographs needed ?
Very cruel. I am sure there are more humane ways to put dogs to sleep. Also beware of the dog meat products. At least for coming few weeks.

Enough said so sad .
What's the big deal, stray dogs are a menace and such cullings are carried out all over the world.
The manner they were killed .
These animals are generally shot dead or fed poisoned meat on the orders of the authorities.
poisoned food okay,but shouldn't be shot.
Stray animals are not only a health risk and dangerous to humans but also a strain on any economy. Whilst the actions taken by the authorities may sound inhumane, the culling of these animals are actually in the best interests of everybody including the animals themselves. They are most probably worm and flea infested starved animals which could turn on kids and babies as a source of food to survive. The manner of culling may be offensive to people but it all depends on the means and the affordability of the authorities to cull these animals. In first world countries lethal dart injections may be used. In Karachi, the authorities obviously couldn't afford to spend funds on such an expensive manner of culling and decided to use the most cost effective manner
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